Leif Jensson

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Leif Jensson

Leif Jensson ( April 13, 1899 - April 18, 1948 ) was a Norwegian journalist .


He was used by Kringkastingsselskapet A / S (Die Rundfunkgesellschaft) as the first radio reporter in Nordland . Its first broadcast was on February 15, 1931. On July 1, 1933, Kringkastingsselskapet was taken over by the state broadcaster NRK . Leif Jensson was office manager and editor in Bodø from 1934 to 1940 and from 1945 until his death in 1948 .

It is noteworthy that after the attack by the Wehrmacht on Norway on April 9, 1940 (see Enterprise Weser Exercise ), the radio broadcasts from Bodø continued until the city was destroyed on May 27, 1940. During this time, Jensson became famous for spreading news and communications from the Norwegian government-in-exile on the run . He also broadcast holiday programs on May 1 and on Norwegian Constitution Day (May 17) 1940. A receiving station was set up on Rønvikfjell to receive war news and the like. a. to be able to receive from Sweden and England.

In 1944 Leif Jensson published two books under the pseudonym Leif Ytteren: Trollberg. Nordland in legend and reality as well as the children's book War and Peace in Tostrupstrasse.

Because of his pioneering position and his vivid descriptions as well as his brave deeds during the occupation, Leif Jensson is known in northern Norway to this day. A street and a small park in the western part of Bodø are dedicated to him

Web links

  • Radio report by Jensson on the occasion of the bombing of Bodø on May 27, 1940 ( Bodø bombes ; 8 minutes, 43 seconds)
  • Eloge von Thorstein these on Leif Jensson from April 18, 1948
  • Photos by Leif Jensson in the DigitaltMuseum

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Billy Jacobsen, Per Bjørn Pedersen: Leif Jensson. In: Fylkesleksikon. Retrieved October 18, 2016 .
  2. Dødelig ventetid . In: www.an.no . November 22, 2014 ( an.no [accessed October 18, 2016]).
  3. ^ Av Billy Jacobsen and Per Bjørn Pedersen: Leif Jensson. In: Fylkesleksikon. Retrieved October 18, 2016 .
  4. Leif Ytteren: Trollfjell: Nordland i sagn og virkelighet . Tell, Oslo January 1, 1944, urn : nbn: no-nb_digibok_2007062504052 (only accessible with an IP address from Norway).
  5. ^ Leif Ytteren: Krig and Fred i Tostrups gate . Tell Forlag, Oslo January 1, 1944, urn : nbn: no-nb_digibok_2008041600038 (only accessible with an IP address from Norway).
  6. Webcam with a view of Leif Jenssons plass
  7. urn : nbn: no-nb_dra_1994-12890P Access only with an IP address from Norway
  8. urn : nbn: no-nb_dra_2002-08922D Access only with an IP address from Norway
  9. digitaltmuseum.no