List of cultural monuments in Langburkersdorf

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The list of cultural monuments in Langburkersdorf contains the cultural monuments in the district of Langburkersdorf of the city of Neustadt in Saxony that are listed in the official list of monuments of the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments .


  • Image: shows a picture of the cultural monument and, if applicable, a link to further photos of the cultural monument in the Wikimedia Commons media archive
  • Designation: Name, designation or the type of cultural monument
  • Location: If available, street name and house number of the cultural monument; The list is basically sorted according to this address. The map link leads to various map displays and gives the coordinates of the cultural monument.
Map view to set coordinates. In this map view, cultural monuments are shown without coordinates with a red marker and can be placed on the map. Cultural monuments without a picture are marked with a blue marker, cultural monuments with a picture are marked with a green marker.
  • Dating: indicates the year of completion or the date of the first mention or the period of construction
  • Description: structural and historical details of the cultural monument, preferably the monument properties
  • ID: is awarded by the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony. It clearly identifies the cultural monument. The link leads to a PDF document from the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony, which summarizes the information on the monument, contains a map sketch and often a detailed description. For former cultural monuments sometimes no ID is given, if one is given, this is the former ID. The corresponding link leads to an empty document at the state office. The following icon can also be found in the ID column Notification-icon-Wikidata-logo.svg; this leads to information on this cultural monument at Wikidata .


image designation location Dating description ID
Residential stable house with integrated barn part Extension 43
re. 1834 (stable house) Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance. Boarded gable, with loading hatches on the upper floor, windows on the ground floor and two door frames with sandstone walls, windows in original size. 09253776

Residential stable house Extension 50
1st half of the 19th century (stable house) Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance. On the ground floor sandstone window frames, windows in their original size. 09253778

Residential stable house with integrated barn part Annex 52
2nd half of the 18th century (stable house) single storey, of architectural and socio-historical importance. One-storey, largely originally preserved, double beaver tail covering, winter window. 09253777

The aggregate component of the aggregate death march Schwarzheide – Theresienstadt 1945 with monolith and memorial plaque Dammstrasse 1
1983 The aggregate component of the aggregate death march Schwarzheide – Theresienstadt 1945 with monolith and memorial plaque for murdered concentration camp prisoners (see also aggregate ID no. 09299874) - of local historical importance. The memorial stone in the entrance area of ​​the manor park (material group Rittergut Langburkersdorf ID-Nr 09303128) reminds that five men were shot here on the morning of April 21, 1945. The inscription reads: “Torn from the silence. In April prisoners from the Schwarzheide concentration camp were camped here. Among them were the comrades Trakatsch Josef, Pollak, Nowicki and 2 French who were murdered here. - Working group 'Young Historians' Sebnitz - Hinterhermsdorf, inaugurated for the Whitsun meeting in 1983. “. 09299865

Material entirety of the Langburkersdorf manor with several individual monuments, plus the manor park as well as farm buildings and farmyard as well as remnants of the linden alley and the linden rondell as a whole
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Material entirety of the Langburkersdorf manor with several individual monuments, plus the manor park as well as farm buildings and service yard as well as remnants of the lime tree avenue and the lime tree rondell as a whole Dammstrasse 1; 2
1611 The whole of the Langburkersdorf manor with the following individual monuments: Castle (Dammstraße 2), surrounding moat with castle bridge, retaining walls, terrace and balustrade, farm building (Dammstraße 1), southern farm building (Sebnitzer Straße 47b), fountain ring in the park and enclosure wall in the west, partly in the north and in the southeast of the manor park (individual monuments ID No. 09253768), plus the manor park (garden monument) as well as western farm building (Sebnitzer Straße 47d) and farm yard as well as remnants of the linden alley and the linden rondell southeast of the farm yard as a totality - building history, local history, artistically and characterizing the location of Meaning. 09303128

