List of cultural monuments in Schellerhau

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The list of cultural monuments in Schellerhau contains the cultural monuments in the Altenberg district of Schellerhau . The notes are to be observed.

This list is a partial list of the list of cultural monuments in Altenberg .
This list is a partial list of the list of cultural monuments in Saxony .


  • Image: shows a picture of the cultural monument and, if applicable, a link to further photos of the cultural monument in the Wikimedia Commons media archive
  • Designation: Name, designation or the type of cultural monument
  • Location: If available, street name and house number of the cultural monument; The list is basically sorted according to this address. The map link leads to various map displays and gives the coordinates of the cultural monument.
Map view to set coordinates. In this map view, cultural monuments are shown without coordinates with a red marker and can be placed on the map. Cultural monuments without a picture are marked with a blue marker, cultural monuments with a picture are marked with a green marker.
  • Dating: indicates the year of completion or the date of the first mention or the period of construction
  • Description: structural and historical details of the cultural monument, preferably the monument properties
  • ID: is awarded by the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony. It clearly identifies the cultural monument. The link leads to a PDF document from the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony, which summarizes the information on the monument, contains a map sketch and often a detailed description. For former cultural monuments sometimes no ID is given, if one is given, this is the former ID. The corresponding link leads to an empty document at the state office. The following icon can also be found in the ID column Notification-icon-Wikidata-logo.svg; this leads to information on this cultural monument at Wikidata .


image designation location Dating description ID
Memorial stone
Memorial stone (Map) re. 1880 Memorial stone in memory of Prof. Dr. Julius Lehmann († January 12, 1894) in Waldbärenburg, of local history, made of granite, restored in 2013. 09277865

Schellerhau village church with churchyard and enclosure
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Schellerhau village church with churchyard and enclosure (Map) 1591-1593 Church with churchyard and enclosure, outside of it OdF monument - architectural and local significance. Hall church with 3/8 choir closure and west tower, gable roof with old German slate roofing , rich rural painting inside, enclosure with three wrought iron gates, quarry stone masonry with sandstone cover. War memorial First World War : 2 m high sandstone stele in the form of an iron cross, with sword relief and inscription. 09277828

Residential stable house Hauptstrasse 3
around 1700 Upper floor half-timbered , with integrated barn part, significance in terms of architectural history.

Solid ground floor, sandstone walls, first floor windows in original size, gable roof, loading roof house, old German slate roofing


Residential stable house and side building Hauptstrasse 8
probably before 1800 Upper floor half-timbered, u. a. architectural significance.

Ground floor massive, changed, windows on upper floor in original size, gable roof with slate covering, oversized new entrance porch, side building: wooden construction boarded up, windows with muntin, gable roof


Residential building Hauptstrasse 16
1st half of the 19th century Upper floor half-timbered structure, significance in terms of building history.

Solid ground floor, first floor windows in original size, saddle roof, a gorger


Residential building Hauptstrasse 21
End of the 19th century Upper floor half-timbered structure, significance in terms of building history.

Solid ground floor, sandstone walls, box windows with original muntin, weather house, one gable side visible framework, partly shutters, gable roof, example of the late standardized wooden construction


Residential stable house Hauptstrasse 23
around 1800 Upper floor half-timbered, timber construction typical of the region, of architectural significance.

The first floor is massive, has been changed considerably, the windows on the upper floor are in their original size, with a muntin, clad gable, gable roof covered with slate, extension added later


Residential stable house, stable and barn of a three-sided farm Hauptstrasse 24
before 1750 preserved in the structure, important in terms of building history.

Residential stable house: solid ground floor, sandstone window frames, weather house, upper floor half-timbered, upper floor windows in original size, saddle roof with old German slate covering, stable with stables: solid ground floor, upper floor half-timbered, windows in original size, saddle roof, barn: wooden construction, boarded up, saddle roof


Polderhof inn Hauptstrasse 32
re. 1905 Inn; Upper floor with planking, construction style characterized by Swiss style, of importance in terms of building history, of interest in terms of tourism history.

Solid construction, ground floor sandstone window frames, upper floor boarded up in rural style, low turret with tent roof, three standing dormers, flat saddle roof, slate roofing


Residential stable house, barn and sandstone trough of a two-sided courtyard Hauptstrasse 37
18th century Stable house upper floor half-timbered, u. a. architectural significance

Solid ground floor, sandstone walls, weather house, upper floor window with original muntin, gable side visible framework, gable roof, old German slate covering, barn: wooden construction, boarded up, gable roof with slate covering


Residential stable house Hauptstrasse 51
1st half of the 19th century Upper floor half-timbered, still of architectural importance despite smoothing.

Solid ground floor, quarry stone, sandstone window frames, disturbing entrance porch, upper floor half-timbered with foot rests, boarded up, upper floor windows in original size, gable roof, old German slate roofing, a dormer window, two horizontal skylights.


Residential stable house (without barn extension) Hauptstrasse 55
around 1800 Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural significance.

Solid ground floor, windows on first floor in original size, gable roof


Residential stable house and barn of a two-sided courtyard Hauptstrasse 75
after 1800 Half-timbered residential stable, of importance in terms of building history and character of the townscape.

Residential stable house: hooked floor plan, solid ground floor, windows on the upper floor in original size, saddle roof, barn: wooden construction boarded up, saddle roof


Former school Hauptstrasse 82
1st half of the 19th century Former school; local historical relevance.

Solid ground floor, upper floor partly lengthways partly cross-boarded, hipped roof


Former stable house Hauptstrasse 100
around 1820 Upper floor half-timbered, timber construction typical of the region, of architectural significance.

Solid ground floor, sandstone walls, entrance porches, first floor windows in original size, half-timbering with foot struts, gable roof with slate covering, three caterpillars, boarded gable


Residential stable house Hauptstrasse 106
1st half of the 19th century Upper floor timber-framed boarded up, of importance in terms of building history and the appearance of the street

Solid ground floor, sandstone walls, upper floor windows perhaps a little larger, saddle roof, old German slate roofing, two large recessed windows at the rear


Home style home Landweg 5
1930s Residential house in the local style, exhibition architecture, citation from the environment, significance in terms of building history.

Basement quarry stone plinth, original front door, surrounding surrounding framework, box window with original six-field sprouting, block rooms without paneling, gable roof with slips, four standing dormers.


Residential stable house Mathäusweg 1
18th century Upper floor half-timbered, timber construction typical of the region, of architectural significance.

Solid ground floor, first floor windows in original size, paneled gable ends, gable roof, a standing dormer window


Residential stable house and side building of a three-sided courtyard Mathäusweg 5; 6
1st half of the 19th century, both buildings upper floor half-timbered, significance in terms of building history. Stable house: solid ground floor, wooden porch, box windows, windows in original size, gable roof. Stable: ground floor solid, smoothed, porch, half-timbered partly boarded, upper floor used for residential purposes, box windows, saddle roof, three horizontal skylights, third building renewed, originally forge. 09277845

Residential building Mathäusweg 8
1st half of the 19th century Upper floor half-timbered structure, significance in terms of building history.

Ground floor massive, changed, entrance porch, windows on first floor in original size, gable roof


Residential stable house Mathäusweg 13
before 1800 Upper floor half-timbered, timber construction typical of the region, of architectural significance.

Solid ground floor, entrance porch, double windows, gable roof, mostly slated


Residential stable house and outbuildings Mathäusweg 16
1st half of the 19th century Upper floor half-timbered residential building, largely preserved in its construction from a resettlement, of architectural significance.

Solid ground floor, upper floor half-timbered, shingled, partly boarded, gable roof with slate covering, outbuilding wooden construction, boarded up, gable roof


Residential stable house Mathäusweg 18
before 1750 Upper floor half-timbered structure, structural component of the resettlement, of architectural significance.

Solid ground floor, windows on first floor in original size, gable roof


Residential stable house Mathäusweg 26
19th century, possibly older Upper floor half-timbered, timber construction typical of the region, of architectural and local significance.

Solid ground floor, entrance porches added later, windows on the upper floor in original size, gable roof, a wide cage


Cleaning mill
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Cleaning mill Pöbeltalstrasse 8
after 1800 Residential mill house and remains of hydraulic engineering; Upper floor half-timbered house, of architectural and local importance. Solid ground floor, sandstone window frames, windows on the first floor in original size, without muntin, upper floor boarded up, same gable, steep hipped roof with gouge, remains of hydraulic engineering preserved. 09278090

Memorial stone Schellermühlenweg
re. 1859 with mill emblem and inscriptions, of local history 09277831

Schellermühle Schellermühlenweg 15
1826, core possibly older Residential stable house; Upper floor half-timbered, of architectural and local significance.

Solid ground floor, wooden entrance porch, south upper floor bricked gable side, upper floor window in original size, sprouting, half-timbered structure with irregular posts, shingled gable, gable roof with slate covering, long cantilever.



  • This list is not suitable for deriving binding statements on the monument status of an object. As far as a legally binding determination of the listed property of an object is desired, the owner can apply to the responsible lower monument protection authority for a notice.
  • The official list of cultural monuments is never closed. It is permanently changed through clarifications, new additions or deletions. A transfer of such changes to this list is not guaranteed at the moment.
  • The monument quality of an object does not depend on its entry in this or the official list. Objects that are not listed can also be monuments.
  • Basically, the property of a monument extends to the substance and appearance as a whole, including the interior. Deviating applies if only parts are expressly protected (e.g. the facade).

Detailed memorial texts

  1. Cemetery - enclosure: Enclosure wall made of quarry stone masonry with cover plates made of sandstone, three gates with two wrought iron wings each (in the west, on the northwest corner and in the south). Church: The forest masters let themselves be buried in the church. Behind the altar is an epitaph for four children of a master country hunter who died in quick succession. There is a painted confessional in the chancel. Forester and forest clerk are depicted on it: 1. “Johann George Vogt. Churf. S. forester to be carried out. ”2.“ Samuel Baldauf. Churf. S. Forst Schreiber zulimited ”3. a kneeling forester who prays“ God be merciful to me sinner ”,“ Be of good cheer my son, your sins are forgiven ”,“ CRVCCFSG.FUWM ”(Carl Rudolf von Carlowitz, Elector of Saxon Ober Forst und Wild Meister). He gave the money for the design of the church 1681–1684.


Web links

Commons : cultural monuments in Altenberg  - collection of pictures