Office economics teacher

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Bürowirtschaft apart from the IT -Fächern a relatively new box at economic schools. It was included in the subject canon of vocational schools in the 1960s . The presentation of technical aids and rationalization options for work processes in the office are the main goals of this subject.

While some federal states entrust the technical teachers with the office management lessons , in still other countries the commercial teachers teach this area.

Subject name

The trade names are not uniform, with " office management " is the most common name. Depending on the country or type of school, the subject is also called "office practice", "office organization", "office technology" or - albeit with a different focus - "secretarial practice".

In some school types, office management is not an independent subject, but is integrated into more complex subjects. For several years now, it has been incorporated into the subject of “information management” at commercial schools in North Rhine-Westphalia . In Hamburg many subject areas of office economics can be found in the subject of “business practice”. In Bavaria , some of the content is taught in the subject “Information Technology” by word processing teachers.

Lesson content / areas of responsibility of the teacher

Important contents of the office economics lessons are office communication with telecommunication , duplication processes , word and data processing , mail processing, records management , preparation and follow-up work at events and logging .

The job-related lessons enable students to actively deal with the requirements of their professions. The concept of action-oriented teaching can be implemented excellently here. The lessons focus on the actions of the learning group. Not only the execution of an activity, but also careful planning and critical evaluation are taken into account here.

The teacher must also understand how to motivate the class / study group. Change of method as well as changing social forms (group, partner or individual work) must be used systematically.

Paths to the teaching examination

Similar to the word processing teacher, there is no regulated training course for this subject teacher. Most interested parties are required autodidactically prepare for the exam.

entry requirements

A completed training in the professional field of business and administration, the intermediate educational qualification and a few years of professional experience are usually the minimum requirements for admission to the state examination. In addition, anyone who already has a teaching qualification can take part in the test (teachers of any type of school).

Examining body

In the larger federal states, the ministries of education generally commission the responsible district president to carry out the examination. The exam is taken before a state committee!

Taking the office economics teacher examination is possible in the states of Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate , among others . Some states (eg. B. North Rhine-Westphalia ) have no examination regulations, since the diploma commercial teacher placed the clerical class.

Job title / permissions

Those who have passed the examination receive an examination certificate and are entitled to describe themselves as a “state-certified teacher in the office industry”.

In Rhineland-Palatinate, only teachers who have also taken the exam for teachers of word processing are allowed to use this title.

Contents of the exam

Interested parties should definitely obtain the examination regulations of their federal state, as the federal states often have different requirements.

Uniformly (i.e. in all examination regulations) it is stipulated that the prospective teachers have to prove their professional as well as pedagogical aptitude.

Usually tasks from the areas of "general office management", "basics of data processing" and "text formulation" have to be worked on.

Pedagogical aptitude must be demonstrated in three ways in the teacher training examination: in the written, oral and practical teaching examination.

Public school career

Not all federal states have career rights for this group of teachers.

Some countries require the successful completion of another subject teacher examination and a preparatory service based on this. Under certain conditions the transition to civil servant status is possible.

Alternatively, there are numerous employment opportunities at commercial private schools, with private educational institutions, adult education centers, chambers and in companies.