Lebesgue coverage dimension

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The Lebesgue cover dimension (after Henri Léon Lebesgue ) is a geometrically very clear, topological characterization of the dimension .


A topological space has the dimension if is the smallest natural number such that for every open cover there is a finer open cover , so that every point from lies in at most the sets . If there is no such thing , it is called of infinite dimension.

The dimension of is denoted by. Since there are a number of other dimension terms, one speaks more precisely of the Lebesgue cover dimension.


There is an open coverage of when each is open and the union is. The overlap is called finer than when each is contained in any one .

The coverage in the above definition clearly represents a size restriction for coverage quantities . In this sense, there is always coverage for any size restriction in which at most quantities overlap. In fact, the coverage dimension for compact metric spaces can be reformulated as follows. A compact metric space has the dimension , if is the smallest natural number, such that there is an open cover for each , so that for all and each point out lies in at most the sets . Here referred to the diameter of .

The above definition is purely topological, that is, we are only talking about open sets. The Lebesgue coverage dimension is therefore a topological invariant, so homeomorphic spaces have the same dimension.


Example for the Lebesgue coverage dimension

Simple examples

  • Every finite Hausdorff space is 0-dimensional, because every point lies in a minimal open set. If the minimal open sets are, then is finer than any cover and every point lies in exactly one .
  • Every discrete space (e.g. the set of whole numbers ) is 0-dimensional, because every point lies in a minimal open set.
  • A segment, for example the unit interval , is one-dimensional. As the upper part of the adjacent drawing makes plausible, one can always find any fine open overlaps in which no more than two sets intersect. Hence the dimension . These overlaps are inevitable; it is easy to think that otherwise it could not be coherent . Hence the dimension is even .
  • The adjacent drawing also shows that flat figures such as circular areas or rectangles etc. always have any fine overlaps where each point is contained in a maximum of 3 quantities. So the dimension is . It is easy to generalize this to higher dimensions, for example a sphere has the dimension . The fact that equality does indeed exist here is a more difficult proposition that combinatorial arguments are used to prove .
  • The Hilbert cube is an example of an infinitely dimensional, compact, metric space.

Theorem (spheres, cuboids, simplizes)

Spheres , non-degenerate cuboids or non-degenerate simplices in have the Lebesgue cover dimension .

This sentence is historically significant: It was not clear for a long time whether the unit cubes in and , which are each provided with the product topology , can be differentiated for topological, i.e. whether they can be proven to be non- homeomorphic . The mathematicians were surprised when Georg Cantor had given bijective mappings between different-dimensional spaces, which, however, were discontinuous. Giuseppe Peano had constructed continuous and surjective maps from to , these were not bijective, see Peano curve . So it could not be ruled out that a clever combination of these constructions could lead to a homeomorphism between cubes of different dimensions. That this is actually not possible is shown by the above sentence, which was first proven by Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer .

Embedding set from Menger-Nöbeling

The question arises whether finite-dimensional topological spaces can be embedded homeomorphically in one , i.e. H. whether they are homeomorphic to a subset of the . As the circular line shows, the plane may be required to embed a one-dimensional space . The following sentence by Menger - Nöbeling answers the question about an upper limit for this dimension .

One- dimensional compact metric space allows homeomorphic embeddings in the .

Dimension inheritance

Is a compact metric space and a subspace so is .

With quotient spaces , i.e. H. with surjective continuous mappings, a surprising behavior results: every compact metric space is a continuous picture of the 0-dimensional Cantor's discontinuum .

If and are metrizable, then applies . Equality generally does not apply, which is a counterexample .

The following estimate, known as the Hurewicz formula, applies : If normal, metrizable and a continuous , closed and surjective mapping, then applies


Note that the above estimate for the dimension of the Cartesian product of metric spaces easily follows from this.

Comparison with other dimension terms

If a room is normal , the Lebesgue dimension is always smaller than or equal to the large inductive dimension . Equality applies to metrizable rooms.

See also


  • Wolfgang Franz : Topology. Volume 1: General Topology ( Göschen Collection. 1181, ZDB -ID 842269-2 ). de Gruyter, Berlin 1960.


  1. ^ Paul Erdös : The Dimension of the Rational Points in Hilbert Space. In: Annals of Mathematics . 2nd Series, Vol. 41, No. 4, 1940, pp. 734-736, doi : 10.2307 / 1968851 .
  2. ^ AR Pears: Dimension Theory of General Spaces , Cambridge University Press (1975), ISBN 0-521-20515-8 , Chapter 9, Theorem 2.6