List of cultural monuments in Chemnitz-Harthau

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The list of cultural monuments in Chemnitz-Harthau contains the cultural monuments of the Chemnitz district of Harthau , which were recorded in the list of monuments by the State Office for Monument Preservation Saxony as of June 20, 2013. In addition, the cultural monuments deleted from the list of monuments are listed.


  • Name: gives the name, the description or the type of the cultural monument.
  • Address: states the street name and, if available, the house number of the cultural monument. The list is basically sorted according to this address. The link "Map" leads to various map displays and gives the coordinates of the cultural monument.
  • Dating: indicates the date; the year of completion or the period of construction. Sorting by year is possible.
  • Description: Provides structural and historical details of the cultural monument, preferably the characteristics of the monument.
  • ID: Indicates the object ID of the cultural monument assigned by the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony .

List of cultural monuments in Chemnitz-Harthau

image designation location Dating description ID
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Inn Am Hahnberg 40
Around 1930 Historic excursion restaurant, traditional wooden construction on a slate base 09203923
Residential building
Residential building Am Harthauer Bahnhof 2
Marked 1840 Simple rural residential building with visible half-timbered construction on the upper floor, striking hipped roof 09204851
Residential building
Residential building Am Harthauer Bahnhof 12
1836 according to information Simple rural residential building with visible half-timbered construction on the upper floor 09204850
Residential building
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Residential building Am Schindlerberg 3
Rural house with a half-timbered construction on the upper floor that has been preserved under slate cladding 09204834
Residential building
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Residential building Am Schindlerberg 5
2nd quarter of the 19th century Small rural house with a half-timbered construction on the upper floor in a landscape-defining location 09203925
Town hall with front garden and enclosure
Town hall with front garden and enclosure Annaberger Strasse 336
Representative municipal building, restrained in the individual forms, but elaborate in the mass structure, with a dominant clock tower, of importance in terms of building history and local history 09204828
Residential complex, consisting of three detached rental houses, with associated outbuildings and a garden
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Residential complex, consisting of three detached rental houses, with associated outbuildings and a garden Annaberger Strasse 340; 342; 344
Late 19th century Uniform, Wilhelminian-style company residential complex with a restrained but sophisticated design, analogous to the factory administration buildings, in a good state of preservation 09204831
Factory owner's residence of the Richter foundry
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Factory owner's residence of the Richter foundry Annaberger Strasse 346
1861 Associated foundry hall demolished (see "Deletions from the list of monuments" ). 09204848
Factory with two administration buildings, shed halls, workshop building and chimney
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Factory with two administration buildings, shed halls, workshop building and chimney Annaberger Strasse 348
1874–1890 (spinning room building A); 1885 (office building B and mail order building C); 1885/1886 (boiler and machine house building D) One of the most important historical industrial plants in Chemnitz, the first large shed hall complex in Saxony, an impressive overall complex in its architectural cohesion 09204830
Detached house
Detached house Annaberger Strasse 368
Small rural residential building, visible half-timbered construction on the upper floor, portal with porphyry walls 09204809
Villa with parts of the garden and fencing
Villa with parts of the garden and fencing Annaberger Strasse 375
Late 19th century Stately Wilhelminian style villa building with differentiated facade structure in a good state of preservation 09204826
Rifle house
Rifle house Annaberger Strasse 380
Around 1900 Club house of a rifle club, characteristic Wilhelminian style half-timbered building with brick infill, largely unchanged 09204820
Crusher house for processing quarry stone Annaberger Straße 380 (near)
Around 1900 Functional building of the quarry formerly located at this point, a rare representative of its genus 09204819
Rental villa, former director's residence of the Schäferchen Kammgarnspinnerei, with garden and enclosure
Rental villa, former director's residence of the Schäferchen Kammgarnspinnerei, with garden and enclosure Annaberger Strasse 451
Late 19th century Representative residential building in a very good state of preservation, significant in connection with the factories opposite 09204829
Material entirety of the Luther Church Chemnitz-Harthau with mountain cemetery
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Material entirety of the Luther Church Chemnitz-Harthau with mountain cemetery Annaberger Strasse 469
1904 foundation High-quality church building with the west tower dominating the area, accentuating structure with terracotta reliefs, interior fittings completely preserved, cemetery with an interesting garden design.

