List of stumbling blocks in Frankfurt-Bockenheim

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Stumbling blocks in Frankfurt am Main

The list of the stumbling blocks in Frankfurt leads the artist Gunter Demnig laid stumbling blocks in Frankfurt on. The Stolpersteine ​​in Frankfurt am Main e. V. has arranged the laying of almost 1,500 stumbling blocks since November 2003. The initiative is supported by the city of Frankfurt as well as numerous institutions, including the Jewish Museum and the Institute for Urban History . There are more stumbling blocks than in Frankfurt only in Berlin, Hamburg and Cologne.

During the National Socialist era , 10,231 Jews from Frankfurt am Main were deported from the Grossmarkthalle as a collection point. Around 9,500 of them were murdered. When it was laid in Frankfurt in October 2018, the seventy thousandth stone was laid.
The districts are laid out according to the list of districts of Frankfurt am Main . The districts without a link have no stumbling blocks.


address Surname Inscription with additions Laying date image annotation

Frauenlobstraße 13
Erioll world.svg
Karl S. Bear
Karl S. Bär
nee lived here . March 1, 1886
Escape May 1937 Switzerland
1941 USA
June 24, 2019
Anne Margaret Bear Here lived
Anne Margaret Bear born, Kuch
born July 23, 1900
Escape May 1937 Switzerland
1941 USA
June 24, 2019
Rohmerplatz 27
Erioll world.svg
Frankfurt, Rohmerplatz 27.jpg
Hedwig Hirschmann Here lived
Hedwig Hirschmann, born Scheuer
born July 30, 1894
Deportation: May 24, 1942 Izbica
death unknown
June 23, 2019 Frankfurt, Rohmerplatz 27, Stolpersteine.jpg
Helmut Martin Hirschmann
Helmut Martin Hirschmann
nee lived here . March 11, 1922
Escape: 1939 Palestine
June 23, 2019
Margot Hirschmann
Margot Hirschmann
nee lived here . May 29, 1925
Escape: April 1939 England Kindertransport
June 23, 2019

Graefstrasse 49
Erioll world.svg
Hilde Höxter
Hilde Höxter
nee lived here . 30.6.1921
Escape Kindertransport
1939 England
19th May 2018
Große Seestrasse 11
Erioll world.svg
Frankfurt, Große Seestrasse 11.jpg
Salomon Roth
Salomon Roth
nee lived here . August 3, 1879
imprisonment 1938 Buchenwald
deported 1943 Auschwitz
death October 30, 1943
19th May 2018 Frankfurt, Große Seestrasse 11, Stolperstein.jpg
At Leonardsbrunn 7
Erioll world.svg
House at leonardsbrunn 7

Stumbling blocks at leonardsbrunn 7
Eduard Schwarzschild
Eduard Schwarzschild
nee lived here . May 23, 1875
Humiliated and disenfranchised
Escape to death January 23, 1939
22nd June 2017 Stolperstein at Leonardsbrunn 7 Schwartzschild Eduard
Maximilian Schwarzschild
Maximilian Schwarzschild
nee lived here . 11/10/1910
1934 Escape France
Deported 1942
Auschwitz murdered
22nd June 2017 Stolperstein at Leonardsbrunn 7 Schwartzschild Maximilian
Blanche Schwarzschild
Blanche Schwarzschild
nee lived here . September 3, 1885
1941 escape USA
22nd June 2017 Stolperstein at Leonardsbrunn 7 Schwartzschild Blanche
Franz Schwarzschild
Franz Schwarzschild
nee lived here . March 19, 1920
1938 Escape to the USA
22nd June 2017 Stumbling Stone at Leonardsbrunn 7 Schwartzschild Franz
Lilo Schwarzschild
Lilo Schwarzschild
nee lived here . February 19, 1912
1938 Escape to the USA
22nd June 2017 Stumbling stone at Leonardsbrunn 7 Schwartzschild Lilo
Heinz Schwarzschild
Heinz Schwarzschild
nee lived here . 11.09.1917
1938 escape USA
22nd June 2017 Stumbling Stone at Leonardsbrunn 7 Schwartzschild Heinz
Voltastrasse 55
Erioll world.svg
Voltastr 55
Bernhard Kell
Bernhard Kell
nee lived here . January 21, 1874
Arrested May 20, 1938
Frankfurt am Main
murdered February 18, 1944
May 18, 2015 Stumbling block at Voltastr 55, Kell Bernhard Jehovah's Witnesses
Hamburger Allee 58
Erioll world.svg
Frankfurt, Hamburger Allee 58.jpg
Karl Finkernagel
Karl Finkernagel
nee lived here . August 29, 1869
murdered August 24, 1937
May 18, 2015 Frankfurt, Hamburger Allee 58, Stolperstein.jpg
Robert-Mayer-Strasse 47
Erioll world.svg
Frankfurt, Robert-Mayer-Strasse 47.jpg
Gustav Tellgmann
Gustav Tellgmann
nee lived here . October 22, 1891
People's Court
murdered February 26, 1945
May 18, 2015 Frankfurt, Robert-Mayer-Strasse 47, Stolperstein.jpg
Broßstrasse 7
Erioll world.svg
Brossstrasse 7
Moritz J. Steinthal
Moritz J. Steinthal
nee lived here . August 27, 1869
Suicide March 12, 1943
May 11, 2012 Stumbling blocks Broßstrasse 7 Moritz Steinthal
Graefstrasse 49
Erioll world.svg
Graefstrasse 49

