K-On! / Episode List

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This is a list of episodes from the anime - TV series K-On! , which is based on the manga of the same name ( Yonkoma ) by Kakifly .

The series was produced by the animation studio Kyōto Animation under the direction of Naoko Yamada . The script for the individual episodes was written by Reiko Yoshida , the character design was worked out by Yukiko Horiguchi . Both used the template from Kakifly, but also made extensions on their own. The plot follows five Japanese high school girls who want to start their own music club and band. However, the club only has the minimum number of members, and one of the students has no musical experience and must first learn to play the guitar. So the band is often exposed to everyday worries, but can expand by a fifth member over time.

The first season of K-On! was first broadcast on TBS from April 3 to June 26, 2009 and originally comprised 13 episodes. On the last of the six releases on Blu-ray Disc and DVD , however, there is an additional episode that marks the transition to the second season K-On !! manufactures. The second season consisted of 26 episodes and was again broadcast for the first time on TBS from April 7th to September 29th 2010 due to a cooperation.

In Japan it's K-On! the best-selling anime television series on Blu-ray Disc and achieved widespread notoriety. The second season of the series, titled K-On !! appeared, was broadcast on almost 30 different channels in Japan alone. The numerous music publications that were able to regularly place themselves in the Japanese charts and also set new records there also contributed to the popularization of the series . For example, the two singles Go! Go! Maniac and Lists !! the band HTT, a merger of the seiyū of the series, at the end of April 2010 simultaneously at number 1 and 2 in the charts, which no other female band had previously achieved. Previously, only Keiko Fuji and Seiko Matsuda were able to do this as solo singers in 1970 and 1983.

K-On! (Season 1)


01 : 廃 部! , Eng. "Abolished Club!", April 3, 2009

The student Yui Hirasawa has her first day of high school and introduces herself to the audience as sleepy and clumsy. Her friend Nodoka Manabe asks her to find a club if she doesn't want to end up as a NEET . In addition, Ritsu Tainaka wants to revive the light music club ( 軽 音 楽 部 , Keiongaku-bu ), which is to be dissolved at the end of April if at least four members have not been found by then. So she starts looking for new members. The first is her friend Mio Akiyama , who after some back and forth persuades her to join the music club instead of a literature club. By chance, Tsumugi Kotobuki runs into the classroom where the two friends had previously waited unsuccessfully for new members. Tsumugi, in the following briefly called Mugi , had to join the choir first, but finds the argument between Ritsu and Mio quite interesting, so she also joins the club without further ado. The three now start looking for at least one other member. They put up advertising posters, one of which attracts Yui's eyes. But they misunderstand what a light music club actually is. When she submitted her application, she was horrified to find that a guitar player was wanted here, but she couldn't play the guitar. Although it soon turns out that Yui is rather unmusical, she is persuaded to stay in the club. After coffee and cake and a short musical interlude, she joins the club, wants to get a guitar and learn to play.


02 : 楽 器! , German "Instruments!" April 10, 2009
A Gibson Les Paul Standard Heritage Cherry Sunburst that Yui chose

When the students discover that Yui still doesn't have a guitar, they accompany her on her first visit to a music store. Yui received a budget of 50,000 yen from her parents . In the shop, however, her eye falls on an expensive Gibson Les Paul Standard that she falls in love with. At 250,000 yen, however, this is far above the maximum allowed. However, Yui wants this guitar, other models do not interest her. For this reason, the other club members decide to finance the instrument by doing part-time jobs to raise the missing money. They can find jobs in traffic counts, but they only earn 8,000 yen a day, and the stupid work they do will soon get rid of their nerves. The money earned is nowhere near enough to buy the guitar. In the evening, however, Yui gives up thinking about the expensive model, gives the friends the money they have earned so that they can buy something from it and decides to be content with a less expensive guitar. When they are back in the shop the next day, however, they notice that Yui's heart is still attached to the Gibson . This leads Tsumugi to negotiate with the managing director, who recognizes in her the daughter of the company boss. Tsumugi can easily negotiate the price down to 50,000 yen to the amazement of her friends.


03 : 特訓! , German "Special Training!", April 17, 2009

While Yui is happy with her new guitar and takes her to bed with her to sleep, the exams are getting closer and closer. She completely forgets to study for exams and only deals with chords. As a result, she fails the preliminary tests. There is now a risk that she will be excluded from further club activities if she fails the retest. It is also dramatic that in this case the club would not have enough members and would have to be dissolved. So she is urged by the others, especially by Mio, to study more for the exam. Despite all the good intentions, this turns out to be a difficult undertaking, because Yui likes to be distracted by other things when she is alone in her room: be it the temptation to pluck the guitar or read mangas . When the situation worsens dramatically the day before the exam and Mio is particularly concerned about her lack of progress, Mio, Ritsu and Mugi decide to help her study at home. At first they meet Yui's younger sister Ui. In contrast to Yui, she doesn't seem sleepy at all, but is hospitable and makes an extremely correct impression. While Mio and Mugi try to teach Yui the material, Ritsu feels bored and is more of a disruptive factor than a help. They study late into the night.

The next day, Yui comes back from the examination dejected and weary, so that the other members fear the worst. However, it is a great surprise that Yui passed the test with flying colors. To celebrate this success, Yui should play the learned chords. However, she has forgotten all of the chords because, as she says, she can only concentrate on one thing at a time.


04 : 合 宿! , German "Training Camp", April 24, 2009

As Mio is cleaning up the club room, she comes across a box containing items that former members have forgotten. This also includes a cassette from a performance at the school festival. She listens to the tape and realizes how well the old band played. Mio now wants to encourage the others to rehearse during the summer break and organize a training camp, but concerns immediately arise about how the camp should be financed. The girls turn to Tsumugi, who has already helped them out. Tsumugi suggests that they sleep in one of their parents' villas on the coast. Overjoyed, they travel to their accommodation by train, and Mio resolves to practice intensively and rehearse. At first the group is stunned by the size of the villa, which Tsumugi is a little embarrassed. However, Mio quickly realizes that she is the only one who shows interest in hard training. Soon the others find themselves on the beach and play, while Mio can only stand by and watch.

Only in the evening is she able to gradually get the troupe to rehearse. To her surprise, Mio finds out that they are not playing as badly as she feared. She tells the others about her desire to be as good as her predecessors. To do this, she plays the tape, but at that very moment it jumps to the B-side , and you hear - to Mios ears - terrible heavy metal music with an equally terrible female singer. Mio, who is easily shocked or frightened anyway, needs to be reassured by her friends. As a little reparation, Yui tries a guitar solo, which she plays perfectly. Also, Mio shows her how to play vibrato .

Individual evidence

  1. TBS ア ニ メ ー シ ョ ン ・ け い お ん !! 公式 ホ ー ム ペ ー ジ / ス タ ッ フ & キ ャ ス ト . TBS , accessed November 23, 2010 (Japanese).
  2. K-ON! Tops Bakemonogatari as # 1 TV Anime in BD Sales. In: Anime News Network. September 21, 2010, accessed November 23, 2010 .
  3. K-On !! Puts 1st Anime Band at # 1 on Weekly Singles Chart (Updated). In: Anime News Network. May 3, 2010, accessed May 8, 2010 .
  4. a b c d TBS ア ニ メ ー シ ョ ン ・ け い お ん !! 公式 ホ ー ム ペ ー ジ / 各 話 紹 介 . TBS , accessed November 23, 2010 (Japanese).