Lemma from Corrádi

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The lemma Corradi , English Corradi's lemma , named after the Hungarian mathematician Kereszyély Corradi is a theorem that the transition field of the mathematical part areas combinatorics , Graph Theory and finite geometry is attributable. The lemma provides information about the minimum number of nodes that a finite uniform hypergraph must have, if it is assumed that two different hyper-edges have a certain number of nodes in common .

Formulation of the lemma

In detail, the lemma says:

Be natural numbers and be an integer with .
Let be a uniform hypergraph, consisting of a set of nodes with nodes and a - membered family of hyperedges with nodes each .
Let it be further assumed that the number condition is always given for all intersections of two hyperedges .
(*) .


The proof of the inequality (*) results - in connection with the representation by Jukna and Lovász - by applying the method of double counting and the other inequality in the following steps:

Double counting
Upward estimate

With (4) results in particular for :


So it follows from (5) and (6) :

Downward estimate

By virtue of those inequality we get:


Again with (4) and then follows:


(7) and (9) together then result in:


Since (10) and (*) are equivalent, everything is shown.


The above inequality (*) is sharp in the sense that finite structures exist for which in the inequality (*) even the equal sign applies. An example of this is offered by every finite projective plane in which one understands its points as nodes and its straight lines as hyper-edges of a hypergraph.

Note on the history

The lemma goes back to a problem that K. Corrádi posed on the occasion of the 1968 Miklós Schweitzer competition for students .

Sources and background literature

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Stasys Jukna: Extremal Combinatorics. 2011, pp. 23, 37
  2. a b c László Lovász: Combinatorial Problems and Exercises. 1979, pp. 78,130,446-447
  3. Stasys Jukna: Extremal Combinatorics. 2011, p. 37
  4. ^ Gábor J. Székely: Contests in Higher Mathematics: Miklós Schweitzer Competitions 1962-1991. 1996, p. 10