Stumbling blocks Graefstrasse 49 Ernst, Werner, Alma Hoexter
Alma Hoexter
Alma Hoexter
nee lived here . Schmidt
born 11.8.1894
Suicide 9.5.1942
May 11, 2012 Stumbling Stone Graefstrasse 49 Hoexter Alma
Ernst Hoexter
Ernst Hoexter
nee lived here . 28.1.1894
Suicide 7.5.1942
May 11, 2012 Stumbling Stone Graefstrasse 49 Hoexter Ernst
Werner Hoexter
Werner Hoexter
nee lived here . 3.6.1926
Suicide 7.5.1942
May 11, 2012 Stumbling Stone Graefstrasse 49 Hoexter Werner
Marburger Strasse 9
Erioll world.svg
Stumbling block Marburgerstrasse 9
Hagar Martin Brown
Hagar Martin Brown
nee lived here . 14.10.1889
arrested 1939
death 3.6.1940
September 13, 2009 Stumbling Stone Marburgerstrasse 9 Hagar Martin Brown from Cape Town in South Africa and was abducted to Berlin in 1901, later worked as a chauffeur in Hesse. He married his wife Paula and had two children. In 1936 he and his daughters were included in the “Colored Card Library”, in which the 24,000 colored Germans were listed. Brought to the police station in 1939 and almost beaten to death. Nazi doctors would then have used it to test a chemical. This made his limbs numb. His grave is now in the Ehrenfeld of Frankfurt's main cemetery.
Robert-Mayer-Strasse 48
Erioll world.svg
Robert-Mayer-Strasse 48
Paul Sunday Here lived
Paul Sunday
born February 10, 1890
executed in
Brandenburg Goerden
on April 20, 1945
June 21th 2013 Stumbling blocks Robert-Mayer-Straße 48 48
Rödelheimer Landstrasse 130
Erioll world.svg
Stumbling block at Roedelheimer Landstrasse 130

Stumbling blocks Roedelheimer Landstrasse 130
Gustav Rosenthal
Gustav Rosenthal
nee lived here . December 15, 1873
to Theresienstadt on September 1, 1942
and murdered to Auschwitz
in 1944
October 19, 2009 Stumbling Stone Rödelheimer Landstrasse 130 Gustav Rosenthal was a merchant by profession, had a cattle shop
Rosa Rosenthal
Rosa Rosenthal
nee lived here . Odenheimer
born 11/27/1874
deported on September 9, 1942
after Theresienstadt
death on September 29, 1942
October 19, 2009 Stumbling Stone Rödelheimer Landstrasse 130 Rosa Rosenthal
Schlossstrasse 120 {
Erioll world.svg
Stumbling block at Schlossstrasse 120

Stumbling blocks at Schlossstrasse 120
Klara Breslau
Klara Breslau
nee lived here . Auerbacher
born 1.12.1892
deported 19.10.1941
death unknown
September 13, 2005 Stolperstein Schlossstrasse 120 for Klara Breslau Approval [ticket # 2013102810006014] granted by Initiative Stolpersteine ​​Frankfurt am Main e.  V.
Paul Breslau
Paul Breslau
nee lived here . October 19, 1877
deported October 19 , 1941
death on April 6, 1942
September 13, 2005 Stolperstein Schlossstrasse 120 Paul Breslau Approval [ticket # 2013102810006014] granted by Initiative Stolpersteine ​​Frankfurt am Main e.  V. For a short time until 1918 in Berlin, merchant (commercial agent) in the textile industry
Lore Breslau
Lore Breslau
nee lived here . 9.9.1923
deported 19.10.1941 Łódź
death unknown
September 13, 2005 Stolperstein Schlossstrasse 120 Lore Breslau Approval [ticket # 2013102810006014] granted by Initiative Stolpersteine ​​Frankfurt am Main e.  V.
Sophienstrasse 12
Erioll world.svg
Stumbling block at Sophienstrasse 12

Stumbling blocks sophienstr 12 Fam Bienes

Stumbling blocks Sophienstrasse 12
Arthur Bienes
Arthur Bienes
nee lived here . July 26, 1889,
escaped to Amsterdam in 1935,
deported on May 1, 1943

Deported to the Westerbork transit
camp on February 15, 1944
to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp,
murdered on January 9, 1945

