List of cultural monuments in Freiberg-Nord

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The list of cultural monuments in Freiberg-Nord contains the cultural monuments of the Freiberg-Nord district of the Saxon city of Freiberg , which were recorded in the list of monuments by the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony as of June 20, 2013.


  • Image: shows a picture of the cultural monument and, if applicable, a link to further photos of the cultural monument in the Wikimedia Commons media archive
  • Designation: Name, designation or the type of cultural monument
  • Location: If available, street name and house number of the cultural monument; The list is basically sorted according to this address. The map link leads to various map displays and gives the coordinates of the cultural monument.
Map view to set coordinates. In this map view, cultural monuments are shown without coordinates with a red marker and can be placed on the map. Cultural monuments without a picture are marked with a blue marker, cultural monuments with a picture are marked with a green marker.
  • Dating: indicates the year of completion or the date of the first mention or the period of construction
  • Description: structural and historical details of the cultural monument, preferably the monument properties
  • ID: is awarded by the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony. It clearly identifies the cultural monument. The link leads to a PDF document from the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony, which summarizes the information on the monument, contains a map sketch and often a detailed description. For former cultural monuments sometimes no ID is given, if one is given, this is the former ID. The corresponding link leads to an empty document at the state office. The following icon can also be found in the ID column Notification-icon-Wikidata-logo.svg; this leads to information on this cultural monument at Wikidata .

List of cultural monuments in Freiberg-Nord

image designation location Dating description ID
Institute or academy building
Institute or academy building Agricolastrasse 1; 3
1921–1924, 1926–1927 and 1955–1956 (academy) Institute or academy building with an almost U-shaped floor plan; representative complex with traditional facade design and dominant rotunda, significant in terms of building history, local history, urban planning and scientific history (see also Leipziger Straße 26/28, Erich-Rammler-Bau), built in 1924 as a lignite research institute 09200757
Row of houses
Row of houses Agricolastrasse 5; 7; 9; 11; 13
1924 (residential building) Row of houses; Row house-like block of flats with traditional design elements such as a rectangular structure, hipped roof, perforated facade, folding shutters and stone-peeked plinth, as a testimony to the architecture around 1920, important in terms of building history, built as an official residence of the lignite research institute 09200763
Academy building
Academy building Agricolastrasse 17
Late 19th century (academy) Academy building; historicizing building with representative designed entrance and rear hall; Significant in terms of building history, local history and scientific history 09200764
Villa-like residential building
Villa-like residential building Agricolastrasse 19
around 1890 (residential building) Villa-like house with historicizing facade design; historically significant 09200760
Residential building
Residential building Agricolastraße 21
2nd half of the 15th century, 18th century (residential building) Residential building, detached; Building from a late Gothic, tower-like bower and an extension built in the 18th century with a half-timbered upper floor, significant in terms of architectural, artistic, urban development and local history and with a rarity (bower) 09200761
school-building Agricolastraße 35
1902 (school) School-building; representative building from the turn of the century, significant in terms of building history and local history; The building was demolished in 2017 and replaced by a new building. 09200762
Residential and farm buildings
Residential and farm buildings Bernhard-Kellermann-Strasse 6
1704 (residential building) Residential and farm buildings; Part of a suburban estate, significant in terms of building history and urban development 09200778
Residential building
Residential building Bernhard-Kellermann-Strasse 15
around 1870 (residential building) Residential house in open development; Originally preserved suburban house, single-storey and with a raised and gabled central wing, significant in terms of building history and urban development due to its authentic condition (compare with the other similarly designed houses on the street) 09200779
school-building Bernhard-Kellermann-Strasse 20
around 1890 (school) School-building; Historicizing building with plaster ashlar on the ground floor, artistically highlighted window frames, strong floor profile, etc., significant in terms of building history, local history and urban development history 09200780
Institute building
