List of architectural monuments in Brüggen

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Shield-shaped memorial plaque of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia with the coat of arms of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, above it in capital letters "Monument", top left and right as well as a nail in the middle.

The list of architectural monuments in Brüggen contains the listed buildings in the area of ​​the municipality of Brüggen in the district of Viersen in North Rhine-Westphalia (as of September 2011). These architectural monuments are entered in the list of monuments of the municipality of Brüggen; The basis for the admission is the Monument Protection Act North Rhine-Westphalia (DSchG NRW).

image designation location description construction time Registered
former school with teacher's apartment former school with teacher's apartment Bracht
Altkevelaer 12/14
Around 1920; former school; Brick, 2-storey angular building with curved front gables. around 1920 11th Mar 1985 27

St. Joseph's Column St. Joseph's Column Born
an der Kreuzstrasse
E. 19th century; Sandstone, figure of Joseph with child, base with neo-Gothic ornamental shapes. at the end of the 19th century 11th Mar 1985 17th

Chapel in the Boerholz section Chapel in the Boerholz section Bracht
Brick chapel on a rectangular floor plan, built according to the inscription stone in 1890 as a replacement for a previous building from 1699. Front and side pointed arch openings, the entrance with a double-winged wooden door from the construction period; the edges of the building are emphasized by slightly raised corner pillars; a gable cross above the entrance. Copper roof from the 1990s; old wrought iron fence on three sides (renewed at the front).

Inside, an art-historically valuable Vesper picture, oak with remains of the original frame, height 48 cm, created around 1480. The Savior's right foot up to the base of the calf and the right forearm added earlier, broken off a bit on the right and left of the plinth. - According to the parish chronicle, p. 22, the devotional image should come from the Wachtendonker monastery. During a restoration in 1968 by the state curator, the original version was exposed or a second version in the case of the incarnate of Christ. The robe of Mary and the shroud, the body of Christ and the head of the Mother of God retouched. - The kneeling Mother of God leans towards the body of Christ, whose head rests on her right knee and is held by her right hand, while with her left she grasps the left arm of Christ, whose body has sunk to the ground. The whole group is surrounded by the full robe of Mary. - In the type (with the Mother of God kneeling in front of the son and at the same time supporting him) related to the Vespers in Siegburg-Wolsdorf, Bedburg, Kr. Kleve and Rheinberg. Stylistically, however, more closely related to a group to be localized in Cologne, such as the Vesper pictures from Bergheim (parish church) and above all from the Schnütgen Museum in Cologne.

As the chapel of the Börholz section, the building is important for Brüggen. As a clear and lively testimony to popular religion, there is a public interest in preserving and using it for reasons of folklore and, in relation to the Vespers image, for artistic reasons.

1890 0Nov 9, 2006 62

Residential stable house Residential stable house Bracht
Boerholz 14
The subject of the entry is the gable-facing residential stable house without the transverse building on the eaves and without the shed attached to the rear. unknown 0May 7, 2002 57

former courtyard (residential and stable building) former courtyard (residential and stable building) Bracht
Boerholz 83
The former Börholz 83 farm complex consists of a stable house and a barn transversely in front of it. It is estimated that both buildings date back to the 18th century, but were changed in the course of the 19th century. The basic character has not been lost; in addition there is the chimney block and the operating room. A later change in the interior is the relocation of a stand in the living area; according to the owners, this was necessary for setting up a loom.

The stable has recently been disguised, but behind it the old substance has been preserved.

The courtyard is - especially in the internal structure of the main house - a living testimony to the rural way of life. As was typical for the Lower Rhine until the 19th century. It is noteworthy that, in contrast to many other cases, the original allocation of the stable house and barn still exists in its typical form. As part of a row of peasants along the Mühlenbach, a historical type of settlement typical of the landscape, the farm also has the character of a documentation of settlement history.

The above The courtyard is important for human history as well as for the Börholz settlement. There are scientific and ethnological reasons for their preservation and use.

