Leoncio Fernández Galilea

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Leoncio Fernández Galilea CMF (born January 13, 1892 in Tosos , † February 15, 1957 ) was a Roman Catholic religious and apostolic vicar of Fernando Poo .


Leoncio Fernández Galilea joined the order of the Claretians and was ordained a priest on June 17, 1916 . Pope Pius XI appointed him on June 18, 1935 Vicar Apostolic of Fernando Poo and Titular Bishop of Ariassus .

The Bishop of Barcelona , Manuel Irurita y Almándoz , ordained him episcopal on September 29th of the same year ; Co- consecrators were Salvio Huix Miralpéix CO , Bishop of Lérida , and Valentín Comellas y Santamaría , Bishop of Solsona .

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