Institute building Bernhard-von-Cotta-Strasse 2
1958 (academy) Institute building; Construction of the late fifties with a traditionalist facade design, remarkable the staircase highlighted in terms of design, of value in terms of building history, local history and scientific history 09201013
Institute building
Institute building Bernhard-von-Cotta-Strasse 4
before 1960 (academy) Institute building; A building typical of the time from the late 1950s, a multi-storey building with an L-shaped floor plan with a traditionally designed facade, the entrance highlighted by means of a canopy, the foyer with its highlighted design, which is significant in terms of building history, local history and scientific history 09200001
enclosure Brauereistraße 1
around 1900 (wall) Enclosure; striking example with artistic standards 09200794
Residential building Dr.-Külz-Strasse 1
2nd V. 19th century (residential building) Residential house in open development; Striking building from the Biedermeier period with a baroque mansard roof and classicist facade elements, significant in terms of architectural and urban development history, and also of relevance to the townscape 09200068
villa Dr.-Külz-Strasse 4
around 1880 (residential building) Villa; high-quality historicist building with late classicist facade design, noble character through fine plaster structure and subtle architectural decoration (acroteries over window openings on the upper floor), significant in terms of building history and urban development history 09200913
villa Dr.-Külz-Strasse 5
around 1905 (residential building) Villa; in connection with neighboring solitary buildings of importance for the townscape, also as evidence of the architecture shortly after 1900 of architectural historical value 09200914
villa Dr.-Külz-Strasse 6
re. 1896 (residential house) Villa and rear pavilion; Representative residential building from the Wilhelminian era with a rich clinker facade, significant in terms of architectural, artistic and urban development history 09200915
villa Dr.-Külz-Strasse 7
around 1905 (residential building) Villa and enclosure; Picturesque solitary building with Art Nouveau facade, the street-side stairwell appears particularly elaborate, significant in terms of building history, artistic and urban development history 09200916
villa Dr.-Külz-Strasse 8
around 1880 (residential building) Villa; Architecturally high-quality residential building of historicism with a striking facade design in the style of the Dresden or Semper-Nicolai school, highlighted the central part with arched windows on the upper floor and rich late Classicist facade decoration, one of the most architecturally interesting villas in Freiberg, significant in terms of architectural, artistic and urban development history 09200917
villa Dr.-Külz-Strasse 9
around 1905 (residential building) Villa with enclosure; picturesque solitary building of architecture after 1900, significant in terms of building history and urban development history 09200918
Institute building
Institute building Gustav-Zeuner-Strasse 1
1957 (academy) Institute building; Building in the late 1950s with a traditionalist facade design, the front facing Gustav-Zeuner-Strasse is remarkable, of value in terms of building history, local history and scientific history 09201066
Miner figure
Miner figure Gustav-Zeuner-Straße 1 (in front)
around 1955 (statue) Cast iron figure of a miner; As a typical example of GDR art of the fifties, it is significant in terms of art history 09201099
Tenement house
Tenement house Hainichener Strasse 4
around 1880 (residential building) Apartment building with retaining wall in open development; Noble historicism building with balanced facade design (especially late classical elements), distinctive retaining wall made of quarry stone, important in terms of architectural and urban development history, also with Hainichener Straße 6 important for the townscape 09200887
Tenement house
Tenement house Hainichener Strasse 6
around 1880 (residential building) Apartment building with retaining wall in open development; Noble historicism building with balanced facade design, distinctive retaining wall made of quarry stone, significant in terms of architectural and urban development history, also with Hainicher Straße 4 important for the townscape 09200888
printing house Hainichener Strasse 42
Printing house; distinctive multi-storey production building with sandstone and clinker ornaments, half-timbered bay facing the courtyard and high mansard roof, historical, local and possibly. significant in terms of technology history 09200890
Villa construction
Villa construction Hainichener Strasse 58
re. 1920 (residential building) Villa construction with lavish facade decoration of a historicizing character; Significant in terms of building history and urban development history 09200889
German Fuel Institute
German Fuel Institute Halsbrücker Strasse 34