18th century May 10, 1995 52

War memorial War memorial Born
at the church
1918; Shell limestone with bronze relief and inscription. 1918 11th Mar 1985 21st

Residential building Residential building Born
Born 34
1857; One-storey, facing the gable, brick with anchor pins, plastered base. 1857 11th Mar 1985 24

Residential house / guest house Residential house / guest house Born
Born 41/43
No. 43: Around 1800; Former brick courtyard, residential building: 1 storey, in 4 axes, brick pilaster strips and brick ancillary buildings, crooked hip roof. around 1800 11th Mar 1985 22nd

St. Peter Church
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St. Peter Church Born
Born 45
1433-57, 1466-67; originally 1-aisled, later 3-aisles extended brick hall church with ribbed vault, polygonal choir closure and 3-storey western tower from 1467; 19th century nave covered with tuff; Late Romanesque font, baroque altars and pulpit, 18th century choir stalls and 19th century furnishings. 1433-57, 1466-67 11th Mar 1985 20th

former school former school Born
Born 46
A. 19th century; Brick, 1 storey in 7 axes; 1 axle walled up. Early 19th century 11th Mar 1985 25th

Rectory Rectory Born
Born 51
1862; Brick, 2-storey in 4: 4 axes. 1862 11th Mar 1985 23

Gasthaus u.  Hotel (Borner Mill)
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Gasthaus u. Hotel (Borner Mill) Born
Borner Mühle
around 1800; 18./20. Century; 2-storey brick building with anchor pins, right wing newly added; in front of the mill wayside cross of the 18./20. Century, wooden cross with wooden body. around 1800 11th Mar 1985 19th

Marian column near the church Marian column near the church Born
Borner Feld
1884; Sandstone plinth in neo-Gothic jewelry forms with a figure of Mary. 1884 11th Mar 1985 18th

Residential building Residential building Brüggen
Borner Strasse 35
The subject of the entry is the residential building and the single-storey office extension. The modern extension from the 1980s and the covered parking spaces attached to the east side of the building are not part of the monument. unknown 0Oct 1, 2002 58

Hagelkreuzkapelle Hagelkreuzkapelle Brüggen
Borner Straße - Hagelkreuzweg
The plastered chapel, which was built around 1900, goes back to a hail cross, which was created at this point around 1730. The chapel is eclectic in its mixture of styles (neo-Gothic niche, neo-baroque tail gable, art nouveau ornaments). Inside the chapel there is a contemporary wooden crucifix in 2/3 life size without polychroming. 1900 0Jan. 5, 1988 38

former windmill
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former windmill Bracht
Bracht Mill
19th century; Brick, mill tower without wings, 4 storeys with round windows; modern remodeled. 19th century 11th Mar 1985 30th

Grave cross Grave cross Bracht
Breyeller Strasse - corner of Kahrstrasse
1620; Cross with inscription and year 1620 11th Mar 1985 28

Retirement home former fort Retirement home former fort Bracht
Brüggener Straße 49
A. 18th century; former fort; get the right wing; 2-storey in non-continuous axes, plastered, door: limestone walls, mansard hipped roof, rear later forward 2-axis risalit. Early 18th century 11th Mar 1985 29

Living u.  Commercial building (old mill) Living u. Commercial building (old mill) Brüggen
Burgwall 1 + 3
18th 19th century; Brick with anchor pins, the hipped roof on the back in the left part plastered with a bluestone door frame and stairs, plastered gate with a bluestone frame, on the left a path chapel. To the rear the Alte Brüggener Mühle. 18th year 11th Mar 1985 1

Brüggen Castle Brüggen Castle Brüggen
Burgwall 2
13th - 17th centuries; former 3-storey water system, main castle (13th century) with hipped roof and side round tower, remnants of the outer castle from the 15th century. With archway and circular wall preserved, as well as the gatehouse built on a square floor plan; Heightening of the main castle and revision of the entire complex in the 17th century. 13th - 17th century 11th Mar 1985 2

Remains of the former fortress wall Remains of the former fortress wall Brüggen
Burgweiherplatz (Burg Brüggen)
The remains of the wall are two unconnected sections of the fortification that was formerly attached to the castle. According to the Tranchot map, this was directly related to the castle.

The remains of the wall document the extent of the castle complex at that time, including the fortifications. Further sections outside the actual, also listed castle complex are no longer available. Their preservation is important for the local history of Bruges.

