List of cultural monuments in Oettern

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All cultural monuments of the Thuringian community of Oettern (Weimarer Land district) and its districts are listed in the list of cultural monuments in Oettern (as of April 26, 2012).


Monument ensemble
image location Official name description
Oettern Im Dorfe Ortslage.jpg Location
Individual monuments
image location Official name description
Oetter Church 03.JPG church
Oettet Friedhof Gravesite for a Soviet slave laborer and a child.jpg graveyard Grave site for a Soviet slave laborer and a child
OETTING HOUSE No. 2 former residential building.jpg House No. 2 former house
OETTING HOUSE No. 30 Wohnstallhaus.jpg House number 30 Residential stable house
Oettern House No. 32 Bohlenstube.jpg House number 32 Bohlenstube
OETTEN House No. 38 homestead (former mill) .jpg House number 38 Homestead (former mill)
Oetter location Ilmbrücke.jpg Location Ilm Bridge
Oettern Mellinger Straße Wasserwerk.jpg Mellinger Strasse Waterworks
Oettet green area between No. 1 and the Waidmühlstein bridge.jpg Green area between No. 1 and the bridge Waidmühlstein
Ground monument
image location Official name description
Oetter Mountain nose protruding to the west, gradually sloping to the northwest and tapering just south of the Ilm and 0.3 km from Oettern Wallanlage, Burggraben, Otternburg, Ziegenburg.jpg Mountain nose protruding to the west, gradually sloping to the northwest and tapering, just south of the Ilm and 0.3 km from Oettern Wall system, moat, Otternburg, goat castle Information board inserted
