Liesel Linn

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Liesel Linn (* 1927 ) is a German writer and translator .


Liesel Linn worked as a social worker in a Cologne hospital . She later married a general practitioner ; she was a housewife and worked in her husband's practice. Today she lives in Ittenbach in the Siebengebirge .

Liesel Linn has been translating children's and young people's books from Dutch into German since the 1980s . She also published two volumes of her own poems .


  • I am so happy that I am Siegburg 2003
  • Life is so wonderfully mixed , Siegburg 2008


  • Piet van der Bruggen : ... I wish you a speedy recovery , Freiburg im Breisgau [u. a.] 1987
  • Nicolaas GM van Doornik : Katharina von Siena , Freiburg im Breisgau [u. a.] 1980
  • Tonke Dragt : The Letter for the King , Weinheim 1998 (translated together with Gottfried Bartjes)
  • Tonke Dragt: The secret of the seventh way , Weinheim [u. a.] 1984
  • Tonke Dragt: The watchmaker's secret or Time will teach you or time will teach you , Stuttgart 1992
  • Tonke Dragt: The goldsmith and the thief , Stuttgart 1986
  • Tonke Dragt: Tigeraugen , Stuttgart 1997
  • Tonke Dragt: The Towers of February . Weinheim: Beltz 1983.
  • Tonke Dragt: Towering high and miles wide , Stuttgart 1996
  • Tonke Dragt: What nobody knows , Stuttgart 2008
  • Karel Eykman : The festival , Freiburg im Breisgau [u. a.] 1983
  • Liesbeth van Lennep : Take care, Martina! or The cheerful hospital , Freiburg im Breisgau [u. a.] 1981
  • Lydia Rood : Erin , Weinheim [u. a.] 2000
  • Mariette Vanhalewijn : My world should be more beautiful , Freiburg im Br. a.] 1984
  • Dolf de Vries : Tomorrow comes Miguel , Mödling [u. a.] 1992

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