13th - 17th century 16. Mar. 1992 51

Christenfeld Jewish cemetery Christenfeld Jewish cemetery Bring
There are 15 tombstones and 5 bases in the Jewish cemetery. The funeral order is dated Aug. 1, 1883 and approved on Sept. 8, 1883. It stipulates that the burial place is 52 meters long and 13.20 meters wide. It is divided into 6 fields, but the grave number is not mentioned. The distance between the individual graves should be at least 0.30 meters. Today, the cemetery must be regarded as a completely occupied grave site, as it cannot be determined whether there are no graves in the open areas. From the existing features it can be seen that the last burial took place in 1926/28. The tombstones are deliberately left to weather, as a symbol of human transience.

The cemetery is the last material remnant of the Bracht Jewish community, which has existed since the 18th century. It is important for the history of Bracht.

1883 16. Mar. 1992 50

Dilborn Castle Dilborn Castle Brüggen
Dilborner Straße 65
The entry includes the northern part of an outbuilding built around 1752 of the actual castle, which was supposedly demolished in the 19th century, consisting of the tower there and the chapel built by Vinzenz Statz in 1967, as well as an eastern extension from around 1830.

The building is important for human history and for the history of settlement in the Bruges area. There are artistic and scientific, in particular architectural and local historical reasons for the preservation and use. The artistic reasons include in particular the equipment of the chapel.

1752 0June 5, 1991 46

Memorial Kurt Schwippert Cemetery Brüggen Memorial Kurt Schwippert Cemetery Brüggen Brüggen
Friedhof Brüggen
Creation year: 1925–27; 1953 (re-installation)

Artist: Kurt Schwippert

Through the mediation of the sculptor Heinrich Nauen, Kurt Schwippert received the order for a war memorial in the municipality of Brüggen in 1925. This was the first public commission for the Solingen-born artist (1909–1983), who was still a student in Richard Langer's master class at the Düsseldorf Art Academy. In the following decades, the brother of the architect Hans Schwippert, who was four years his senior, became one of the most important sculptors of the 20th century in Germany, teacher at various art schools, professor, winner of many awards, etc., whose work has been presented and recognized in numerous exhibitions and publications.

According to the catalog raisonné, the cenotaph, executed as a reddish stone cast, is approx. 175 cm high and in its largest dimension approx. 100 cm wide. The original place of installation was the castle in Brüggen.

It is an all-view "round sculpture, three ... men united in a core composition, which was given by three streets that led to the original location of the sculpture." The sculpture is above the corresponding triangular base plate (the brick plinth underneath renewed) stylistically divided into two parts. The bodies of the three men, depicted in soft naturalistic forms in the head and chest area, merge in the lower part into expressionistic-prismatic bodies, which are developed from the bent leg and posture of sinking down (or climbing up). The attitudes correspond to those of earlier works by Schwippert, which are titled “Pain” or “Resurrected”, which also describes the expressive content of the Brüggen figures. “While the bodies of the three figures and their expression, far removed from any heroic pathos, bring out an extraordinarily sensitive, lyrical, peaceful and, in this monument, consoling attitude, the sharp-edged, prismatic and dynamic lower part forms a sharp contrast. In this area of ​​form, determined by the idea of ​​the conflict between abstract forces, the violence of the turmoil seems to reverberate. The great calm of the dead leaning against each other in the upper part of the monument seems all the more convincing ”(Catalog raisonné KS, p. 26).

The Brüggen memorial represents the type of un- or even anti-heroic soldier, which was widely recognized in the 1920s. Combined with its advanced design, which already reflects the important artist in this early work, there were already acceptance difficulties when it was set up in 1927. In 1937 the National Socialists cleared it as “degenerate” and replaced it with a new memorial. Thanks to personal initiatives, it was secured after the Second World War and rebuilt in 1953 as part of a new facility of honor (for a detailed description of the reception history, see the extract from Nabrings 1996 below).

Even if the stone casting technique and the at least partly strongly expressionistic style later no longer played a significant role for Kurt Schwippert, i.e. rather underline the early work character of the Brüggen memorial, overall it fits in seamlessly with the important work of this sculptor. In particular, the confrontation with the standing human or erect figure, the closed composition and the anti-monumental habitus of the smaller than life-size figures run like a red thread through his oeuvre and are also formative in Brüggen.

As an artistically demanding result of the public contract for a well-known artist in connection with his reception and installation history rooted in the history of the 20th century, the memorial in Brüggen is important for the history of man and for Brüggen. There is a public interest in its preservation for the artistic and scientific reasons, in this case art-historical reasons. According to § 2 (1) Monument Protection Act, it is therefore an architectural monument.