Material entirety Luther Church Chemnitz-Harthau with mountain cemetery, with the following individual monuments:

  • Church with Luther memorial (see list of individual monuments - Obj. 09204853)
  • as well as the mountain cemetery behind it with a chapel, three tombs and portal (see individual monument list - Obj. 09204854)
  • as well as the landscaped cemetery of the mountain cemetery (garden monument)
  • and the green area surrounding the church (entity part)
Evangelical Lutheran Church and Luther Memorial at the church tower
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Evangelical Lutheran Church and Luther Memorial at the church tower Annaberger Strasse 469
1906-1908 High quality church building with the west tower dominating the area, accentuating structure through terracotta reliefs, interior fittings completely preserved

Individual monuments of the material entirety Luther Church Chemnitz-Harthau with mountain cemetery:

  • Evangelical Lutheran Church
  • and Luther monument at the church tower (see population list - Obj. 09302526)
Historic cemetery complex and cemetery chapel
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Historic cemetery complex and cemetery chapel Annaberger Strasse 469
1904 (establishment of the cemetery); 1905 (chapel); around 1905 (tomb); around 1910 (tomb); around 1930 (tomb) Historical cemetery complex on an approximately rectangular area in sloping terrain, rectangular path system with old hedges and trees, chapel in reduced Art Nouveau forms

Individual monuments of the material entirety Luther Church Chemnitz-Harthau with mountain cemetery:

  • Cemetery chapel,
  • three tombs
  • and portal of the mountain cemetery (see population list - Obj. 09302526)
Apartment building in open development, with a side entrance gate to the property
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Apartment building in open development, with a side entrance gate to the property Annaberger Strasse 473
Marked 1906 High-quality rental building with moving mass grouping, rural decorative motifs, striking corner formation, original plaster structure 09204833
Rural house
Rural house Annaberger Strasse 481
2nd quarter of the 19th century Detached house with characteristic mansard roof and preserved half-timbered construction on the first floor (clad) 09204806
Apartment building in a semi-open area in a corner
Apartment building in a semi-open area in a corner Annaberger Strasse 485
Quality rental building in a striking urban situation 09204807
gym Annaberger Strasse 497a
1913 Outside and inside, the historical gymnasium building, largely preserved in its original state, with a mighty hipped roof crowned by a lantern 09204811
Residential building with an outbuilding to the rear
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Residential building with an outbuilding to the rear Annaberger Strasse 501
2nd third of the 19th century Typical residential building with a mighty hipped roof and preserved half-timbered construction on the upper floor 09204810
Residential stable house
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Residential stable house Harthauer Strasse 11
1st half of the 19th century Small farmhouse with a half-timbered construction on the upper floor that has been preserved under cladding 09204845
Residential building
Residential building Harthauer Strasse 62
2nd third of the 19th century Simple rural masonry construction with a high, slate-covered gable roof 09204846
Former children's home with surrounding gardens
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Former children's home with surrounding gardens Huebnerweg 21; 23; 25; 27; 29; 31
1926 Extensive architectural complex of remarkable quality, predominantly solidly bricked in slate, in the local style 09204852
Apartment house in open development in a corner, with a front garden
Apartment house in open development in a corner, with a front garden Joachim-Kändler-Strasse 3
around 1905 Typical rental building with strong facade relief 09204839
Evangelical Lutheran Church and cemetery with tombs, memorial stone and enclosure
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Evangelical Lutheran Church and cemetery with tombs, memorial stone and enclosure Kirchsteig
1539, later reshaped Historically significant church building with a turret that defines the townscape, a churchyard with old trees and a few elaborately designed tombs and a newly erected memorial stone for the Bernhard family of manufacturers 09204823
Former cotton wool factory with two- and three-story production buildings, boiler house, machine house, chimney, office and residential building as well as storage building and cellar
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Former cotton wool factory with two- and three-story production buildings, boiler house, machine house, chimney, office and residential building as well as storage building and cellar Klaffenbacher Strasse 2
3rd third of the 19th century (factory building and warehouse); around 1905 (office and residential building); 2nd half of the 19th century (mountain cellar) Impressive, sophisticatedly designed commercial complex in its closedness, all functional buildings have been preserved 09204821
House and barn
House and barn Klaffenbacher Strasse 6
Marked 1838 (stable house); last third of the 19th century (barn) Rural house with a mighty hipped roof and preserved half-timbered construction on the upper floor, barn also unchanged 09204822
Administration building of a factory
Administration building of a factory Klaffenbacher Strasse 45
1916 Representative neoclassical administrative building in a good state of preservation, replacement building for the oldest building of the Bernhardschen spinning mill, forms with no. 47 and 49 a group surrounding the courtyard

