Leopold Sorta

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Leopold Sorta (born January 31, 1891 in Sušak , Rijeka (Fiume), † October 27, 1956 in Zagreb ) was a Croatian shipbuilding engineer.


He studied mechanical engineering in Vienna and Munich , and shipbuilding at the Technical University of Charlottenburg .

After graduating in 1914, he worked in a design office and at the Ganz-Danubius shipyard (today “May 3”) in Rijeka. During the First World War, he served at the Friedrich Krupp-Germania shipyard in Kiel as an engineer for the construction of submarines and warships for the Austro-Hungarian Navy.

In 1919 he moved to Zagreb and taught at the Technical University, first as an associate professor and from 1923–1953 as a full professor. He held the colleges on shipping companies, ship theory, propellers, ship auxiliary machines and boilers. He founded and directed a laboratory for mechanical engineering and shipbuilding and built up an extensive library.


  • Teorija broda (The theory of the ship), 2 parts


  • Pomorska enciklopedija; Volume 7; P. 424

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