List of stumbling blocks in Frankfurt-Rödelheim

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Stumbling blocks in Frankfurt am Main

The list of the stumbling blocks in Frankfurt leads the artist Gunter Demnig laid stumbling blocks in Frankfurt on. The Stolpersteine ​​in Frankfurt am Main e. V. has arranged the laying of almost 1,500 stumbling blocks since November 2003. The initiative is supported by the city of Frankfurt as well as numerous institutions, including the Jewish Museum and the Institute for Urban History . There are more stumbling blocks than in Frankfurt only in Berlin, Hamburg and Cologne.

During the National Socialist era , 10,231 Jews from Frankfurt am Main were deported from the Grossmarkthalle as a collection point. Around 9,500 of them were murdered. When it was laid in Frankfurt in October 2018, the seventy thousandth stone was laid.
The districts are laid out according to the list of districts of Frankfurt am Main . The districts without a link have no stumbling blocks.


address Surname Inscription with additions Laying date image annotation

Hattsteiner Strasse 6
Erioll world.svg
Karl Brandenstein
Karl Brandenstein
nee lived here . May
27, 1907 imprisonment March 16, 1939, convicted § 175 , Frankfurt-Preungesheim
August 23, 1939 Eichberg
February 19, 1941 Hadamar died
February 19, 1941
June 24, 2019 § 175

Kalkenthalstrasse 7
Erioll world.svg
Elisabeth Hofmann
Elisabeth Hofmann
nee lived here . 22.07.1900
23.02.1933 mental hospital Köppern
May 1934 psychiatric hospital of the Westphalian Diakonissenanstalt "Sarepta"
09/27/1934 forced sterilization hospital in Bethel Gilead
April 1935 Landesheilanstalt Hadamar
1,939 hospital Herborn
13 February 1941 Hadamar
death 02/13/1941
June 24, 2019 T4

Flußgasse 4
Erioll world.svg
Anna Müller
Anna Müller
nee lived here . November 18, 1895
1940 Merxhausen institution
June 12, 1941 Eichberg, July 3, 1941 Hadamar died
July 3, 1941
June 23, 2019 T4

Radilostrasse 29
Erioll world.svg
Stumbling block at Radilostraße 29

Stumbling blocks at Radilostraße 29
Albert Dreyfuss
Abert Dreyfuß
nee lived here . October 3, 1873
deported October 19 , 1941
March 5, 2007 Stumbling block Radilostraße 29 Albert Dreifuss Merchant and property manager
Amalie Dreyfuss
Amalie Dreyfuß nee lived here . Salomon
born October 20, 1890
deported October 19 , 1941
March 5, 2007 Stumbling block Radilostraße 29 Amalie Dreifuss Cattle handler
Siegbert Dreyfuss
Siegbert Dreyfuß
nee lived here . January 15, 1926
deported October 19 , 1941
March 5, 2007 Stumbling block Radilostraße 29 Siegbert Dreifuss
Reichsburgstrasse 2
Erioll world.svg
Stumbling block at Reichsburgstrasse 2

Stumbling blocks Reichsburgstrasse 2
Sally meat
Sally Fleisch nee lived here . Sternfels
born Deported October 8
, 1878 October 19 , 1941
March 5, 2007 image Butcher shop owner
Selma meat
Selma Fleisch
nee lived here . Deported September 6
, 1892 October 19 , 1941
March 5, 2007 image
Alt-Rödelheim 30
Erioll world.svg
Stumbling block Alt-Rödelheim 30
Johanette Eisemann
Johanette Eisemann nee lived here . Hermann
born October 15, 1867
deported September 15 , 1942
murdered April 1, 1944
April 24, 2008 Stumbling Stone Alt-Rödelheim 30 Johannette Eisenmann
Alt-Rödelheim 38
Erioll world.svg
Stumbling block Alt-Rödelheim 38

Stumbling Stones Alt-Rödelheim 38
Kurt Grünebaum
Kurt Grünebaum
nee lived here . March 28, 1927
murdered August 29, 1942
March 5, 2007 Stumbling Stone Alt-Rödelheim 38 Kurt Grünebaum
Martha Grünebaum
Martha Grünebaum nee lived here . Günther
born 1.1.1897
March 5, 2007 Stolperstein Alt-Rödelheim 38 Martha Grünebaum
Max Grünebaum
Max Grünebaum
nee lived here . July 14, 1895
murdered August 29, 1942
March 5, 2007 Stumbling Stone Alt-Rödelheim 38 Max Grünebaum
Wehrhofstrasse 10
Erioll world.svg
Stumbling block location Wehrhofstrasse 10
Karl Knauf
Karl Knauf
nee lived here . 22.3.1899
murdered 31.10.1943
March 5, 2007 Stumbling block Wehrhofstrasse 10 Karl Knauf Toolmaker. Most recently he worked as a locksmith in the Adler factory in Frankfurt-Gallus ; Deported to the SS labor camp in Friedrichshafen
At Rödelheimer Wehr 4
Erioll world.svg
Stolpersteinlage Am Rödelheimer Wehr 4
Hermann Maier
Hermann Maier
nee lived here . Deported 16.3.1905
1941 and 1942
murdered 15.9.1943
April 24, 2008 Stolperstein Am Rödelheimer Wehr 4 Hermann Maier Schlosser, arrested for a consensual relationship with a 19-year-old.
Flussgasse 5-7
Erioll world.svg
Stumbling block at Flußgasse 5–7