Castle, moat with castle bridge, terrace and balustrade, farm buildings and estate parks (individual monuments for ID No. 09303128)
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Castle, moat with castle bridge, terrace and balustrade, farm buildings and estate parks (individual monuments for ID No. 09303128) Dammstrasse 1; 2
1611 Individual features of the material entity Rittergut Langburkersdorf: Castle (Dammstraße 2), surrounding moat with castle bridge, retaining walls, terrace and balustrade, farm building (Dammstraße 1), southern farm building (Sebnitzer Straße 47b), fountain ring in the park and enclosure wall in the west, partly in the north and in the South-east of the estate park - former moated castle, destroyed by fire in 1584, reconstruction in 1611, reconstruction and construction of the stair tower in 1749, three-storey plastered building with hipped roof, of architectural, local and artistic importance. 09253768

Factory owner's villa Dammstrasse 5
around 1905 Belonging to the flower factory, plastered building typical of the time with a high basement and ornamental framework in the gable, of architectural and local significance. Ornamental framework, wooden entrance house, varied roof landscape. 09253771

Residential building Dammstrasse 6
End of the 19th century Upper floor half-timbered, ornamentally slated, connection with the flower factory, of architectural significance. Half-timbered ornamentally slated, sandstone door walls on the ground floor. 09253785

Residential building
Residential building Dorfstrasse 7
around 1900 Plastered building typical of the time with gabled central projections, jamb with decorative framework, of architectural significance. Two-storey, half-hipped roof, gabled central projectile with corrugated corner, roof overhang, ornamental framework in the eaves area, base polygonal masonry, otherwise plastered facade, arched curtain windows , straight window coverings on the 1st floor. 09253789

School building with forecourt
School building with forecourt Dorfstrasse 16
1903/1905 Late historical, representative plastered building with richly decorated central projection, of importance in terms of architectural history, local history and the street scene. 09253788

Residential stable house Dorfstrasse 21
1st half of the 19th century Upper floor timber-framed boarded, historically important. The upper floor windows are largely left in their original size. 09253793

Inn with building part to the east Dorfstrasse 44
2nd half of the 19th century Without modern western extension, Gasthof Putzbau with triple windows in the gable, saddle roof, side building, upper floor half-timbered, of architectural and local significance. At the top of the gable, two-storey, arched curtain windows, in the gable palladi motif and oculus. 09253985

Residential stable house Dorfstrasse 61
End of the 19th century Upper floor half-timbered clad, evidence of the late timber construction, of architectural significance. 09253797

Residential building Dorfstrasse 65
around 1900 Upper floor half-timbered, ornamentally slated, late example of timber construction, of architectural significance. Upper floor ornamentally slated, complete window bars, beaver tail covering. 09253799

Residential building Dorfstrasse 67
End of the 19th century Upper floor half-timbered, ornamentally slated, simple example of later timber construction typical of the region, of architectural significance. Windows largely preserved in their original size, half-timbered partly boarded up, partly slated with ornaments, ground floor sandstone walls. 09253800

Residential stable house and granite trough Dorfstrasse 69
Door frame re. 1823 Upper floor timber-framed boarded, gable slated, important from an architectural point of view. Gable side slated, therefore defining the image, stately example of traditional wooden construction, also largely originally preserved on the ground floor, sandstone door walls, old picket fence with granite fence posts, old beaver tail covering, windows largely in their original size. 09253801

Residential stable house Dorfstrasse 82
2nd half of the 18th century, core possibly older Upper floor half-timbered clad, older generation of timber construction typical of the region, of architectural significance. Roof slated, eight-field lattice windows, gable side changed, half-timbered paneling, old roof truss, compact structure. 09253795

Residential stable house Dorfstrasse 85
2nd half of the 18th century Upper floor timber-framed boarded up, older generation of timber construction typical of the region, of architectural significance. Upper floor windows original size and partly sprouting, ground floor windows changed, timber frame boarded, tailcoat roof, slated. 09253802

Residential building with advance notice Dorfstrasse 90
2nd half of the 18th century single storey, of architectural and socio-historical importance. Roof covered with slate, former half-timbered house, ground floor slightly changed, compact structure with a deep saddle roof, slated gable, arbor that extends from a tented roof. 09253796

Side building and angled barn of a farm Dorfstrasse 93
20th century Side building upper floor timber-framed boarded up, barn boarded up wooden construction, of architectural and economic importance. Half-timbered boarded-up, continuous window bars, the side buildings also made of wood, house demolished in 2011 after fire, today new building. 09253804

Residential stable house, in front of it 16 granite fence posts Dorfstrasse 100
around 1850 Upper floor timber-framed boarded up, gable clad, significant in terms of building history. Old beaver tail covering, window on upper floor in original size. 09253798

Courtyard wall with archway Dorfstrasse 102
re. 1711 of local importance. Inscribed 1711 - MS, beaver tail covering, portals on both sides of the large arch, small roof. 09253984

Residential stable house and barn of a two-sided courtyard Dorfstrasse 105
1st and 2nd half of the 19th century Stable house upper floor timber frame boarded up, of architectural and economic significance, shaping the image and structure. Window residential stable house upper floor original size, timber-framed boarded up, barn also timber-framed with field stone ground floor, partly with corner cuboid, imposing system on the forest hoof, shapes the townscape and shows the preserved courtyard structure. 09253808

Residential stable house and barn of a farm Dorfstrasse 110
1st half of the 19th century Stable house upper floor timber frame boarded up, barn boarded up wooden construction, of architectural and economic importance, shape and structure. House trees, timber framing boarded up, gables slated. 09253803

Residential stable house Dorfstrasse 114
18th century Upper floor timber-framed boarded, historically important. Slate roofing, upper floor windows largely original size. 09253805

Residential stable house Dorfstrasse 115
Door frame re. 1837 Upper floor once half-timbered, of architectural significance. Today massive plastered construction, typical hipped roof of the time, two entrances with basket arches, all windows with sandstone walls. 09253809

Inn with hall extension Dorfstrasse 117
around 1900, later additions Upper floor half-timbered inn with knee-length floor, massive hall extension, of importance in terms of building history, local history and character of the townscape. Beaver tail covering, window on the ground floor with original sprouting, ground floor dominant entrance with arched end (keystone), windows on the ground floor round arched, gable side slated. 09253815

Residential building Dorfstrasse 118
According to information 1913, core older Upper floor half-timbered, ornamentally slated, of importance in terms of architectural and technical history. First floor windows in original size, ground floor much older (former half-timbered house), here sandstone walls, ornamentally slated upper floor (increased in 1913). 09253806

House with integrated barn part Dorfstrasse 120
around 1900 Upper floor half-timbered, ornamentally slated, of architectural significance. Upper floor window sprouted and original size, slate covering, upper floor ornamentally slated. 09253807

Residential stable house Dorfstrasse 125
added approx. 1914, core much older Upper floor half-timbered, important from an architectural point of view. Ground floor changed, upper floor slated. 09253811

Residential building Dorfstrasse 131
around 1850 Upper floor timber-framed boarded, historically important. Upper floor windows largely in their original size, old double beaver tail covering, timber framing boarded up. 09253812

Residential stable house with integrated barn part Dorfstrasse 132
1st half of the 19th century Upper floor timber-framed boarded, historically important. The roof was slated, the windows were grooved and in their original size, boarded up, front doors with granite walls. 09253810

Ausgedingehaus Dorfstrasse 138
around 1800 single-storey, boarded wood construction, of architectural and socio-historical importance. Gable overhang. 09253813

Ausgedingehaus (surrounding area)
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Ausgedingehaus (surrounding area) Dorfstrasse 153
around 1800 Upper floor half-timbered, exemplary in the place, of architectural and socio-historical importance. Still good interlocking tile covering , boarded up on the gable side, surrounding frame with headbands, brick room lined with brick. 09253814

Residential stable house Laubigtweg 1
around 1800 (stable house) Upper floor half-timbered, ornamentally slated, of architectural significance. The window sizes on the upper floor have been preserved, the structure is broadly laid out, the upper floor and gable are ornamentally slated (three-colored), one gable side is boarded up, a tails roof. 09253790

Residential stable house, side building and barn of a three-sided courtyard Laubigtweg 21
1st half of the 19th century Stable house on the upper floor half-timbered, of architectural and economic importance. Residential stable house: on the upper floor windows largely original size, on the ground floor changed, slated, ornamental in the gable, barn and side building also with wooden construction, the structure preserved. 09253792

Residential building
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Residential building Laubigtweg 22
2nd half of the 19th century Upper floor partly half-timbered, of architectural and social significance. Banding on the right 2/2 yokes, tailcoat roof. 09253983

Residential stable house (without massive extensions) and barn of a two-sided courtyard Mühlberg 35
1st half of the 19th century Stable house upper floor half-timbered, of architectural and economic importance. On the upper floor window bars and original size preserved, half-timbered slated, gable slated, large barn: boarded up, gable slated, characterizing the town through its elevated position. 09253791

Waystone Raupenbergstrasse
19th century of importance in terms of traffic history. Granite stone with inscription and iron crown (bowl with obelisk). 09253774

Residential stable house, two side buildings and enclosure of a farm Raupenbergstrasse 3
around 1800 Residential stable house upper floor half-timbered, shape-defining image and structure, of architectural and economic significance. Residential stable house - upper floor half-timbered and boarded gable, half-hipped roof with long pike, entrance area, stable with vault (original window sizes), 1st side building: solid, with plastered structure (corner reinforcement), with jamb and gabled central projectile with palladi motif, two cornices, 2nd side building: just like that, without drama, imposing ensemble that defines the street scene. 09253772

Memorial to the fallen of the First World War Raupenbergstraße 3 (opposite)
after 1918 (war memorial) of local importance. Three granite steles protruding upwards with an inscription on a three-tier, round base. 09253773

Residential house and production building as well as residential stable of a former mill property Raupenbergstrasse 6; 6a
around 1900 (production building) House with lavish design in the Swiss style , structurally well-preserved ensemble, of importance in terms of building history, local history and technology history. House with office (No. 6), knee floor, ornamentally boarded, elaborate, ornamentally used half-timbering, pointed arched windows (two-tone glazed), interior of historicism and interior Art Nouveau style preserved, another technical building in the same style, massive production building: yellow clinker brick, ornamentally delimited with red, profiled sandstone walls, eaves with a German band, on the central projecting gable with wooden ornamental elements typical of the time, keystone of the door with a satyr head, behind it a massive residential stable (No. 6a ) on a hook floor plan, two-gabled, roof overhangs. 09253770

Stable house (surrounding area)
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Stable house (surrounding area) Raupenbergstrasse 16
End of the 19th century (stable house) Upper floor half-timbered, historically important. Surrounding area on the left 2/3 / yokes, eaves, clad one gable side, crooked hip roof with three bat dormers. 09253787

Arch bridge over the Langburkersdorfer Bach Raupenbergstraße 24 (near)
re. 1734 Granite, historically important. 09253982

Stone bench Raupenbergstraße 42 (near)
re. 1733 Granite, historically significant. 09253981

Tenement house and enclosure Sebnitzer Strasse 11
End of the 19th century Wilhelminian style plastered construction, of architectural significance. Two-storey, with fencing (three artistically crafted goal posts), central projection crowned by a gable (obelisk), roof house, window crowns, cornice. 09253780

Residential building Sebnitzer Strasse 14
1920s Plastered construction in the style of the twenties, of architectural significance. Sprout windows, hilted tent roof covered with slate, central gable, storeys separated by hips, windows on the ground floor with worked combat stone, two arbors. 09253782

Tax collector's house, in front of it stone bench and stone path Sebnitzer Strasse 27
1st half of the 19th century today residential building, of importance in terms of building history, local history and traffic history. Small, single-storey, massive residential building with a half-hipped roof and compact structure, sandstone window frames. 09253663

Tenement house Sebnitzer Strasse 28
End of the 19th century Plastered building with a flat central projection and a gable decorated with wood, which is typical of the time, of architectural significance. Solid, two-storey, side tower, flat central projectile with a gable decorated with wood typical of the time, wooden winter garden over both floors, windows decorated with sandstone, ground floor with rare plaster rustics. 09253781

Forester's house Sebnitzer Strasse 39
around 1900 Plastered building on a hook-shaped floor plan, partly boarded up, of architectural and local significance. On a hooked floor plan, two-storey, the upper storey partly boarded up in a Bohemian way, hipped roof, ornamental framework. 09253898

Castle, moat with castle bridge, terrace and balustrade, farm buildings and estate parks (individual monuments for ID No. 09303128) Sebnitzer Strasse 47b
1611 Individual features of the material entity Rittergut Langburkersdorf: Castle (Dammstrasse 2), surrounding moat with castle bridge, retaining walls, terrace and balustrade , farm building (Dammstrasse 1), southern farm building (Sebnitzer Str. 47b), fountain ring in the park and enclosure wall in the west, partly in the North and south-east of the manor park - former moated castle, destroyed by fire in 1584, rebuilt in 1611, reconstruction and construction of the stair tower in 1749, three-storey plastered building with hipped roof, of architectural, local and artistic importance. 09253768

Forest house and outbuildings Sebnitzer Strasse 52
around 1900 Both buildings in clinker construction, richly structured by window frames, corner rustication and free chevron in the gable, of architectural and local significance. On a hooked ground plan, both buildings in red clinker brick, ornamentally set off with sandstone (window frames, corner rustication), crooked hip roofs with glazed beaver tail, ornamental framework. 09253784

Four-arched railway bridge Wiesenstrasse
1876 Hausein, of importance in terms of building history, technology history and landscape design. Renewed with sandstone arches after the Second World War. 09253779

Detailed memorial texts

  1. Rittergut Langburkersdorf
    Castle: in a stately three-storey Renaissance building with a hip roof and stair tower (W) with a later hood, on the ground floor inside a chapel with rich 17th century paintings, upper floor a room with stucco work, several wooden coffered ceilings preserved, further paintings in a tower room.
    Manor park: Enclosure: sandstone wall in the west, east, partly north. Access: Entrances: Wall opening in the northwest, path system: available, diagonal main path from the gate in the northwest to the castle (analogous to the access in the historical topographic maps). Garden equipment: Monument 1983 (monolith and memorial plaque for murdered concentration camp prisoners - see ID no. 09299865 - aggregate component of the aggregate “Death March Schwarzheide - Theresienstadt 1945”).
    Water elements: Castle moat (dry), former pond in the north still recognizable in relief, well shell. Alleys and rows of trees: Remnants of the linden alley (Tilia spec.) Which adjoins the southeast and can already be seen on the mile sheet of 1782, two old trees of the final roundabout have been preserved, some of which were later replanted. - Individual trees: old trees, consisting and a. Made from black beech (Fagus sylvatica 'Pendula'), copper beech (Fagus sylvatica 'Atropunicea'), common beech (Fagus sylvatica), pedunculate oak (Quercus robur), five-needle pine (Pinus spec.), sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus), Norway maple , Horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum), hedges and shrubs: rhododendrons in species and varieties.
  2. a b Langburkersdorf Castle: 7 × 5 axes, three-storey, hipped roof with a central polygonal stair tower with lantern from 1749, above the portal the coat of arms of the von Wehse and von Ponickau families, inscribed 1592, surrounded by a former moat, arched bridge with sandstone balustrade, terrace, entrance hall with two contemporary cupboards and original doors, chapel with granite vaults, painted in the 17th century with the four seasons, wall paintings with peacocks, door with original fittings and valuable lock, tower room with painted coffered ceiling.
    The castle is a stately three-storey renaissance building with a hip roof and stair tower (W) with a later dome, on the ground floor inside a chapel with rich 17th century paintings, on the upper floor a room with stucco work, several wooden coffered ceilings preserved, further paintings in a tower room. Outbuilding no. 3 no monument. Enclosure with rustic goal posts. Farm building (No. 1): South side half-timbered with a large passage and two large roof pikes.
  3. Langburkersdorf School - hook-shaped floor plan, plastered facade, sandstone window and door walls, high rustication, street side 2 × 4 axes, central projection with outside staircase and Gothic portal (coat of arms), clock, Renaissance gable with bell tower, narrow sides also with gables, on the 1st floor. Round-arched, profiled window frames with keystones on the upper floor, straight window coverings on the second floor, accentuated by triangular gables in the risalit, entrance door preserved, mixture of neo-Gothic forms and those of the German Renaissance, sprouted windows in their original size.


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