List of cultural monuments in Chemnitz-Rabenstein

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The list of cultural monuments in Chemnitz-Rabenstein contains the cultural monuments of the Chemnitz district of Rabenstein , which were recorded in the list of monuments by the State Office for Monument Preservation Saxony as of June 20, 2013. In addition, the cultural monuments deleted from the list of monuments are listed.

The list is divided according to the first letters of the address.


  • Name: gives the name, the description or the type of the cultural monument.
  • Address: states the street name and, if available, the house number of the cultural monument. The list is basically sorted according to this address. The link "Map" leads to various map displays and gives the coordinates of the cultural monument.
  • Dating: indicates the date; the year of completion or the period of construction. Sorting by year is possible.
  • Description: Provides structural and historical details of the cultural monument, preferably the characteristics of the monument.
  • ID: Indicates the object ID of the cultural monument assigned by the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony .


image designation location Dating description ID
Residential house in open development with garden
Residential house in open development with garden At the white stone 16
Around 1930 High-quality traditionalist residential building with characteristic clinker decor, preserved unchanged 09204801


image designation location Dating description ID
Residential stable of a three-sided courtyard
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Residential stable of a three-sided courtyard Boettcherstraße 3
Around 1700 Large farmhouse with a mighty hipped roof and partially preserved half-timbered construction, significant due to the proximity to the Rabensteiner Church 09204955
Tenement house with front yard
Tenement house with front yard Burgstrasse 7
Around 1920 Quality rental building with a tower-like corner design and differentiated plaster structure, in the reform style of the period after 1910 09204935
Rental villa with front garden
Rental villa with front garden Burgstrasse 8
Around 1910 Quality residential building with a tower and a wooden loggia 09204936


image designation location Dating description ID
Barn and side building of a former four-sided courtyard
Barn and side building of a former four-sided courtyard Georg-Weerth-Strasse 5
1907 (barn); 1st half of the 19th century (side building) Originally preserved rural farm buildings with visible or under cladding preserved half-timbered construction 09204784
Residential building
Residential building Georg-Weerth-Strasse 11
Marked 1852 Typical rural house with a high pitched roof and preserved half-timbered construction on the upper floor 09204781
Barn of a farm (presumably former four-sided farm) Georg-Weerth-Strasse 13
3rd third of the 19th century Originally preserved barn in visible half-timbered construction 09204782
Residential building
Residential building Georg-Weerth-Strasse 19
1st half of the 19th century Rural housing, half-timbered buildings on the upper floor, of architectural and social significance 09303173
Residential building
Residential building Georg-Weerth-Strasse 26
1st third of the 19th century Rural house with half-timbered upper floor and crooked roof 09204951
Residential building
Residential building Georg-Weerth-Strasse 27
Marked 1836 Rural residential building with visible half-timbered construction on the upper floor 09204963
Residential building
Residential building Georg-Weerth-Strasse 30
2nd quarter of the 19th century Simple rural housing, with clad half-timbered construction on the upper floor 09204962
Rectory with garden and enclosure wall
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Rectory with garden and enclosure wall Georgenkirchweg 1
Stately, broadly based building in the immediate vicinity of the church, visible half-timbered construction on the upper floor, of architectural and local historical importance 09204785
Evangelical Lutheran Church with a former churchyard, enclosure wall, retaining wall at the church, three memorial trees and a war memorial for those who fell in the Franco-German war
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Evangelical Lutheran Church with a former churchyard, enclosure wall, retaining wall at the church, three memorial trees and a war memorial for those who fell in the Franco-German war Georgenkirchweg 2
1852–1854 (church); marked 1875 (war memorial Franco-German war) Church building in an elevated position that characterizes the townscape, high-quality neo-Gothic building with a high west tower and striking buttresses made of porphyry and slate, important Saxon church building from the early neo-gothic, on the south side a neo-gothic memorial stone in memory of the fallen in the war of 1870/71, structurally, artistically, shaping the townscape and historically significant 09204971
Apartment building in open development, with front garden and side fence
Apartment building in open development, with front garden and side fence Georgenkirchweg 4
Around 1930 Restrained but sophisticatedly designed and very well preserved traditionalist rental building, the curvature of the structure effectively addresses the urban situation 09204956
House, coach house and fountain
House, coach house and fountain Georgenkirchweg 21
18th century (residential house); 1930 (Remise building) Stately rural residential building, half-timbered construction on the upper floor, coach house in the courtyard in the style of the 1920s 09204967
gym Georgenkirchweg 28
Around 1925 Well-preserved traditionalist gym building with baroque shape echoes in a very good state of preservation 09204965