1961–1968 (university) Institute complex; Facility with pavilion-like technical center buildings, connected by a long corridor, its futuristic-looking head buildings, further block-like, multi-storey central laboratory and entrance building directly on the street, other rear functional buildings and residential building, one of the most modern and innovative examples of GDR architecture 1960, historically significant and with a rarity 09200891
Residential building
Residential building Hornmühlenweg 7
1563 (residential building) Residential house in open development; Former inn, representative Renaissance building with a crooked hip roof and seating niche portal as well as richly decorated window frames, lively show facade, significant in terms of building history, artistry and local history 09200900
Construction of two mining buildings
Construction of two mining buildings Hornmühlenweg 9
re. 1645 and ins. 1842 (mining) Construction of two mining buildings; characteristic buildings with pitched roofs and quarry stone masonry, the rear building hipped on one side and partly on the upper floor with half-timbering, small round windows as a striking detail, significant in terms of building history, mining history and local history 09200903
Institute building
Institute building Lampadiusstrasse 2; 4
1951 (academy) Institute building with rear extension over L-shaped floor plan; Traditionally designed building from the fifties, in front of the corner-shaped central wing, a memorial stone for Julius Weißbach (forms a unit with the building), significant in terms of building history, local history and scientific history 09201022
Duplex house
Duplex house Ledeburstrasse 6; 8
around 1910 (residential building) Double dwelling in open development; representative example of residential building architecture after 1900 with Art Nouveau elements and neo-baroque shapes, of value in terms of building history and urban development history, also with design qualities 09200959
City delimitation column
City delimitation column Leipziger Strasse
re. 1791 (road stone) City boundary column, sandstone stele with inscription; important in terms of local history 09300800
Royal Saxon milestones (totality)
Royal Saxon milestones (totality) Leipziger Strasse
around 1860 Royal Saxon half milestone as a road caretaker stone; Significant in terms of traffic history
Rental villa
Rental villa Leipziger Strasse 18
around 1900 (villa) Rental villa with garden and pavilion, dump of the Tagschacht Priestly Congratulations or the Müller-Schacht included in the garden design; The historicizing villa with clinker facade is historically significant, the garden is artistically (garden art), the dump is significant in terms of mining history and the entire property is significant in terms of urban development history 09201024
villa Leipziger Strasse 21
after 1900 (villa) Villa with outside staircase, fence and accompanying green design; representative example of villa architecture after 1900 in neoclassical design, rectangular building with hipped roof and two protruding risalits on the mezzanine floor, front door accessible via an outside staircase framed by columns and a balcony. T. quite elaborate facade decoration; Significant in terms of building history, artistry and urban development history 09200923
Institute building
Institute building Leipziger Strasse 23
around 1957 (academy) Institute building with rear wing and ancillary building; characteristic building from the 1950s in traditional design, the entrance area is particularly representative, including illustrations from the time of origin; Structural evidence of the so-called national building tradition in GDR and the reconstruction phase after 1945, significant in terms of building history, local history and scientific history 09201025
Institute building
Institute building Leipziger Strasse 26; 28
1921–1924 & 1926–1927 & 1955–1956 (academy) see Agricolastraße 1/3 09200926
Institute building
Institute building Leipziger Strasse 29
1954 (academy) Institute building on a T-shaped floor plan; Architecturally remarkable building from the fifties with clearly structured facades, flat saddle roof and representative entrance wing in front, here an elaborately designed staircase, probably one of the most modern around 1955, significant in terms of building history and local history 09201027
Duplex house
Duplex house Leipziger Strasse 30; 32
1923 (residential building) Double dwelling house with rear shed; built as a professor's residence for the lignite research institute, later possible. One of the first student dormitories in Freiberg, traditionally designed facade, significant in terms of building history and local history 09201026
Inn (former) Leipziger Strasse 31
3rd V. 19th century (inn) Inn (former); distinctive two-and-a-half-storey building with a half-hipped roof and characteristic arched windows on the upper floor, historically significant (testamentary value) and as a historic inn of local historical value 09200924
Cast iron figure of a smelter
Cast iron figure of a smelter Leipziger Strasse 34
around 1955 (statue) Cast iron figure of a smelter; As a typical example of GDR art of the fifties, it is significant in terms of art history 09304398
Institute building
Institute building Leipziger Strasse 34
