List of deputies in the Moravian Parliament 1890–1896

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This list names the members of the Moravian Parliament in the sixth electoral period 1890–1896.

State Committee

function MP annotation
Governor Count Felix Vetter of the Lily Chamberlain, Captain a. D. and landowner
Deputy Governor Franz Aloys Ritter von Šrom Member of the Imperial Court and Imperial Council
Assessor Count Heinrich Belrupt -Tissac
Assessor Joseph Fanderlik Dr. jur., lawyer
Assessor Carl Frendl Dr. jur., notary
Assessor Hugo Ritter von Manner Dr. jur., landowner
Assessor Adolph Promber Dr. jur., lawyer
Assessor Franz Aloys Ritter von Šrom Dr. jur., lawyer


Curia Constituency MP annotation
Virile voice 0 Friedrich Landgrave von Fürstenberg Prince-Archbishop of Olomouc
Virile voice 0 Francis of Sales Bauer Bishop of Brno
Large estates Entity owner Count Egbert Belcredi Landowner in Lösch
Large estates Entity owner Count Ludwig Belcredi Dr.
Large estates Entity owner Benedict Korčian Abbot and prelate in Raigern
Large estates Entity owner Count Otto Serényi
Large estates Entity owner Count Ferdinand Spiegel vonhabenberg
Large estates Rest Joseph Aresin -Faiton Landowner
Large estates Rest Baron Alfred von Baillou
Large estates Rest Count Heinrich Belrupt-Tissac
Large estates Rest Count Sigmund Berchtold Privy councilor
Large estates Rest Johann Ritter von Chlumecky Privy councilor
Large estates Rest Count Adolph Dubský of Trzebomyslitz Chamberlain
Large estates Rest Count Guido Dubsky Landowner
Large estates Rest Baron Joseph Eichoff Privy councilor
Large estates Rest Ludwig Frankl Landowner
Large estates Rest Count August Friess Landowner
Large estates Rest Count Ludwig Herberstein Landowner
Large estates Rest Baron Franz von Hopfen Landowner
Large estates Rest Count Friedrich Jenisson-Wallworth Landowner
Large estates Rest Baron Hubert von Klein
Large estates Rest Baron Max Kübeck zu Kübau
Large estates Rest Baron Olivier of Loudon Landowner
Large estates Rest Hugo Ritter von Manner Landowner
Large estates Rest Freiherr Theodor von Podstatzky toners Landowner
Large estates Rest Baron Carl Seydel Landowner
Large estates Rest Baron Alfred Skene jun. Landowner
Large estates Rest Baron Ludwig von Stahl Landowner
Large estates Rest Eduard Ulrich Dr., landowner
Large estates Rest Count Felix Vetter of the Lily Chamberlain, Captain a. D. and landowner
Large estates Rest Count Carl Zierotin Landowner
State capital Brno 0 Gustav Winterholler Mayor of Brno
State capital Brno 0 Christian Ritter von d'Elvert p. HR, City Council in Brno
State capital Brno 0 Ludwig Merores Dr. jur., lawyer in Brno
State capital Brno 0 Carl Reissig Lawyer in Brno
Chamber of Commerce and Industry Brno Rudolph Auspitz Sugar factory owner in Rohatetz
Chamber of Commerce and Industry Brno Julius Gomperz President of the Chamber in Brno
Chamber of Commerce and Industry Brno Moriz Ritter von Bauer Factory in Brno
Chamber of Commerce and Industry Olomouc Carl Brandhuber Local council in Olomouc
Chamber of Commerce and Industry Olomouc Emanuel Ritter von Proskowetz Factory owner in Kwassitz
Chamber of Commerce and Industry Olomouc Anton Schmidt Paper manufacturer in Groß-Ullersdorf
Cities and industrial places 1. Olomouc August Weeber Dr. jur., lawyer in Olomouc
Cities and industrial places 2. Iglau Fritz Popelak Mayor of Jihlava
Cities and industrial places 3. Kremsier Adalbert Kulp Mayor in Kremsier
Cities and industrial places 4. Nikolsburg Carl goodbye Leather manufacturer in Nikolsburg
Cities and industrial places 5. Prossnitz with Deutsch-Brodek Johann Zajiček Mayor in Prossnitz
Cities and industrial places 6. Sternberg Emil Noha Dr., Mayor of Sternberg
Cities and industrial places 7. Znojmo Johann Haase Znojmo municipal council
Cities and industrial places 8. Cloudiness Carl Frendl Dr. jur. Notary in Brno
Cities and industrial places 9. Auspitz Eduard Schleymayer Mayor in Auspitz
Cities and industrial places 10. Boskowitz Johann Žáček Lawyer in Olomouc
Cities and industrial places 11. Gaya Baron Ottokar von Pražák Lawyer in Brno
Cities and industrial places 12. Hungarian Hradish Joseph Stanzl Pharmacist in Hungarian Hradish
Cities and industrial places 13. Holleschau Carl Bubela Wholesaler in Wsetin