1925-27 16 Sep 2005 60

Wayside cross Wayside cross Lüttelbracht
Genholter Strasse
1890; Sandstone, plastered, base with inscription, cross with body. 1890 11th Mar 1985 3

House and  Wayside cross House and Wayside cross Haverslohe
Haverslohe 24
House: 18th century; 1844; former courtyard; Residential building; Brick, 1-storey with a crooked hip roof changed in 1844.

Wayside cross: 19th century/1902; Stone base with inscription (1902), cross with body made of bluestone.

Crossroads: 1902, house: 1844 11th Mar 1985 26th

Wayside cross Wayside cross Bracht
Heidhausener Strasse
The wayside cross on the road from Heidhausen to Bracht consists of a standing granite pedestal in simple neo-Gothic shapes and a crowning cross with a figure of Christ. On the base there is an inscription plaque with the year "1903", above it is a second plate with the inscription "This is how God loved the world // this is how God hates sin // My Jesus // Mercy // 100 days indulgence ".

The cross designed by the sculptor Sommer from Viersen replaced an older, rotten wooden cross that was erected around 1814/15 to commemorate the victory over Napoleon. The location of this first Heidhausen cross was roughly opposite the current one. A house collection was held in the honors for the renewal. The property was made available by Le Grand. The unusual period of time between construction on October 10, 1903 and consecration on June 12, 1904 is explained by the fact that the pastor of Bracht initially refused to carry out the consecration because the crucifix does not point towards the church but towards Heidhausen. An iron grating that originally existed was removed during the land consolidation in 1959/60.

As a testimony to popular piety and a historical symbol of identification for the place Heidhausen, the wayside cross on Heidhausener Strasse is important for Brüggen. There is a public interest in its preservation for the reasons of local history.

unknown May 19, 2003 59

St. Roch Chapel St. Roch Chapel Bruggen
1855; Plastered, 1-nave with a three-sided choir closure, brick decoration in neo-Gothic shapes. 1855 11th Mar 1985 4th

Jewish Cemetery Jewish Cemetery Bruggen
There are still 5 tombstones in the Jewish cemetery. The funeral order is dated September 8, 1885. The occupancy plan provided for two corpse fields, each set up in two rows of 12 graves each. The fields are separated by a middle path that runs exactly in a north-south direction. The last burial can be traced back to 1930. The reclamation of the grave sites is excluded. The tombstones are deliberately left to weather, as a symbol of human transience. The cemetery is one of the last material remains of the Brüggen Jewish community, which has existed since the 18th century. It is significant for the local history of Bruges. 1885 16. Mar. 1992 49

Israeli burial ground Israeli burial ground Brüggen
There are still 5 tombstones on the Israeli burial ground. Based on the grave inscriptions, the last burial took place in 1851. 1851 16. Mar. 1992 48

Residential building Residential building Brüggen
Hochstraße 2
Mid 19th century; 2-storey corner house with mezzanine; in 8: 3 axes, brick, right gate entrance. in the middle of the 19th century 11th Mar 1985 5

Living u.  Commercial building Living u. Commercial building Brüggen
Hochstraße 6 + 8
1663; Former, 3-wing courtyard, No. 6: 2-storey, No. 8: former barn wing, 1-storey with anchor pins, brick barn at the back, expansion measure 1982. 1663 11th Mar 1985 6th

former local prison former local prison Brüggen
Hochstraße 18
The former local prison, built in 1913 according to the records of the Viersen district archive, is a small brick building with a pent roof in the courtyard of the property at Hochstraße 18 in the Brüggen district. The small building has three rooms, of which the middle one is accessible through an external door. The side rooms are the former cells. According to the documents available in the district archive, there used to be an entrance in the middle room, but it no longer exists. It is possible that there has been a change in the construction, as the furnace and the side grille openings, which were supposed to be used to heat the cells, apparently correspond to the original condition. Otherwise, the structure has largely been preserved in its original state. Worth mentioning are the original entrance door, the two cell doors with their viewing flaps and the lattice windows.

The building is significant for the history of the people and the place of Brüggen, because it is a rare testimony to the administration of justice and police administration at the local level. Preservation and use are primarily in the public interest for scientific reasons, in particular for reasons of local history and legal history.