1929 (academy) Institute building with an L-shaped floor plan with a wing running parallel to the rear, connecting corridor and free-standing hall structure (Lauchhammerhalle); the street-side distinctive main wing with a high hipped roof, characteristic pike roofs and perforated facade, the Lauchhammerhalle designed in a functionalist manner, the complex is significant in terms of architectural, local and scientific history 09200925
Plant with portrait head
Plant with portrait head Meissner Ring
1974 (memorial) Individual monument of the whole Promenadenring: complex with a portrait head on an upright rectangular stone made of Rochlitz porphyry and a symmetrically designed, tile-covered open space; As a typical GDR monument of historical importance (testimony to the times), in addition, due to the considerable losses of such monuments, it has meanwhile become a rarity (see also general document - Obj. 09200740) 09201000
City wall on Meißner Ring Meissner Ring
from 1397 (city wall) Individual monument of the promenade ring and city wall: section of the city wall (curtain wall, inner wall) with four wall towers on Meißner Ring; in front of it Zwinger and Wallgraben, located between Terrassengasse and Freudenstein Castle (partly underground), historical city fortifications, one of the few late medieval structures in Saxony still preserved in this form, significant in terms of building history, local history, urban development history and urban planning, and a rarity ( see also Donatsturm, Donatsring and Schillerstraße as well as the whole document - Obj. 09200740) 09200731
Institute building
Institute building Meissner Ring 1; 3
from 1889 (university) Institute building on Terrassengasse and a complex that was built around the same time and runs parallel to it; Historicizing institute buildings, dominating the two head buildings facing Meißner Ring with clinker brick and plastered façades, design accents through arched windows, triangular window roofs, gables, etc., of value in terms of building history, local history and industrial and economic history 09200958
Double tenement house
Double tenement house Meissner ring 8a; 8b
before 1900 (tenement) Double apartment building in open development; originally a barracks building or crew house, significant in terms of building, military and urban development history 09200024
Tenement house
Tenement house Meißner Ring 16
around 1895 (residential building) Apartment building in open development; Elaborately designed Wilhelminian style residential house with an elaborate historicizing clinker-sandstone facade, accents are set by the street-side risalit, the side porch and the multi-storey veranda on the courtyard side, important in terms of building history and urban development history 09201030
Tenement house
Tenement house Meißner Ring 18
before 1900 (tenement) Apartment building in open development; Elaborately designed historic building with an elaborate clinker, plaster, and stone facade, accents are set by a street-side extension, the window frames and a partially preserved decorative frieze, significant in terms of building and urban development history 09200025
Residential building
Residential building Meißner Ring 22
1915 (residential building) Residential house in open development; Representative building built in homeland security style with a small annex, visible from afar through the high mansard roofs and the boarded-up upper floor, special accents are created by the ornate and glazed loggias, the painted parapet areas and the entrance door, historically and artistically significant, in this form in Freiberg and beyond rare (singularity) 09200929
Tenement house
Tenement house Merbachstrasse 7
around 1910 (tenement) Apartment building with fencing in open development; characteristic example of residential building architecture after 1900, remarkable loggias on the upper floors and various equipment details, of value in terms of building history and urban development history 09201031
Heap Münzbachtal
16th to 17th century (mining complex) Dump; of mining historical importance 08992442
Fortification of the Münzbach
Fortification of the Münzbach Münzbachtal
18./19. Century (weir) Fortification of the Münzbach including gneiss arch bridges and weir systems; Significant in terms of building history and landscape design 09200949
Stockpile train Münzbachtal
16th to 17th century (mining complex) Stockpile train with five stockpiles; of importance in terms of mining history and landscape design 08992441
Tenement house
Tenement house Münzbachtal 12
around 1890 (tenement) Tenement house with enclosure; Wilhelminian style construction, historicizing facade design, significant in terms of urban development history 08992509
Townhouses Münzbachtal 19; 21; 23
1921 (row house) Townhouses; Picturesque-looking buildings erected in the local style with half-timbered upper storey, raised central section, triangular gables and baroque decorative elements, together with two other assemblies, form an ensemble, a characteristic example of settlement architecture after 1900, above all of architectural and urban development significance (see also Münzbachtal 25-31 and 33 -37) 09200932
