List of historians of the Christian Orient

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The history of the Christian Orient has been passed on by several, mostly Christian, chroniclers and historians. Their works still serve as historical sources today. In the chronicles the history of the church is described but also world history. Some chroniclers were initially lawyers ( Socrates Scholasticus , Hermeias Sozomenos ), some of them monks ( Johannes bar Penkaje , Matthias von Edessa , Rufinus von Aquileia ) or secretaries of bishops and patriarchs, or some were bishops themselves ( Theodoret , Wilhelm von Tire ).

List of historians




Modern times

  • Kamal Salibi (1929–2011) Lebanese historian, expert on Arabic history


  • Gregorius Barhebraeus: Chronicon ecclesiasticum, ed. v. Johann Baptist Abbeloos u. Thomas Joseph Lamy, Leuven 1872
  • Fragments of Syrian and Arab Historians (Elias of Nisibis), ed. v. Friedrich Baethgen, Leipzig 1884
  • Chronique de Michel le Syria, ed. v. J.-B. Chabot, Vol. 3, Paris 1905, 130-133