image designation location Dating description ID
Residential building
Residential building Hans-Benz-Strasse 6
2nd third of the 19th century Typical rural residential building with half-timbered construction on the upper floor preserved under cladding 09204773
Residential building
Residential building Hans-Benz-Strasse 9
Typical rural residential building with timber framing on the upper floor that has been preserved under cladding 09204769
Residential building
Residential building Hans-Benz-Strasse 10
2nd third of the 19th century Typical rural residential building with half-timbered construction on the upper floor preserved under cladding 09204768
Residential building Hans-Benz-Strasse 17
1st third of the 19th century Typical rural house with a mighty hipped roof and a half-timbered construction on the upper floor that has been preserved under cladding 09204780
Residential building Hans-Benz-Strasse 20
2nd quarter of the 19th century Typical rural house with a half-timbered construction on the upper floor that has been preserved under cladding 09204788


image designation location Dating description ID
Brewery with beer cellar
Brewery with beer cellar Kieselhausenstrasse 1a
Late 19th century Historic brewery building with remarkable cross-vaulted interiors and underlying cellars, associated with building No. 2 opposite 09204794
Building of a brewery with a residential building
Building of a brewery with a residential building Kieselhausenstrasse 2
Late 19th century Striking brewery building, formerly framing the street symmetrically with its opposite No. 1a, with a residential extension to the rear, both construction phases in their original state 09204789
Gym with head building partially used for residential purposes
Gym with head building partially used for residential purposes Kieselhausenstrasse 3
Late 19th century Outside and inside largely original gym building, important as a testimony to the "sports city of Chemnitz" 09204790
House and manual pump
House and manual pump Kieselhausenstrasse 17
2nd quarter of the 19th century Typical rural dwelling that characterizes the townscape, the original half-timbered construction presumably largely preserved on the upper floor under the half-timbered structure 09204791
Residential building Short street 1
2nd third of the 19th century Characteristic rural residential building on an L-shaped floor plan with a crooked roof, largely unchanged 09204945


image designation location Dating description ID
Residential house in open development with rear barn extension, front garden and enclosure
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Residential house in open development with rear barn extension, front garden and enclosure Limbacher Strasse 337
Around 1900 Stately brick building with high-quality details, replaces a side building formerly belonging to No. 339 09204796
Stable house of a former farm
Stable house of a former farm Limbacher Strasse 339
Around 1800 Stately farmhouse with a mighty hipped roof that defines the townscape and a half-timbered construction on the upper floor that has been preserved under cladding 09204795
Factory with administration building
Factory with administration building Limbacher Strasse 349
2nd third of the 19th century (administration building); 1920s (factory building and coach house) Three-storey production building and coach house as well as front garden; Uniformly designed factory complex, traditionalist architecture, largely unchanged 09204776
Residential building (No. 428) with a rear building attached to the side (No. 426)
Residential building (No. 428) with a rear building attached to the side (No. 426) Limbacher Strasse 428
2nd third of the 19th century Remarkable ensemble of rural residential buildings, possibly under plastered half-timbered construction on the upper floor, distinctive staggering 09204771
Rural house (presumably a cottage)
Rural house (presumably a cottage) Limbacher Strasse 438
2nd third of the 19th century Small, particularly well-preserved rural house with visible half-timbered construction on the upper floor 09204772
Rural house and garden shed
Rural house and garden shed Louis-Schreiter-Strasse 4
2nd quarter of the 19th century (residential building); around 1900 (garden house) Rural residential building with a characteristic hipped roof, wide pike and half-timbered construction preserved under cladding 09204961
Tenement house with front garden and enclosure (ancillary facility)
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Tenement house with front garden and enclosure (ancillary facility) Louis-Schreiter-Strasse 5
Inscribed with 1903–1904 Typical rental building, art nouveau style 09204960
Rental villa with front garden and enclosure wall
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Rental villa with front garden and enclosure wall Louis-Schreiter-Strasse 7
Late 19th century Simple, small villa-like residential building from the Wilhelminian era, with high-quality decorative details 09204953
Former town hall with front garden (ancillary facility)
Former town hall with front garden (ancillary facility) Louis-Schreiter-Strasse 9
Marked with 1902 Emphasized importance of the local history and original furnishings 09204849


image designation location Dating description ID
Rental villa with garden and enclosure
Rental villa with garden and enclosure Oberfrohnaer Strasse 84
Around 1905 Quality residential building with decorative rural motifs, largely original outside and inside 09204954
Inn with ballroom
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Inn with ballroom Oberfrohnaer Strasse 100
3rd quarter of the 19th century (core of the inn); Late 19th century (ballroom) High-quality, historically significant inn, ballroom extension with largely preserved interior 09204944
Residential building
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Residential building Oberfrohnaer Strasse 120
Marked 1796 (around 1763 Dendro) Simple rural house with originally preserved half-timbered construction on the upper floor 09204933
Unity of the manor Oberrabenstein - castle and palace
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Unity of the manor Oberrabenstein - castle and palace Oberfrohnaer Strasse 126; 128; 147; 149
1814 Complex of great importance in terms of urban history, architectural history, artistic and landscape-defining significance