1913 0June 3, 1996 53

Residential building Residential building Brüggen
Hochstraße 28
First half of the 19th century; 2-storey with 3 axes. First half of the 19th century 11th Mar 1985 7th

St. Mary's Assumption Church St. Mary's Assumption Church Bring
Kirchplatz 9
1484, 1831 (tower and west building); 3-aisled pseudo-basilica in brick and tuff, ribbed vault, rococo furnishings from the 1st half of the 18th century, 4-storey, protruding west tower from 1831, inscription above the portal, churchyard surrounded by brick wall with crosses from the 17th and 18th centuries 18th century 1484, 1831 11th Mar 1985 31

Rectory Rectory Bring
Kirchplatz 10
1753, 1857; 2-storey in non-solid axes, plastered, hipped roof, 1857 renovation, chronogram on 3 sides 1753, 1857 11th Mar 1985 32

Living u.  Commercial building (old mill) Living u. Commercial building (old mill) Brüggen
Klosterstraße 11
The building forms a joint building complex with the Burgwall 1 and 3 monument.

18./E. 19th century; 3-storey in 8 axes, central projection with gable and gate, ground floor slightly sloped, brick with anchor pins, hipped roof, rear side in the left part plastered with bluestone door framing and stairs, plastered gate with bluestone framing, on the left a path chapel.

18th century Oct 16, 1987 37

Residential building Residential building Brüggen
Klosterstraße 22
1st half of the 19th century; 2-storey in 3 axes with gate entrance, plastered with anchor pins. First half of the 19th century 11th Mar 1985 9

Living u.  Commercial building Living u. Commercial building Brüggen
Klosterstraße 24
1st half of the 19th century; 2-storey with 3 axes; Gate entrance, plastered with anchor pins First half of the 19th century 11th Mar 1985 10

Living u.  Commercial building Living u. Commercial building Brüggen
Klosterstraße 26
1760; 2-storey semi-detached house with mezzanine, in 2 and 5 axes, shop fitting on the ground floor and dated in the lintel, windows partially changed. 1760 11th Mar 1985 11

Residential building Residential building Brüggen
Klosterstraße 28
1760; 2-storey semi-detached house with mezzanine, in 2 and 5 axes 1760 21 Mar 1990 40

Living u.  Inn Living u. Inn Brüggen
Klosterstraße 30
1670, 1801; 2-storey, in non-continuous axes, rough and ashlar plaster facade from the beginning of the 20th century, arched door, anchor pins, hipped roof. 1670, 1801 11th Mar 1985 12

Living u.  Inn Living u. Inn Brüggen
Klosterstraße 33
1754; 2-storey semi-detached house in 2 and 3 axes (No. 33 + 35), plastered, hip roof changed in the 20th century. 1754 11th Mar 1985 14th

Living u.  Commercial building Living u. Commercial building Brüggen
Klosterstraße 35
1752; 2-storey semi-detached house in 2 and 3 axes, former Latin school and dated by anchor pins, hipped roof, changed in the 20th century 1752 11th Mar 1985 15th

Town hall (former monastery) Town hall (former monastery) Brüggen
Klosterstraße 38
18th century/20. Century; Former Kreuzherrenkloster, 3-storey in 15: 3 axes, plastered with cuboids, gabled central projectile and pilasters, old door frame. 18th century / 20th century 11th Mar 1985 13

St. Nicholas Church St. Nicholas Church Brüggen
Klosterstraße 42
1754/60; Hall church with 3-sided choir closure made of brick, grouted, choir wing raised and later added to the nave, mostly preserved interior, rococo stucco ceiling. 1754/60 11th Mar 1985 8th

ev. church ev. church Bracht
Koenigstrasse 26
1699; Plastered hall building with flat ceiling, front gable with roof turret, arched windows with ashlar walls, anchor pins with the year. 1699 11th Mar 1985 33

Residential commercial building Residential commercial building Bring
Königstrasse 8
1651 / around 1905; Half-timbered plastered, 2-storey, gable with a crooked hip roof; Plastered facade with wooden gable around 1905, year in the plastered facade. 1651 to 1905 11th Mar 1985 34

town hall town hall Bracht
Marktstrasse 1
1850; 2-storey in 5 axes, the 3 central axes slightly drawn forward with flat triangular gables, late classical plastered facades, hipped roof, dating in the lintel. 1850 11th Mar 1985 35

Restaurant former Hotel König Restaurant former Hotel König Bracht
Marktstrasse 2
The house at Marktstraße 2 is located in a significant urban development area and, together with the Protestant church (1699), the town hall (1850) and several commercial buildings, forms the historic center of Bracht. The path leading to the Catholic parish church also runs behind the house.

