Lellia Cracco Ruggini

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Lellia Cracco Ruggini (born September 20, 1931 in Milan , † June 27, 2021 in Turin ) was an Italian historian with a focus on antiquity and the early Middle Ages.

Live and act

Lellia Ruggini published more than 300 works in the fields of economic and social history , the history of ideas as well as ancient and modern historiography with a special focus on the epoch between the 2nd and 7th centuries.

In 1963 she married Giorgio Cracco . The couple had two children, urologist Cecilia and lawyer Valeria Cracco. Between 1968 and 1975 she was director of the Istituto di Storia Antica in Turin , from 1963 she taught Roman and Greek history and Latin epigraphy at the Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia of the University of Turin between 1965 and 1967 as a freelance lecturer, then at the University of Pavia . Cracco Ruggini taught from 1968 to 1994 as a professor of Roman history at the University of Turin and was retired in 1995. She was co-editor of the Nuova Rivista Storica and the Rivista Storica Italiana . She was a Socia of the Accademia delle Scienze di Torino , the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei , the Société des antiquaires de France , the Institut de France , the Academia Europaea in London , the Association pour l'Antiquité Tardive in Paris and the Associazione di Studi Tardoantichi in Naples . In 1989 she became a member of the Academia Europaea. In 2010 she was elected as an external member of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres . She died in Turin on June 27, 2021 at the age of 89.

Fonts (selection)

  • Ebrei e orientali nell'Italia settentrionale fra il IV e il VI secolo D. Cr. , Pontificia Universitas Lateranensis, 1959.
  • Esperienze economiche e sociali nel mondo romano , Marzorati, 1968.
  • Strutture politiche e finanziarie della Grecia in età classica , G. Giappichelli, 1969.
  • Leggenda e realtà degli etiopi nella cultura tardoimperiale , Accademia nazionale dei Lincei, 1974.
  • with Giorgio Cracco : Changing Fortunes of the Italian City from Late Antiquity to Early Middle Ages , Loescher, 1977.
  • Vettio agorio pretestato e la fondazione sacra di Costantinopoli , Giorgio Bretschneider, 1979.
  • La Sicilia tra Roma e Bisanzio , Società editrice Storia di Napoli e della Sicilia, 1980.
  • with Alberto Broglio: Storia di Vicenza. Il territorio, la preistoria, L'età romana , Neri Pozza, 1993.
  • with Alberto Broglio: Storia di Vicenza. L'età medievale , Neri Pozza, 1993.
  • with Alberto Broglio: Storia di Vicenza. L'età della repubblica Veneta, 1404-1797 , Neri Pozza, 1993.
  • with Alberto Broglio: Storia di Vicenza. L'età contemporanea , Neri Pozza, 1993.
  • with Paolo Cammarosano: Il Patriarcato di Aquileia. Uno stato nell'Europa medievale , Casamassima, 2000.
  • Gli ebrei in età tardoantica. Presenze, intolleranze, incontri , Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2011.

Web links


  1. ^ Prof. Giorgio Cracco , website of the Vicentine Istituto di Storia .
  2. Members: Lellia Cracco Ruggini. Academia Europaea, accessed January 4, 2021 .
  3. ^ Members since 1663: Cracco Ruggini, Lellia. Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, accessed on January 4, 2021 (French, with a short biography).
  4. Lellia Cracco Ruggini. In: accademiadellescienze.it. Retrieved June 27, 2021 (Italian).