List of the Municipios in the Departamento de Caldas

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The Departamento de Caldas consists of 27 Municipios . These are subdivided into a community center ( Cabecera Municipal ) and the surrounding area ( Resto Rural ). The surrounding area is further subdivided into so-called police inspections ( Inspecciónes de Policía Municipal ), smaller offices ( Corregimientos ), settlement centers ( Centros Poblados ) and homesteads ( Caseríos ). The following lists the municipalities with their total number of inhabitants from the census of the Colombian statistical office DANE from 2005, extrapolated for 2018.

local community Population 2018
Aguadas 21,439
Anserma 33,397
Aranzazu 11,026
Belalcázar 10,559
Chinchiná 50,880
Filadelfia 10,548
La Dorada 78.135
La Merced 5,172
Manizales 400.136
Manzanares 22,781
Marmato 9,290
Marquetalia 15,010
Marulanda 3,382
Neira 31,180
Norcasia 6.228
Pácora 11,130
Palestine 17,639
Pensilvania 26,344
Riosucio 63,822
Risaralda 9,254
Salamina 15,697
Samaná 25,794
San Jose 7,603
Supía 27,300
Victoria 8,124
Villamaría 59,598
Viterbo 12,398

Individual evidence

  1. Extrapolation of the population of Colombia on the official DANE website