Individual monument of the whole of the Bernhardsche Spinnerei: administration building of a factory (see list of objects as a whole - Obj. 09302696);

The whole of the Bernhardsche Spinnerei
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The whole of the Bernhardsche Spinnerei Klaffenbacher Strasse 45; 47; 49
From 1798 High quality classical industrial complex, important evidence from the early days of industrialization, most important industrial monument in Chemnitz, expanded in the reform style of the time around 1910

The whole of the Bernhardsche Spinnerei , with the individual monuments:

  • Administration building of a factory (see individual list of monuments - Obj. 09204879),
  • Spinning mill complex with production building and administration building (see individual monument list Klaffenbacher Straße 47, 49 - Obj. 09204878),
  • Workers' residence, later a factory school (see individual monument list Klaffenbacher Straße 70, 72 - Obj. 09204883)
  • (former master house of the spinners, see individual monument list Spinnereiweg 4 - Obj. 09204885, canceled before 2009)
  • and as totality parts: in No. 45–49 intermediate courtyard, front garden, enclosure wall and garden
Production building and administration building of a spinning mill complex
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Production building and administration building of a spinning mill complex Klaffenbacher Strasse 47; 49
1798 Dendro (production building No. 49); around 1803 Dendro (administration building no.47) High-quality classical industrial complex, important evidence from the early days of industrialization, most important industrial monument in Chemnitz

Individual features of the aggregate Bernhardsche Spinnerei: Production building and administration building of a spinning mill complex (see aggregate list - Obj. 09302696)

Rented villa, presumably an official residence of the neighboring factory (Klaffenbacher Straße 45–49), with embankment wall, garden gate, shed and garden
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Rented villa, presumably an official residence of the neighboring factory (Klaffenbacher Straße 45–49), with embankment wall, garden gate, shed and garden Klaffenbacher Strasse 60
Late 19th century Stately, sophisticatedly designed brick building, taut band structure, largely original 09204880
Residential house with embankment wall
Residential house with embankment wall Klaffenbacher Strasse 62
Around 1870 Stately residential building with differentiated facade structure and representative entrance situation, originally probably part of the residential buildings No. 60-78 belonging to the factory opposite (Klaffenbacher Straße 45–49) 09204887
Residential complex consisting of two tenement houses (No. 64/66 and No. 68), with a shed and garden
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Residential complex consisting of two tenement houses (No. 64/66 and No. 68), with a shed and garden Klaffenbacher Strasse 64; 66; 68
Around 1910 Simple, but high-quality company residential buildings, originally part of the residential buildings No. 60–78 belonging to the factory opposite (Klaffenbacher Strasse 45–49) 09204884
Workers house
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Workers house Klaffenbacher Strasse 70; 72
Around 1800 Distinctive half-timbered building with a mighty hipped roof and characteristic roof pike, largely unchanged, part of the residential buildings No. 60-78 that formerly belonged to the factory opposite (Klaffenbacher Strasse 45-49)

Individual monument of the whole Bernhardsche Spinnerei: Workers' house (two house numbers) of the Bernhardschen Spinnerei, later a factory school, with a garden (see the whole list at Klaffenbacher Straße 45-49 - Obj. 09302696)

