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Tosos municipality
Tosos - townscape with castle hill
Tosos - townscape with castle hill
coat of arms Map of Spain
Tosos coat of arms
Tosos (Spain)
Finland road sign 311 (1994-2020) .svg
Basic data
Autonomous Community : Aragon
Province : Zaragoza
Comarca : Campo de Cariñena
Coordinates 41 ° 19 ′  N , 1 ° 4 ′  W Coordinates: 41 ° 19 ′  N , 1 ° 4 ′  W
Height : 585  msnm
Area : 68.65 km²
Residents : 183 (Jan. 1, 2019)
Population density : 2.67 inhabitants / km²
Postal code : 50154
Municipality number  ( INE ): 50264
Website : Tosos

Tosos is a Spanish municipality and a town ( municipio ) with only 183 inhabitants (at January 1, 2019) in the southern province of Zaragoza in the autonomous community of Aragon . The municipality belongs to the poorly populated Serranía Celtibérica .

Location and climate

The place Tosos is on the Río Huerva approx. 51 km (driving distance) southwest of the provincial capital Saragossa near the border with the province Teruel at an altitude of approx. 585  m . The historically significant town of Daroca is another approx. 50 km to the south-west. The climate is temperate to warm; Rain (approx. 380 mm / year) falls over the year.

Population development

year 1857 1900 1950 2000 2017
Residents 710 865 888 200 192

The mechanization of agriculture , the abandonment of small farms and the associated loss of jobs led to a significant decline in the population ( rural exodus ) in the second half of the 20th century .


For centuries the inhabitants of the place lived directly (as small farmers or servants) or indirectly (as traders or craftsmen) from agriculture, which also included cattle breeding (sheep, goats, pigs, chickens). They worked on the land of the landlords as well as their own fields and gardens. Today many houses are rented out as holiday apartments (casas rurales) , mainly in summer .


So far, no finds have been made from the Celtiberian , Roman or Visigothic times. In the 8th century Arab-Moorish armies advanced to the north of the Iberian Peninsula . The area was after the reconquest ( reconquista ) of the city of Zaragoza in 1118 by the Aragonese King Alfonso I christian again. Later the place was temporarily in the border area between the kingdoms of Aragon and Castile ; the castle was attacked in the " War of the Two Peter ".


Tosos - Castillo de la Casaza
  • Of the Castillo de la Casaza , built on a rocky spire above the town in the 13th century , only a few remains of the wall and the lower part of the keep (torre del homenaje) remain .
  • The Castillo del Santo is another castle ruin. It dates from the Moorish times, but was later changed.
  • The church of Santa María la Mayor was built in the 16th century on the site of a Romanesque-Gothic previous building; in the 18th century the single nave interior of the church was modernized. The paintings in the formerly baroque, but now renewed altarpiece (retablo) are attributed to the Aragonese painter Blasco de Grañén (around 1400–1459) and his workshop in Saragossa.
  • The imposing ruins of the Ermita del Santo , leaning against a rock between Tosos and the neighboring town of Campo de Cariñena, date from the 12th century. It is possible that the complex was a former Cistercian monastery , but more detailed studies have not yet been carried out.

Web links

Commons : Tosos  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Cifras oficiales de población resultantes de la revisión del Padrón municipal a 1 de enero . Population statistics from the Instituto Nacional de Estadística (population update).
  2. Tosos - climate tables
  3. Tosos - population development
  4. Tosos - history
  5. Tosos - Castillo
  6. Tosos - Castillo del Santo
  7. Tosos - Church
  8. Tosos - altarpiece
  9. Tosos - Ermita del Santo
  10. Tosos - Ermita del Santo