List of cultural monuments in Zamora

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The list of cultural monuments in Zamora leads all as Bien de Interés Cultural listed (BIC) cultural monuments in the city of Zamora on.

image designation location description construction time Registered
Teatro Principal
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Teatro Principal Opened in 1876
Espíritu Santo Church Espíritu Santo Church
13th Century
San Pedro and San Ildefonso Church
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San Pedro and San Ildefonso Church
Santo Sepulcro Church
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Santo Sepulcro Church

Puerta de Doña Urraca Puerta de Doña Urraca
middle Ages
Zamora Cathedral
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Zamora Cathedral
Santiago del Burgo church
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Santiago del Burgo church 12./13. century
Santa María Magdalena Church
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Church of Santa María Magdalena 12th Century
Palacio de los Momos
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Palacio de los Momos
15th century
Santo Tomé Church
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Santo Tomé Church 12th Century

Santa María de la Orta church
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Santa María de la Orta church 12./13. century
Santiago de los Caballeros Church, also known as Santiago El Viejo
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Santiago de los Caballeros Church , also known as Santiago El Viejo
11th century
San Claudio de Olivares church
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Church of San Claudio de Olivares 12th Century

San Cipriano Church
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San Cipriano Church 12th Century
Casa del Cid
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Casa del Cid 11th century
Santa María la Nueva Church
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Santa María la Nueva Church 12th Century
Portal of the Church of San Juan de Puerta Nueva Portal of the Church of San Juan de Puerta Nueva
Historic old town of Zamora
Portal and tower of the Church of San Vicente
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Portal and tower of the Church of San Vicente

Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes
Palacio de los Condes de Alba y Aliste
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Palacio de los Condes de Alba y Aliste
BW Cloister of the Convento del Corpus Christi de las Clarisas Descalzas
San Esteban Church
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San Esteban Church 12th Century
San Leonardo Church
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San Leonardo Church 11th to 13th centuries
Archivo Histórico Provincial de Zamora Archivo Histórico Provincial de Zamora
BW Biblioteca Pública del Estado

Web links

Commons : Cultural Monuments in Zamora  - Collection of images, videos and audio files