Cities and industrial places 14. Hungarian bread Franz Eliaš District judge in Hungarian Brod
Cities and industrial places 15. Trebic Anton Ritter von Meznik Councilor in Vienna
Cities and industrial places 16. Datschitz Joseph Podbrdský District judge in Telč
Cities and industrial places 17. Neustadtl Joseph Fanderlik Dr. jur., lawyer in Olomouc
Cities and industrial places 18. Neutit certificate Hugo Fux Dr. jur., mayor in Neutitschein
Cities and industrial places 19. Freiberg Franz Peřina Mayor of Freiberg
Cities and industrial places 20. Moravian-Ostrava Adalbert Johanny Dr., Mayor of Moravian-Ostrava
Cities and industrial places 21. Weisskirchen Adolph Promber Lawyer in Brno
Cities and industrial places 22. Moravian New Town Eduard Kessler Real estate owner in Mährisch-Neustadt
Cities and industrial places 23. Prerau Franz Stěpa Mayor in Prerau
Cities and industrial places 24. Schoenberg Friedrich Ritter von Tersch Mayor of Schönberg
Cities and industrial places 25th yard Hans Lichtblau Landowner in Bärn
Cities and industrial places 26. Müglitz Bruno Steinbrecher Dr. jur., notary in Schönberg
Cities and industrial places 27. Kromau Carl Panowsky Real estate owner in Eibenschitz
Rural communities 1. Brno Joseph Koudela Attorney in Prossnitz
Rural communities 2. Tischnowitz Franz Beneš Administrator in the pre-monastery
Rural communities 3. Cloudiness Ferdinand Weigel Community council in Dittersdorf
Rural communities 4. Boskowitz Baron Alois von Pražák Dr. jur. Privy Councilor and Minister
Rural communities 5. Wischau Ctibor Helcelet Dr. jur., lawyer in Wischau
Rural communities 6. Auspitz Franz Nosek Landowner in Schakwitz
Rural communities 7. Seelowitz Johann Kelbl Economist in Serowitz
Rural communities 8. Gaya Franz Weber Pastor in Milotitz
Rural communities 9. Hungarian Hradic Joseph Pavlica Landowner in Hrozná
Rural communities 10. Kremsier Franz Lizal Landowner in Něčitz
Rural communities 11. Prerau Johann Rozkošný Landowner in Krenowitz (from 1887)
Rural communities 12. Holleschau Franz Skopalik Landowner in numbers
Rural communities 13. Hungarian bread Franz Šrom Dr. jur., lawyer in Brno
Rural communities 14. Iglau Joseph Tuček Dr. jur., lawyer in Brno
Rural communities 15. Trebitsch Joseph Pospišil Economist in Großwiedern
Rural communities 16. Datschitz Andreas Peel Landowner in Kirchwiedern
Rural communities 17. Neustadtl Johann Heimrich Müller in Bochdalau
Rural communities 18. Neutit certificate Johann Moraw Community leader in Waltersdorf
Rural communities 19. Weisskirchen Carl Zapletal Economy owner in Radwanitz
Rural communities 20. Mistek Rudolph Callus City doctor in Frankstadt
Rural communities 21. Wallachian Meseritsch Anton Hulka Notary in Wallachisch-Meseritsch
Rural communities 22. Olomouc Joseph Vysloužil Economist in Přikasz
Rural communities 23. Prossnitz Johann Podivinský Economist in Smrzitz
Rural communities 24. Sternberg Moriz Hartel Landowners in Siebenhöfen
Rural communities 25. Schoenberg Johann Rotter Landowner in Hermessdorf
Rural communities 26. Müglitz Wilhelm Raschendorfer Landowner in Medl
Rural communities 27. Littau Joseph Svozil Landowner in Klein-Senitz
Rural communities 28. Znojmo Victor Huebner Real estate owner in Znojmo
Rural communities 29. Budwitz Johann Votava Landowner in Hrottowitz
Rural communities 30. Nikolsburg Joseph Beigl Mayor in Öber-Wisternitz
Rural communities 31. Moravian enclaves Ernst Peschke Inheritance court owner in Rausen

Party political affiliation of the MPs

Karl Bosl gives the following distribution of MPs among parties / political directions:

Curia nationality Party / direction number
Large landowners ./. conservative 5
Large landowners ./. Constitutional / Liberal Center 17th
Large landowners ./. Middle party 8th
Others (except virilists) German Club of the Left 25th
Others (except virilists) German German People's Party 9
Others (except virilists) Czechs Czech Club / National Party ( Old Czech ) 34


  • Court and State Handbook for the Austrian Empire 1891, p. 767 ff., Online
  • Karl Bosl (Hrsg.): Handbook of the history of the Bohemian countries; Part 3. The Bohemian Lands in the Habsburg Empire 1848-1919, bourgeois nationalism and the formation of an industrial society, 1968, ISBN 978-3-7772-6827-9 , p. 462