List of memorials in Chemnitz

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The list of memorials in Chemnitz includes memorials of the Saxon city of Chemnitz and its districts. The city of Chemnitz has a large number of art objects in public spaces. Some of them are reminiscent of historical events in the city.

Monuments to commemorate those who died in war

Chemnitz , Memorial to the Fallen in 1919 ( Hanns Diettrich , 1977)
Memorial stele for the synagogue on Stephanplatz that was destroyed on November 10, 1938
  • Memorial in memory of the soldiers of the 15th Royal Saxon Infantry Regiment No. 181 in the Zeisigwald who died in World War I
  • Soviet cemetery of honor on Richterweg in the Reichenhain district for 1,130 Soviet soldiers as well as women, children and men who were abducted to Germany during the Second World War and were victims of forced labor
  • POW graves and memorial for those who perished in connection with the Ebersdorf prison camp in the cemetery in the Ebersdorf district of Chemnitz.
  • Memorial to the fallen in World War I at the Ebersdorf Abbey Cemetery.
  • Memorial for soldiers who died in captivity in the municipal cemetery .
  • Memorial for the fallen of IR 474 in the municipal cemetery.
  • Memorial in memory of those who died in the First World War of the infantry regiment "Crown Prince" (5th Royal Saxon) No. 104 in the municipal cemetery.

Monuments in memory of the bomb victims

  • Main cemetery: grave fields and memorial
  • District cemeteries: graves and monuments

Monuments in memory of Jewish citizens

  • Obelisk in the cemetery of the Israelite religious community on the arcade of Kassberg in memory of the Jewish victims of the Shoah , as well as a memorial plaque for a buried Torah scroll . Other graves and tombstones commemorate the Jewish residents of Chemnitz, including a memorial stone for the parents and other family members of the historian Adolf Diamant , who were murdered in Auschwitz
  • The memorial stele by the sculptor Volker Beier on Stephanplatz commemorates the old synagogue that was destroyed in the November pogroms in 1938
  • Commemorative sculpture also by Beier from 1988 in the courtyard of the Technical University at Straße der Nations 62 in memory of the deported Jews from the city
  • Memorial plaque (temporarily kept in the Schloßberg Museum) on the villa of Hermann Fürstenheim Weststrasse 13, who was murdered here in the November pogrom

Monuments in memory of other victims of National Socialism

  • Urn with remains of ashes from concentration camp prisoners on the second floor of the town hall in memory of the "unknown anti-fascists "
  • Memorial in the old cemetery of the rehabilitation center for the blind and visually impaired on Flemmingstrasse in memory of the victims of National Socialism
  • Park of the Victims of Fascism (previously Karl-Marx-Platz) with a memorial wall by the sculptor Hanns Diettrich
  • Monument at the entrance of the operating German Bahn AG 45 in memory of the countless mainly Emilienstraße Soviet men and women during the Second World War deported to Germany and victims of forced labor were
  • Memorial columns on the premises of the Chemnitz steel foundry and Brockhausen & Holze GmbH Sandstrasse 116 in memory of three anti-fascist workers who fell victim to fascism
  • Memorial plaque on the residential building at Reichsstrasse 69 for the murdered anti-fascist Fritz Matschke
  • Memorial stone on the old Harth between Berbisdorf and Einsiedel in memory of nine unknown concentration camp prisoners who were murdered towards the end of the war
  • Memorial stone on the edge of the hat wood in memory of seven murdered resistance fighters
  • VVN monument in front of the residential building in Glösa An den Weiden No. 48 to the Meta and Karl Gesell families and August Gerke , who were murdered in Sachsenhausen concentration camp
  • Memorial stone at the house at Zwickauer Strasse No. 418 in the Siegmar-Schönau district for the anti-fascist Anton Ehrhardt , who was murdered in 1933
  • Memorial stone at the terminus of bus route 21 in memory of the communist resistance fighter Max Saupe , who was murdered in Sachsenhausen concentration camp in 1945
  • Memorial stone at the primary school (in GDR times POS Ernst Enge) at Carl-von-Ossietzky-Straße 171 in the Gablenz district in memory of the anti-fascist resistance fighter Ernst Enge , who was murdered in the Hohe Straße prison in 1944
  • Memorial stone in the garden home of the allotment garden association Hilbersdorfer Höhe for the anti-fascist Rudolf Liebold , who died in 1935 from torture
  • Memorial plaques in Rudolf-Krahl-Strasse in memory of the anti-fascists Horst Reinhardt (house no.65) and Max Schmidt (house no.66), who were murdered in Vienna and Sachsenhausen concentration camp
  • Memorial plaque on the residential building at Ammonstraße 43 for the resistance fighter Alfons Pech , who was murdered in 1945
  • Grove of honor for those persecuted by the Nazi regime in the municipal cemetery
  • Grove of honor of the socialists in the same cemetery, entrance Wartburgstrasse, with memorial plaques for 49 anti-Nazi opponents who were murdered, as well as for the emigrated anti-fascists Clara Zetkin , Fritz Heckert and Ernst Schneller, who was killed in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp

Monument in memory of the victims of the tyranny 1945–1989

  • Stele made of Halmstadt Gneiss on Hohen Strasse opposite the regional court


  • A. Hoffmann / J. Schulz (Red.) Et al .: Architectural Guide GDR, Karl-Marx-Stadt district. Berlin (publishing house for construction) 1989
  • Dietrich Zühlke (Red.) Et al .: Values ​​of our homeland , Bd. 33 Karl-Marx-Stadt. Berlin (Akademie Verlag) 1979
  • Adolf Diamant: "Past Jewish life", in: Tilo Richter (ed.): Der Kaßberg. A Chemnitz reading and picture book. Passage-Verlag, Leipzig 1996, pp. 145–158.

See also

Web links

Commons : Memorials in Chemnitz  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Footnotes and individual references

  1. The “Park of the Victims of Fascism” in the online project Memorial Monuments. Fallen Memorials online project, Lawrenceville, USA, accessed April 18, 2009 .