The two-storey brick building, dating from around 1800, has two façades facing the street, the symmetrical design of which is a typical example of architecture around 1800. Thanks to the large rectangular windows with light-colored walls, the symmetrical window layout and the central entrance door with a slightly protruding lintel, the building, which is in the rural-classical tradition, has representative features.

In interaction with the surrounding buildings already mentioned, it is an indispensable part of the townscape as a striking building that characterizes the historic center of Bracht.

Changes to the comparatively well-preserved external appearance of the building, such as the new door leaf (around 1930) or the new roof structure, do not call into question its historical significance and thus the monument value.

The house at Marktstraße 2 is therefore important for human history in general and for the local and architectural history of Brüggen – Bracht in particular.

There are scientific, urban development and architectural-historical reasons for the preservation and use.

There are no historical traces in the modern interior. The interior of the building is therefore not part of the monument. The annexes adjoining the northern gable end are not part of the monument.

1800 Oct. 30, 1990 42

Residential building Residential building Bracht
Marktstrasse 33
1658; 19th century; Two-storey brick, wooden walls, steep sloping roof to the rear, split pins with year, windows on the ground floor completely changed. 1658; 19th century 11th Mar 1985 36

Brick residential house Brick residential house Bracht
Marktstrasse 35
The two-storey brick house facing the street, with an eaves, is dated to the year 1799 by means of anchor pins. It has four axes on the ground floor and three axes on the lower floor. The large rectangular openings on the ground floor have double-leaf wooden lattice windows with skylights in wooden block frames; semicircular arches serve as relief. A four-layer staircase leads to the entrance door in the 2nd axis from the left. A younger plaster wall forms the border of the door opening. The smaller rectangular windows on the upper floor - of this size only from the 19th century - also have wooden lattice windows. The basement is ventilated by three hatches of different sizes, which belong to the original inventory.

The southern gable wall is plastered and provided with a total of 5 irregularly distributed openings. There is a chimney directly on the gable and a second in the middle of the roof. Both point to at least remnants of the original firing points.

The simple courtyard facade contains two large kitchen windows on the ground floor, the courtyard door and a temporary, open shelter with a sloping roof from more recent times. This is not part of the monument. There are two small windows on the upper floor. The house is accessed through the old central corridor. The historic wooden doors (around 1800) have been preserved. Together with the registered monument Marktstrasse 33, the Marktstrasse 35 building occupies the historical floor plan of the town of Bracht, which has largely been preserved in the area of ​​the street layout. The two houses are parts of small courtyards on the edge of the old center. As authentic buildings from the 17th and 18th centuries, they are of great importance for the local and settlement history of Bracht. The Marktstraße 35 building is important for human history and here for the local and structural history of Brüggen – Bracht. There are therefore scientific, local history and architectural history reasons for its preservation and use.

1799 25th Mar 1991 44

Fire watchtower Fire watchtower Bracht
military area BAD Bracht
The procedure for placing under protection is ongoing 61

Residential building Residential building Brüggen
Roermonder Straße 27
Villa Roermonder Straße 27 is an elaborate, prestigious residential building from the early 20th century, which was probably built in 1910 for the local roof tile manufacturer August Baehren. The building is almost square and has two full floors and a tiled hipped roof with a ridge crest. It is plastered on all sides over a natural stone base. Square-cut corner pilasters, a narrow cornice and a decorative eaves frieze with festoon-like leaf motifs delimit the sides and floors. To the front of the street, a curved gable with ornamental shapes overlooks the facade. The house entrance with elaborately ornamented old front door with glass inserts and skylight are on the side. The front is characterized by four window axes of tall rectangular windows with a three-sided bay window in the left half of the ground floor. The side facades are designed similar to the front, but with fewer windows. The windows themselves are double-winged with a skylight divided by vertical bars. Inside the house, the floor plan typical of full buildings from this period and many equipment details have remained largely unchanged. Above all, this includes the original staircase, the stucco ceilings and numerous old doors with associated walls. The basement has a cap. In addition to the residential building, the monument includes the gable of the rear shed in the ornamental shapes of the main building and the original front garden fence facing Roermonder Straße with ornamental grille between brick pillars. The listed parts are color-coded in the attached map section.