Townhouses Münzbachtal 25; 27; 29; 31
1921 (row house) Townhouses; Picturesque-looking buildings erected in the local style with half-timbered upper storey, two raised risalits, bat gables and baroque decorative elements, together with two other assemblies, form an ensemble, a characteristic example of settlement architecture after 1900, primarily of architectural and urban development value (see also Münzbachtal 19-23 and 33–37) 09200933
Townhouses Münzbachtal 33; 35; 37
1921 (row house) Townhouses; Picturesque-looking buildings erected in the local style with half-timbered upper storey, raised central section, triangular gables and baroque decorative elements, together with two other assemblies, form an ensemble, a characteristic example of settlement architecture after 1900, primarily of architectural significance, but also of urban development value (see also Münzbachtal 19-23 and 25–31) 09200934
Residential building
Residential building Münzbachtal 55
around 1800 (residential building) Residential house in open development; characteristic rural building (Häuslerei) with plastered or boarded half-timbered upper storey and saddle roof, typical scale of the window openings preserved, as a testimony to rural architecture or folk architecture of architectural value, within the largely originally preserved village center of Loßnitz, of importance in terms of settlement history and landscape design 09200935
Residential building Münzbachtal 63
18th century (residential building) Residential house in open development; characteristic rural building (Häuslerei) with plastered half-timbered upper storey and saddle roof, typical small-scale scale preserved in particular of the facade, remarkable two arched windows and folding shutters on the ground floor, as a testimony to rural architecture and folk architecture of architectural value, within the largely originally preserved village center of Loßnitz, both in terms of settlement history and landscape design of concern 09200936
Residential stable house Münzbachtal 67
re. 1776 and 2nd half of the 19th century (farmhouse) Residential stable house, side building (street-side residential building with rear coach house added around 1850), barn, courtyard paving and gate entrance of a representative three- or four-sided courtyard; As a clear testimony to rural architecture or folk architecture of particular architectural historical value, within the largely originally preserved village center of Loßnitz, of importance in terms of settlement history and landscape design, due to the preserved courtyard and building structures as well as the preserved remarkable inscription plaque also of social and local historical value 09200937
Residential building
Residential building Münzbachtal 72
1st half of the 19th century (residential building) Residential house in open development; Characteristic rural building (Häuslerei) with boarded half-timbered upper storey and half-hipped roof, typical small-scale scale of the facade preserved, as a testimony to rural architecture or folk architecture of architectural value, within the largely originally preserved village center of Loßnitz, of importance in terms of settlement history and landscape design 09200938
Residential building
Residential building Münzbachtal 75
2nd half of the 19th century (residential building) Residential house in open development; characteristic rural building with boarded half-timbered upper storey and saddle roof (Häuslerei), formally refers to the similarly designed houses Münzbachtal 72 and Münzbachtal 77, important in terms of building history, landscape design and settlement history 09201033
Residential building Münzbachtal 77
1st half of the 19th century (residential building) Residential house in open development; characteristic rural building (Häuslerei) with boarded half-timbered upper storey and half-hipped roof, typical small-scale scale of the facade preserved, windows on the upper storey with eye-catching roofing, as a testimony to rural architecture or folk architecture of architectural value, within the largely originally preserved village center of Loßnitz in terms of settlement history and landscape design Concern 09200941
Residential building
Residential building Münzbachtal 79
re. 1826 (farmhouse) House and barn of a small farm; The former was probably originally built as a stable house, with a plastered half-timbered upper floor, saddle roof and segmented arch portal, completely boarded-up barn probably later, important in terms of building history, settlement history and landscape design 09200942
Residential building
Residential building Münzbachtal 81
around 1830 (residential building) Residential house in open development; characteristic rural building (Häuslerei) with boarded half-timbered upper floor and saddle roof, significant in terms of architectural history, settlement history and landscape design 09200939
Residential building Münzbachtal 83
around 1885 (farmhouse) House, side building and barn of a farm; representative complex of the second half of the 19th century, significant in terms of building history, settlement history and landscape design 09200943
Residential stable house Münzbachtal 89
1st half of the 19th century (residential building) Residential stable house; Small house with plastered half-timbered upper storey and saddle roof, typical small-format window openings, characteristic evidence of rural architecture or folk architecture from 1800–1850, significant in terms of building history, also of value in connection with Loßnitz in terms of landscape design and settlement history 09201034
Residential building
Residential building Münzbachtal 93
1st half of the 19th century (residential building) Residential house in open development; Characteristic rural building with a plastered half-timbered upper floor, at least partially and a gable roof (Häuslerei), important in terms of building history, landscape design and settlement history 09201035
Residential building
Residential building Münzbachtal 97
1st half of the 19th century (farmhouse) House and barn of a small farm; The first with a half-hipped roof and segment arch portal, barn with a half-timbered gable that characterizes the town, characteristic rural property, significant in terms of building history, settlement history and landscape design 09200944
Residential stable house and barn Münzbachtal 99
around 1800 (farmhouse) Stable house and barn (built later); The first with a true-to-scale facade, characteristic pitched roof and pressed segment arch portal, significant in terms of building history and local history 09200758
Dreiseithof Münzbachtal 101
re. 1838 (farmhouse) Stable house, coach house, courtyard paving and barn of a three-sided courtyard; Characteristic rural property, significant in terms of building history, settlement history and landscape design, also unique as a homestead with the most striking half-timbered building in Loßnitz 09200946
Residential building
Residential building Münzbachtal 103
1st half of the 19th century (farmhouse) House of a small farm; characteristic rural property, the house with half-timbered upper floor and crooked hip roof, significant in terms of building history, settlement history and landscape design 09200947
Residential building Münzbachtal 112
1st half of the 19th century (farmhouse) Residential building with attached barn; characteristic rural building with boarded half-timbered upper floor and saddle roof, significant in terms of architectural history, landscape design and settlement history 09201036
Manufactory or production building Münzbachtal 120
around 1800 (mining) Manufactory or production building; Striking building with a high, hipped roof visible from afar, inside two rows of bat dormers, significant in terms of building history, mining history, local history and landscape design 09200948
Tenement house
Tenement house Parkstrasse 1
1908 (residential building) Apartment building with fencing in open development; representative Art Nouveau building with corner tower, bay windows, loggias, gables and rich, ornamental decoration, significant in terms of architectural, artistic and urban development 09200965
Transformer house
Transformer house Way to school
around 1930 (transformer station) Transformer house; Traditionally designed building with quarry stone plinth, planking and saddle roof, example of the execution of this building task in the sense of the homeland security movement, also a testimony to the development of the energy industry, significant in terms of building and industrial history 09200970
Quarry stone wall Way to school 1
around 1905 (wall) Quarry stone wall as a property boundary to the street; landscaping of concern 09200971
Residential stable house Way to school 19
re. 1839 (farmhouse) Residential stable of a small homestead; characteristic rural building with half-timbered upper storey, segmental arch portal and crooked hip roof, forms a distinctive group of buildings with almost the same way to school 21, as a testimony to rural architecture and folk architecture significant in terms of building history 09200972
Residential stable house Schulweg 21
around 1840 (farmhouse) Residential stable of a small homestead; characteristic rural building with half-timbered upper storey and half-hipped roof, forms a striking ensemble with almost identical school route 19, as a testimony to rural architecture and folk architecture, significant in terms of building history 09201045
Residential building Way to school 27
1st half of the 19th century (residential building) House in a small homestead; Building with half-timbered upper storey in the front part and saddle roof, characteristic rural property, significant in terms of building history and settlement history 09201046
Residential building
Residential building Way to school 47
around 1900 (farmhouse) House and side building of a representative farm from the end of the 19th century, the facades are enlivened by red brick elements; Significant in terms of building history and settlement history 09201047
Heap Weisbachstrasse
