Graduated commercial teacher

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Diplom-Handelslehrer (Dipl.-Hdl., Diplom-Wirtschaftspädagoge ) is a university degree in Germany . He was generally has a degree in business education at a university or technical university with the main fields of study business administration (BWL), Economics (VWL), legal , accounting , education , psychology and possibly electives such. B. English , German , history , theology or computer science acquired. Training and graduation were regulated by the university's examination regulations. As part of the Bologna Process , the previous diploma courses were converted into equivalent Bachelor and Master courses. The technical and scientific orientation remained largely the same.

Course content

The course was completed with a diploma thesis and entitles the holder to use the academic degree Dipl.-Hdl. , more rarely the Dipl.-Wirtschaft-Päd. The course was practice-oriented and enabled the graduates to work in schools ( secondary level II ) as well as in the university sector and in business.

The Technical University of Kaiserslautern offered training to become a certified trade teacher / technology . At the Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg there was the training to become a graduate business teacher with a focus on business informatics . In the meantime, this has been replaced by a corresponding major in business administration and business education master’s programs.

The greater part of the qualified business teachers chose the school sector and are primarily employed at business and vocational schools , vocational colleges and colleges . You teach primarily in business-related subjects such as business administration, accounting (bookkeeping and cost and performance accounting, including financial accounting), economics and other training-specific subject matter or, depending on the course, languages, for example.

In the private sector, business instructors with a degree are often employed in areas of dual training in order to impart theoretical reference points and background knowledge to the trainees.

Changeover to Bachelor and Master

With the switch to Bachelor and Master , the problem arises that the Bachelor in Business Education does not qualify for teaching at vocational schools. Thus, all Bachelor graduates would also have to complete the Master. As an alternative to a bachelor's degree focused on business education, there are also plans to do a bachelor's degree in business and economics and to focus the following master's degree specifically on business education. Since the basic studies in business education and economics have largely coincided up to now, it can be assumed that a special bachelor's degree is not or relatively rarely set up.

In front of a professional work at schools in the public sector have a one to two year's after the completed study clerkship ( traineeship ) to be completed. Thereafter, the adjustment is made with sufficient suitability and performance as a teacher .

Web links

Wiktionary: Graduate business teacher - explanations of  meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations