Felix cousin from the lily

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Felix cousin from the lily

Felix Count Vetter von der Lilie , Czech Felix Vetter z Lilie (born March 18, 1830 in Neuhübl ; † November 21, 1913 there ), was a Moravian Count and President of the Moravian Landtag .


Vetter von der Lilie came from the noble family Vetter von der Lilie . He was the son of Franz Count Vetter von der Lilie (1789–1831) and his wife Antonia Countess Braida von Ronsecco and Cornigliano . He married Ida Countess Arz von und zu Arzio-Vasegg on October 25, 1855 (born July 1, 1833 in Wigstein , Austrian Silesia ; † September 29, 1903 in Neuhübl). Their son Moriz (born August 22, 1856 in Opava ; † September 20, 1945 in Retz) became an administrative officer and first president of the House of Representatives .

Vetter von der Lilie was, among other things, Allodialherr von Neuhübel and Fideikommissherr von Tüffer. He first served in the army and rose to major there. After that, however, he took care of the management of his Moravian estates from 1856. From 1884 to 1906 he was Governor (President of the Landtag) of Moravia . In the elections to the Reichsrat in 1879, he won a seat in the Reichsrat for the curia of the large estates of Moravia. In 1891 he defended the mandate but was instead made a member of the manor house.



Individual evidence

  1. Entry on www.coresno.com