around 1870 (stockpile) Dump; large and distinctive heap with characteristic vegetation, remains of the associated shaft system and masonry, significant in terms of mining history 09302630
Residential building
Residential building Weisbachstrasse 6; 8th; 8a
around 1910 (residential building) Group of houses with enclosure; Design highlighted and characteristic example of upscale residential building architecture after 1900 (early objectivity or modernity with simplified, historicizing elements), significant in terms of building history, also of value in terms of urban development history 09200996
Factory owner's villa Weisbachstrasse 9
1898 and 1911 (expansion) Factory owner's villa; Representative building with an older part from the 19th century and a more elaborate extension from 1911, external accentuation by gable and side tower extension, interior elaborate furnishings, significant in terms of building history, artistry and local history 09201089
Residential building
Residential building Weisbachstrasse 11
around 1875 (residential building) Residential house in closed development; Building with a balanced historicizing (late classical) facade design, significant in terms of building history and urban development history 09201057
Villa building Weisbachstrasse 16
around 1885 (residential building) Villa building; Representative building with historicizing facade, special accents are set by the central elevation and the roof structure gabled on the street side, significant in terms of architectural, artistic and urban development history 09200997
villa Weisbachstrasse 18
around 1900 (residential building) Villa with branch; representative historicism building built with different stone materials (quarry stone, clinker brick and sandstone) from a rectangular front building with a hipped roof, connecting building with a chapel-like rear wing, significant in terms of building history and urban development history 09200998
Corporation building Weisbachstrasse 20
1911–1912 (corporation building) Corporation building; striking example of architecture after 1900 (early objectivity or modernity), enlivened by historicizing elements, richly designed entrance portal with border and coat of arms, significant in terms of architectural, artistic and urban development history 09200919
villa Weisbachstrasse 25
around 1880 (residential building) Villa; High quality building with a late classical facade (especially towards Weisbachstrasse), originally probably a factory owner's villa, significant in terms of building history, local history and urban development history 09201023
Dormitory Winklerstrasse 12
1957 (college) Student dormitory, part of an architecturally and urbanistically uniform dormitory complex from the late fifties of a total of six longitudinally rectangular accommodation buildings with hipped roofs and similar design elements; Significant in terms of building history, local history, urban planning and urban development history (see also Winklerstrasse 14, 16, 18, 20 and 22) 09200846
Dormitory Winklerstrasse 14
1957 (college) Student residence, see Winklerstraße 12 09200847
Dormitory Winklerstrasse 16
1957 (college) Student residence, see Winklerstraße 12 09200848
Dormitory Winklerstrasse 18
1959 (college) Student residence, see Winklerstraße 12 09200850
Dormitory Winklerstrasse 20
1959 (student residence) Student residence, see Winklerstraße 12 09200849
Dormitory Winklerstrasse 22
1959 (college) Student residence, see Winklerstraße 12 09200851
Lecture hall building
Lecture hall building Winklerstrasse 24
before 1960 (lecture hall building) Lecture hall building; striking building of the Bergakademie with an L-shaped floor plan, built at the end of the 1950s, rectangular building with hipped roof, special design accents through segment arch portal and pillar hall on the west side; of architectural, local and urban development value, in conjunction with the similarly designed dormitories (Winklerstrasse 12–22) also significant in terms of urban planning 09200852


  • Yves Hoffmann, Uwe Richter (ed.): City of Freiberg. Vol. 1. (= Monument topography Federal Republic of Germany. Monuments in Saxony). Werbung & Verlag, Freiberg 2002, ISBN 3-936784-00-0 .
  • Yves Hoffmann, Uwe Richter (ed.): City of Freiberg. Vol. 2. (= Monument topography Federal Republic of Germany. Monuments in Saxony). Werbung & Verlag, Freiberg 2003, ISBN 3-936784-01-9 .
  • Yves Hoffmann, Uwe Richter (ed.): City of Freiberg. Vol. 3. (= Monument topography Federal Republic of Germany. Monuments in Saxony). Werbung & Verlag, Freiberg 2004, ISBN 3-936784-02-7 .


  • State Office for the Preservation of Monuments Saxony Dynamic web application: Overview of the monuments listed in Saxony. The location "Freiberg, Stadt, Universitätsstadt" must be selected in the dialog box, after which an address-specific selection is made. Alternatively, the ID can also be used. As soon as a selection has been made, further information about the selected object can be displayed and other monuments can be selected via the interactive map.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Website of the primary school "Georgius Agricola"