The memorial forms a positive accent on one of the main streets in Brüggen. It has largely been preserved in its original form, both inside and out, and is therefore of great testimony to the architecture of the early 20th century and the contemporary conditions of the upper middle class. There is therefore a public interest in its preservation and use for scientific, in particular architectural and social-historical reasons, as well as for reasons of local history.

1910 July 24, 2000 56

Wayside chapel Wayside chapel Brüggen
Roermonder Strasse
Around 1910; Plastered in neo-Gothic ornamental forms, a crooked hip roof with crabs, a cross with a body and a Madonna made of plaster. around 1910 11th Mar 1985 16

formerly Wortham Hall formerly Wortham Hall Brüggen
St.-Barbara-Straße 43
The "Wortham Hall" was built in 1953 as one of the first permanent accommodations for the warehouse workers of the 3 BAD. The building is an elongated corrugated iron barrack oriented in a west-east direction with a semicircular barrel cross-section. The two smooth gable walls are made of solid brick and smoothly plastered. On the south side there are four rows of windows of different widths with lattice windows that are opened like a dormer window. Also on the south side in front of the western half of the hall is a massive, smoothly plastered entrance porch with a simply towed over gable and flat roof. The entrance with a two-wing gate is flanked by a narrow, high-rectangular window. In the last few years until the withdrawal of the British Armed Forces, Wortham Hall was used as a cinema and shooting range.

The “Wortham Hall” is important for human history because it documents a closed historical epoch in recent history and the living conditions at the time in an impressive and vivid way.

It is also important for the local history, because the building must be seen as indicative of the long-term use of an entire region. After use by the Wehrmacht, the largest ammunition depot in Western Europe was built here in the immediate border area to the Netherlands within the framework of the requirements of the Cold War from 1948, when the 3 BAD was moved from Liebenau to Bracht, on an area of ​​12 km².

There are scientific reasons for the preservation of the “Wortham Hall” because it is a socially and historically significant, because personal memorial of the people who work here or who live in the area. In addition, this building, which dates back to the early days of the camp, brings to life a largely unknown chapter in West German post-war history, in which the British, as the occupying power on the Lower Rhine, recruited paramilitary workers from prisoner-of-war camps and deployed them to build and operate their military facilities. These were the 438 Mobile Civilian Labor Group (MCLG) and the 412 MCLG. They initially lived in a tent camp, were housed in an empty cigar factory in Kaldenkirchen in the winter of 1952/53 and then moved into permanent accommodation in the storage area in 1953, of which the “Wortham Hall” is the last, largely unchanged example that has been preserved.

1953 08 Sep 1999 54

St. Barbara Church St. Barbara Church Brüggen
St. Barbara Straße 43
The St. Barbara Church (St. Barbara Church) was built in 1957-58 within the barracks area of ​​the former 3 Base Ammunition Depot (3 BAD) Brüggen-Bracht of the British armed forces. It is an elongated corrugated iron barrack oriented to the west with a barrel cross-section slightly larger than a semicircle. The interior was renewed in 1965 after a fire. 1957 08 Sep 1999 55

Residential building Residential building Bracht
8 Stiegstrasse
In 1907 the former villa of a brick manufacturer was built; two-storey brick building in three or four axes; numerous details and ornaments in the masonry; Back paneled with plain tiles; street-side shot-in bay window; rear flat roof extension with terrace; Elaborate roof construction decorated with ornamental forms, single-storey outbuilding in the style of the main building, wrought-iron property fence on the street side with brick wall plinth and pillars.

The building, including ancillary facilities, shows the former importance and financial strength of the clay and brick industry that shaped the history of the Bracht district. It is important for human history, especially for the local and economic history of Bracht.

1907 23 Sep 1991 47

uh  Vennmühle uh Vennmühle Brüggen
19th century house, 2-storey in 4: 2 axes, brick, grouted, hipped roof. 19th century June 21, 1990 41

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