Stumbling blocks on Flußgasse 5–7
Ferdinand Markus
Ferdinand Markus
nee lived here . 9/1/1901
deported 8/31/1942
murdered 8/31/1942
February 23, 2006 Stolperstein Flußgasse 5–7 Ferdinand Markus
Flora Markus
Flora Markus nee lived here . Reiss
born Deported March 28, 1908 November 11,
October 19, 2009 Stolperstein Flußgasse 5–7 Flora Markus
Inge Ursula Markus
Inge Ursula Markus
nee lived here . February 4, 1930
deported November 11, 1941
October 19, 2009 Stumbling Stone Flußgasse 5–7 Inge Ursula Markus
Alt-Rödelheim 40
Erioll world.svg
Stolpersteinlage Alt-Rödelheim 40
Rosalie Markus
Rosalie Markus nee lived here . Gruen
born 1.1.1870
deported 15.9.1942
murdered 4.1.1943
February 23, 2006 Stolperstein Alt-Rödelheim 40 Rosalie Markus
Alt-Rödelheim 20
Erioll world.svg
Stumbling block Alt-Rödelheim 20
Rebekka Marx
Rebekka Marx
nee lived here . 29.5.1875
deported 1942
March 05, 2007 Stumbling Stone Alt-Rödelheim 20 Rebekka Marx
Niddagaustraße 21
Erioll world.svg
Stumbling block Niddagaustr 21

Stumbling blocks Niddagaustr 21
Hermione May
Hermine May nee lived here . Printer
born April 17, 1880
deported November 22, 1941
murdered November 25, 1941
April 24, 2008 Stolperstein Niddagaustr 21 Hermine May
Julius May
Julius May
nee lived here . April 1, 1876
deported November 22, 1941
murdered November 25, 1941
April 24, 2008 Stumbling Stone Niddagaustr 21 Julius May
Rödelheimer Landstrasse 24
Erioll world.svg
Stumbling block at Rödelheimer Landstrasse 24

Stumbling blocks Rödelheimer Landstrasse 24
Hugo May
Hugo May
nee lived here . 25.1.1880
deported 15.9.1942
Theresienstadt and


April 24, 2008 Stumbling blocks Rödelheimer Landstrasse 24 Hugo May
Johanna May
Johanna May nee lived here . Sickle
born 31.8.1881
deported 15.9.1942
Theresienstadt and


April 24, 2008 Stumbling blocks Rödelheimer Landstrasse 24 Johanna May
Burgfriedenstrasse 5
Erioll world.svg
Stumbling block at Burgfriedenstrasse 5
Alice Stein
Alice Stein nee lived here . Mutton
born 6/21/1901
deported 11/22/1941
murdered 11/25/1941
April 24, 2008 Stolperstein Burgfriedenstrasse 5 Alice Stein
Alt-Rödelheim 12
Erioll world.svg
Stumbling block Alt-Rödelheim 12

Stumbling Stones Alt-Rödelheim 12
Isidor Strauss
Isidor Strauss
nee lived here . 21.5.1894 Gurs
deported and murdered to Poland

February 23, 2006 Stumbling Stone Alt-Rödelheim 12 Isidor Strauss
Renate Strauss
Renate Strauss
nee lived here . 6 April 1926
deported 23 May 1942
February 23, 2006 Stumbling Stone Alt-Rödelheim 12 Renate Strauss
Selma Strauss
Selma Strauss nee lived here . Capell
born Deported
28.2.1900 23.5.1942
February 23, 2006 Stumbling Stone Alt-Rödelheim 12 Selma Strauss
Radilostraße 8
Erioll world.svg
Stumbling block at Radilostraße 8

Stumbling blocks Radilostraße 8
Emma Wallerstein
Emma Wallerstein nee lived here . Rosenthal
born 11/23/1871
deported 9/15/1942
murdered 10/30/1942
February 23, 2006 Stolperstein Radilostraße 8 Emma Wallerstein
Henriette Wallerstein
Henriette Wallerstein
nee lived here . 3.4.1891
deported 1942
murdered Nov. 1942
February 23, 2006 Stolperstein Radilostraße 8 Henriette Wallerstein
Inselgäßchen 12
Erioll world.svg
Stumbling block Inselgässchen 12

Stumbling blocks Inselgässchen 12
Fanny Zinkes
Fanny Zinkes nee lived here . Star
born 10.4.1868
deported 1938
April 24, 2008 Stumbling Stone Inselgässchen 12 Fanny Zinkes
Julius (Joel) Zinkes
Julius (Joel) Zinkes
nee lived here . August 2nd, 1870
deported 1938
murdered February 14th, 1942
April 24, 2008 Stumbling Stone Inselgässchen 12 Julius Joel Zinkes
Commons : Stolpersteine ​​in Frankfurt am Main-Rödelheim  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Hans Riebsamen: There are now 1000 stumbling blocks in Frankfurt. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . May 16, 2015, p. 33 , accessed May 18, 2015 .
  2. ^ Adolf Diamant: Deportation book of Jews who were forcibly sent from Frankfurt am Main in the years 1941 to 1945
  3. 70,000. Stumbling stone relocated in Frankfurt . In: . October 23, 2018 ( [accessed November 4, 2018]).


  1. Unless otherwise stated, the information comes from the website of the City of Frankfurt am Main.