Subject aggregate Rittergut Oberrabenstein - castle and palace, with the following individual monuments:

  • Manor house (castle) with an outbuilding on the side (see individual monument list Oberfrohnaer Str. 149 - Obj. 09204799),
  • to the west is an associated orchard (garden monument),
  • Castle (partly ruin, see individual monument list Oberfrohnaer Str. 147 - Obj. 09204800),
  • south of the castle English landscape park (garden monument) and former sheep farm (see individual monument list Oberfrohnaer Str. 128 - Obj. 09204934)
  • as well as the overall parts: enclosure walls and former malt house of the castle brewery (today residential building, Oberfrohnaer Str. 126)
Former cavalier's house (so-called sheep farm) and barn
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Former cavalier's house (so-called sheep farm) and barn Oberfrohnaer Strasse 128
1796 (manor barn); 2nd half of the 18th century (sheep farm) Structurally and locally of importance

Individual features of the totality of the manor manor Oberrabenstein (see also the list of objects in total Oberfrohnaer Straße 126,128, 147, 149 - Obj. 09300457)

House and barn
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House and barn Oberfrohnaer Strasse 129
Marked 1838 Residential house with a half-timbered construction on the upper floor and characteristic roof pike, barn in an unusual axial arrangement, original in its structural shape 09204937
Railway viaduct (Rabensteiner Viadukt) over Oberfrohnaer Straße on the Limbach - Wüstenbrand line
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Railway viaduct ( Rabensteiner Viadukt ) over Oberfrohnaer Straße on the Limbach - Wüstenbrand line Oberfrohnaer Strasse 129; 131 (between)
Line opened in 1897 One of the most beautiful railway bridges in the city, half in stone, half as a steel construction, of technical significance 09204932
Residential stable house
Residential stable house Oberfrohnaer Strasse 131
2nd third of the 19th century Largely original stable house with mostly visible half-timbering on the upper floor, striking location on the curve of a thoroughfare 09204970
New farm with side building Oberfrohnaer Strasse 140
Around 1950 Largely original farmhouse from the early post-war period 09204803
Residential building
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Residential building Oberfrohnaer Strasse 143
2nd third of the 19th century Simple rural residential building with timber-framed timber-framed construction, distinguished by its proximity to Rabenstein Castle 09204938
Castle, partly ruin (with surrounding castle district and adjacent park)
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Castle, partly ruin (with surrounding castle district and adjacent park) Oberfrohnaer Strasse 147
12th century (at its core) Historically significant castle complex, picturesquely situated on a rock spur, core area with keep still present, exterior area can be read from the foundations that have been preserved

Individual monument of the totality of the Rittergut Oberrabenstein - (see also the list of objects in the Oberfrohnaer Straße 126, 128, 147, 149 - Obj. 09300457)

Manor house and outbuildings to the side
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Manor house and outbuildings to the side Oberfrohnaer Strasse 149
re. 1776 Stately property with a mighty mansard roof, neo-baroque ornamental gable and roof turret, lower outbuilding in a related structural shape, of architectural and local significance

Individual features of the totality of the manor manor Oberrabenstein (see also the totality list of Oberfrohnaer Straße 126, 128, 147, 149 - Obj. 09300457)

New farm
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New farm Oberfrohnaer Strasse 163
Around 1950 Largely original farmhouse from the early post-war period with characteristic half-timbered gable that can be seen from afar 09204802


image designation location Dating description ID
Railway bridge over Riedstrasse
Railway bridge over Riedstrasse Riedstrasse, at No. 5
Around 1905 Segment arch-shaped overpass with smaller lateral arches, rusticated stone cladding 09204972
Summer cottage Rödenteichstrasse 4a
High quality and very well preserved wooden house 09204969
Unity of the Rabensteiner Friedhof
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Unity of the Rabensteiner Friedhof Röhrsdorfer Strasse
1906 Simple complex, structured by a central crossroads, with old trees, numerous remarkable tombs