Double tenement house with back shed and garden
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Double tenement house with back shed and garden Klaffenbacher Strasse 74; 76
Late 19th century Simple, but high-quality residential building in clinker composite construction, part of the residential building No. 60–78 that formerly belonged to the factory opposite (Klaffenbacher Strasse 45–49) 09204882
Apartment building in open development with retaining wall, remains of the enclosure and garden
Apartment building in open development with retaining wall, remains of the enclosure and garden Klaffenbacher Strasse 78
Around 1900 High-quality rented building in clinker composite construction, part of the residential building No. 60–78, which formerly belonged to the factory opposite 09204881
Single family house with garden
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Single family house with garden Rehwiesenstrasse 23
Around 1930 Characteristic traditionalist wooden architecture, original in all details 09204824
Memorial stone for Theodor Körner
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Memorial stone for Theodor Körner Schindlerweg, at No. 23
1913 Metal plate with portrait of the poet and inscription, set by the Erzgebirgsverein Harthau 09203924
Railway tunnel with adjoining embankment walls
Railway tunnel with adjoining embankment walls Stöcklstrasse
1895 The Chemnitz-Stollberg route under the Harthauer Kirchberg is pierced, the only railway tunnel in the city, two elliptically rounded tunnel openings framed by embossed porphyry, of architectural and local significance 09204815
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school Stöcklstrasse 2
1890/1891 High-quality Wilhelminian style school building with differentiated facade design in sandstone and red brick facing, second school building in Harthau 09204813
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school Stöcklstrasse 4
Marked 1900 Representative school building that characterizes the townscape from the Wilhelminian era with multicolored facade design, third school building in Harthau 09204812
Rectory with garden
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Rectory with garden Stöcklstrasse 6
Marked 1895 Highly designed, Wilhelminian style residential building with striking stone details in a very good state of preservation 09204814
Old parish and rectory, Harthau's first school
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Old parish and rectory, Harthau's first school Stöcklstrasse 8
1861 Mighty, early-founding building that defines the townscape, symmetrical façade structure with a distinctive emphasis on the center through triple arched windows, first school in Harthau, of local significance 09204816
Residential building
Residential building Stöcklstrasse 10
Later referred to as 1840 Simple rural residential building with visible half-timbered construction on the upper floor that is effective in the townscape 09204817
Residential house with retaining wall of the property
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Residential house with retaining wall of the property Stöcklstrasse 32
Marked 1848 Typical rural house with a hipped roof that defines the townscape and a half-timbered construction on the upper floor that has been preserved under plaster, retaining walls in quarry stone that characterize the street 09204876

Deletions from the list of monuments

image designation location Dating description ID
Residential complex and garden at the Hahnberg
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Residential complex and garden at the Hahnberg Am Hahnberg 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9

Deletion from the list of monuments 2010

More pictures Foundry hall of the Richter foundry Annaberger Strasse 346
1872 One of the oldest still existing industrial halls in the city until it was demolished. Characteristic mixed construction of iron and wood, largely original, remains of the technical equipment (crane, two melting furnaces)

Corresponding factory owner's house still preserved

Residential building Annaberger Strasse 364
Demolished before 2001

Deletion from the list of monuments before 2010

Detached house
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Detached house Annaberger Strasse 431
Around 1861 Demolished by the city of Chemnitz in March 2017.

Stately masonry construction with a mighty hipped roof and fine porphyry details, in the classical style. From 1875 the building served as the home of the Steiner iron foundry

Apartment building in open development Harthauer Strasse 44
re. 1897 Demolished in 2012

High-quality Wilhelminian-style rental building with rich architectural decorations and a characteristic dwarf

Transformer house Klaffenbacher Str. 48 (next to)
Demolished between 2001 and 2006

Deletion from the list of monuments before 2010

Spinnmeister residence Spinnereiweg 4
Expired between 2006 and 2009

Deletion from the list of monuments before 2010



  • State Office for the Preservation of Monuments Saxony Dynamic web application: Overview of the monuments listed in Saxony. The place “Chemnitz, Stadt; Harthau ”is selected, followed by an address-specific selection. Alternatively, the ID can also be used. As soon as a selection has been made, further information about the selected object can be displayed and other monuments can be selected via the interactive map.
  • Interactive city map of the city of Chemnitz aerial photos from 2001, 2006, 2009 and 2012
  1. a b Chemnitz Official Gazette of August 25, 2010, page 10 (21st volume, 34th edition) (PDF; 1.4 MB) Official announcements on changes in the list of monuments of the city of Chemnitz , part 1
  2. Free Press of March 4, 2017, page 10: Accusation: City is tearing down historical building for no reason
  3. a b Chemnitz Official Journal of September 1, 2010, pages 10 and 11 (21st year, 35th edition) (PDF; 940 kB) Official announcements on changes in the list of monuments of the city of Chemnitz , part 2

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