Cemetery with chapel, memorial for fallen soldiers with surrounding soldiers' graves and grave sites (see individual monument list, same address - Obj. 09204805)

Chapel, memorial for the fallen with surrounding soldiers' graves and grave sites
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Chapel, memorial for the fallen with surrounding soldiers' graves and grave sites Röhrsdorfer Strasse
1906 opening of the cemetery and construction of the chapel; 1920s (war memorial) Simple complex, structured by a central crossroads, with old trees, numerous remarkable tombs

Individual features of the aggregate Rabensteiner Friedhof (see aggregate list same address - Obj. 09302797)

Residential building
Residential building Röhrsdorfer Strasse 4
2nd third of the 19th century Typical rural residential building with half-timbered construction on the upper floor preserved under cladding 09204767
Residential building
Residential building Röhrsdorfer Strasse 5
2nd third of the 19th century Typical rural residential building with a half-timbered structure on the upper floor preserved under slate cladding 09204766


image designation location Dating description ID
Golf club house with garden Thomas-Müntzer-Höhe 1
1928-1930 Remarkable building based on the New Building on a characteristic oval floor plan, an important work by the architect Max Feistel, largely unchanged 09204804
House and farm building (stable-barn) of a farm
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House and farm building (stable-barn) of a farm Truetzschlerstrasse 2
Marked 1870 Stately farmhouse in a prominent location, half-timbered construction on the upper floor partially preserved, of architectural and economic importance 09204779
Unity of the manor Niederrabenstein
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Unity of the manor Niederrabenstein Trützschlerstrasse 8; 8a; 8b
Marked with 1834 (farm building); around 1834 (manor house and manor barn); 1950s (tenement) Historically important manor complex, important in terms of landscape design

Material entirety of the manor Niederrabenstein with the totality parts:

  • Manor,
  • Farm building (address: Rittergutsweg 14-14f),
  • two barns
  • as well as a small residential complex consisting of two tenement houses (address: Trützschlerstrasse 8a and 8b)
  • and adjacent park (garden monument)
Cantor council
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Cantor council Truetzschlerstrasse 9
Marked 1839 High-quality, symmetrically structured masonry construction with a distinctive classicist portal, of architectural and local significance 09204798
School with gym and green area in front of it
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School with gym and green area in front of it Truetzschlerstrasse 10
Around 1905 Stately school building, style motifs of the German neo-renaissance, mighty ornamental gable, remarkable stone details 09204949


image designation location Dating description ID
Hospital with main building (Building A, No. 23), children's clinic (Building K, No. 21) and pavilion on Riedstrasse
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Hospital with main building (Building A, No. 23), children's clinic (Building K, No. 21) and pavilion on Riedstrasse Unritzstrasse 21; 23
1912/13 (main building A); marked 1928 (children's clinic) Extensive, uniform system in the reform style of the time around 1910 and in the traditionalist forms of the 1920s, moving mass structure with accentuating relief decorations 09204973
Culture house and fountain on the forecourt and pergola with pavilion in the park on Pelzmühlenstraße
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Culture house and fountain on the forecourt and pergola with pavilion in the park on Pelzmühlenstraße Unritzstrasse 40
1949-1951 One of the most important cultural buildings in Saxony with a mighty portico supported by six columns is one of the small number of representative buildings through which the Soviet stock corporation (SAG) Wismut transformed the Chemnitz suburb of Siegmar into the corporate "capital", the gymnasium and swimming pool opposite Pelzmühlenstraße 25 is important as an urban counterpart, the surrounding, uniformly designed park is still largely preserved in its original form

Individual features of the aggregate culture house of miners (see aggregate list same address - Obj. 09302787)

Aggregate culture house of miners
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Aggregate culture house of miners Unritzstrasse 40
1949–1951, park essentially older One of the most important cultural buildings in Saxony, belongs to the small number of representative buildings from the 1950s, through which the Soviet stock corporation (SAG) Wismut transformed the Chemnitz suburb of Siegmar into the corporate "capital", the gymnasium and swimming pool opposite the central Wismut cultural palace important as an urban counterpart, the surrounding, uniformly designed park is still largely preserved in its original form

Aggregate culture house of miners, with the following individual monuments:

  • Kulturpalast and fountain on the forecourt
  • as well as pergola with pavilion in the park on Pelzmühlenstraße (see individual monument list Unritzstraße 40 - Obj. 09204974),
  • Opposite sports facility, consisting of a gym and swimming pool (see individual monument list Pelzmühlenstraße 25 - Obj. 09203594)
  • and surrounding green area with Pelzmühlenteich and embankment walls as a whole


image designation location Dating description ID
Villa with garden Waldstrasse 12
1929 Sophisticated villa building, remarkable as an early representative of the New Building in Chemnitz, inside and outside good state of preservation 09204842
Former lime mine (today show mine)
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Former lime mine (today show mine) Way to the lime works 4; 5
Around 1870 (residential and administrative building); 1st third of the 19th century (lime kiln); marked 1829 (master distillery); 1950s (kiosk) Significant historical mining facility, different phases of lime extraction and processing can be seen, especially valuable the lime kilns with the associated master distillery

Individual features of the entity Felsendom Rabenstein:

  • Remains of a winding tower,
  • Lime kilns,
  • Distiller's House (No. 5),
  • Residential and administrative building (later Felsendome service area, No. 4)
  • as well as two kiosks (ticket booth and snack)
Aggregate rock Dome Rabenstein
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Aggregate rock Dome Rabenstein Way to the lime works 4; 5
1375 (start of limestone mining); around 1750 (start of underground mining); 1936 (opening of the show mine) Significant historical mining facility, different phases of lime extraction and processing can be read, especially valuable the lime kilns with the associated master distillery, residential and administrative building as well as two kiosks are part of the whole

Former lime mine (today a show mine) with the individual monuments:

  • Remains of a winding tower,
  • Lime kilns,
  • Distiller's House (No. 5),
  • Residential and administrative building (later the Felsendome service area, No. 4),
  • two kiosks (ticket booth and snack bar),
  • with the aggregate parts: quarry for surface mining, underground mine on four levels and former company premises
Residential building Weigandstrasse 10
2nd third of the 19th century Small rural residential building, hipped roof with short roof pike, half-timbered construction on the upper floor with cladding preserved 09204939
Residential building
Residential building Weigandstrasse 21
2nd quarter of the 19th century Simple rural housing, half-timbered construction on the upper floor preserved under cladding 09204941
Residential building Weigandstrasse 26
2nd quarter of the 19th century (residential building); marked 1850 (residential building) Simple rural housing, half-timbered construction on the upper floor preserved 09204940
Residential building Weigandstrasse 27
Rural residential building with half-timbered construction on the upper floor preserved under cladding 09204948
Cottage Weigandstrasse 28
Around 1835 according to information from the owner Small rural residential building, half-timbered construction on the upper floor, slate cladding, largely unchanged 09204947
Railway bridge over Weigandstrasse
Railway bridge over Weigandstrasse Weigandstrasse, at No. 28
Small segment arched railway overpass, cladding of the bridge and flanking embankment wall in stone rustics 09204946

Deletions from the list of monuments

image designation location Dating description ID
Residential complex with gardens in the "Am Ried" estate Am Ried 1 to 25, 6 to 24

Deletion from the list of monuments 2010

Residential building Georg-Weerth-Strasse 10

Deletion from the list of monuments before 2010

Residential building Georg-Weerth-Strasse 25
Demolished between 2009 and 2010

Deletion from the list of monuments before 2010.

Residential building Limbacher Strasse 331
Demolished between 2001 and 2006

Deletion from the list of monuments before 2010

Residential building Limbacher Strasse 351

Deletion from the list of monuments 2010

Residential building Limbacher Strasse 355
Demolished between 2006 and 2009

Deletion from the list of monuments before 2010

Residential and commercial buildings Limbacher Strasse 357

Deletion from the list of monuments before 2010

"White Eagle" inn and hall Limbacher Strasse 361
Demolished between 2006 and 2009

Deletion from the list of monuments before 2010

Tenement house and shop
Tenement house and shop Louis-Schreiter-Strasse 2

Deletion from the list of monuments 2010



  • State Office for the Preservation of Monuments Saxony Dynamic web application: Overview of the monuments listed in Saxony. The place “Chemnitz, Stadt; Rabenstein "is selected, then an address-specific selection takes place. Alternatively, the ID can also be used. As soon as a selection has been made, further information about the selected object can be displayed and other monuments can be selected via the interactive map.
  • Interactive city map of the city of Chemnitz aerial photos from 2001, 2006, 2009 and 2012
  1. a b c d e Chemnitz Official Gazette from August 25, 2010, page 10 (21st volume, 34th edition) (PDF; 1.4 MB) Official announcements on changes in the list of monuments of the city of Chemnitz , part 1
  2. a b c d Chemnitz Official Gazette of September 1, 2010, pages 10 and 11 (21st year, 35th edition) (PDF; 940 kB) Official announcements on changes in the list of monuments of the city of Chemnitz , part 2

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