June 21th 2013 Stumbling Stone Sophienstrasse 12 Bienes Arthur
Hermione Bienes
Hermine Bienes
nee lived here . Cohen
born 01/14/1893
Flight 1935 to Amsterdam
deported on 01.05.1943
in the Westerbork transit camp
deported 2/15/1944
in the Theresienstadt concentration camp
June 21th 2013 Stolperstein Sophienstrasse 12 Bienes Hermine
Marion Bienes
Marion Bienes
nee lived here . 08/28/1925
Flight 1935 to Amsterdam
deported in October 1943
in the Westerbork transit camp
deported Feb. 1944
in the Bergen-Belsen
June 21th 2013 Stumbling block Sophienstrasse 12 Bienes Marion
René Bienes
René Bienes
nee lived here . 01/02/1928
Flight 1935 to Amsterdam
deported on 01.05.1943
in the Westerbork transit camp
deported 2/15/1944
in the Theresienstadt concentration camp
death in April 1945
June 21th 2013 Stolperstein Sophienstrasse 12 Bienes Rene
Ludwig Weil Here lived
Louis Weil
born February 18, 1873
deported on October 19, 1941 to Łódź
death on December 30, 1941
September 13, 2005 Stumbling block Sophienstrasse 12 for Ludwig Weil Textile shop "Weil, Marx & Co."
Henny Weil Here lived
Henny Because
born 1.5.1925
deported on October 19, 1941
after Łódź
death unknown
September 13, 2005 Stumbling block Sophienstrasse 12 for Henny Weil attended the philanthropist
Linda Weil Here lived
Linda Weil
born Herzfeld
born September 15, 1887
deported on October 19, 1941
to Łódź
death unknown
September 13, 2005 Stumbling block Sophienstrasse 12 for Linda Weil attended the Elisabeth School
Varrentrappstrasse 57
Erioll world.svg
Varrentrappstrasse 57
Georg Wagner
Georg Wagner
nee lived here . 19.3.1892
deported on 11.11.1941
after Minsk
death unknown
June 21th 2013 Stolpersteine ​​varrentrappstr 57
At the Weingarten 10
Erioll world.svg
At the Weinarten 10

Stumbling blocks at the vineyard 10
Marcus Zamojre
Marcus Zamojre
nee lived here . May 15, 1893
Escape 1940
Yugoslavia , Italy , 1944 Auschwitz
19th November 2013 Stolperstein Am Weingarten 10 Zamojre Marcus
Ellinor Zamojre
Ellinor Zamojre
nee lived here . May 15, 1889
1942 unknown
19th November 2013 Stolperstein Am Weingarten 10 Zamojre Ellinor
Josef Zamojre
Josef Zamojre
nee lived here . June 28, 1921
Escape 1940
Yugoslavia , Italy , survived Auschwitz in 1944
19th November 2013 Stolperstein Am Weingarten 10 Zamojre Josef
Sophienstrasse 29
Erioll world.svg
Sophienstrasse 29
Martin Pawel
Martin Pawel
nee lived here . December 5, 1893
murdered October 1, 1940
June 23, 2014 Stumbling blocks Sophienstrasse 29 Action T4
Varrentrappstrasse 47
Erioll world.svg
Varrentrappstrasse 47

Stumbling blocks varrentrappstr 47 49
Walter Höxter
Walter Höxter
nee lived here . Deported on September 20, 1921
Auschwitz concentration camp
murdered February 11, 1943
June 21, 2014 Stolperstein Varrentrappstrape 47 Höxter Walter Action T4
Varrentrappstrasse 49
Erioll world.svg
Varrentrappstrasse 47

Stumbling blocks varrentrappstr 47 49
Emma weathercock
Emma Wetterhahn
nee lived here . November 7, 1892
, Kaunas concentration camp
murdered November 25, 1941
June 21, 2014 Stolperstein Varrentrappstr 47 Weathercock Emma
Sigmund Wetterhahn
Sigmund Wetterhahn
nee lived here . February 20, 1887
, Kaunas concentration camp
murdered November 25, 1941
June 21, 2014 Stolperstein Varrentrappstr 47 Weathercock Sigmund
Ruth Weathercock
Ruth Wetterhahn
nee lived here . April 9, 1925
, Auschwitz concentration camp
June 21, 2014 Stolperstein Varrentrappstr 47 Weathercock Ruth
Leipzigerstrasse 19
Erioll world.svg
Leipzigerstrasse 19
Adam Haag
Adam Haag
nee lived here . Jan 20, 1876
, Hadamar
murdered March 12, 1941
June 21, 2014 Stumbling blocks leipzigerstrasse 19 Action T4 . Adam Haag was married and the father of three daughters and had been working as a locksmith at "Riedl & Sohn" since around 1900. At first he was a patient at the Frankfurt Psychiatric Clinic, but came to the Herborn Sanatorium in 1925 because of an alcoholic problem. Before his admission, he last lived at Leipziger Strasse 19. On March 12, 1941, Adam Haag and 67 other patients were deported from Herborn to the sanatorium in Hadamar and murdered on the same day with the other patients.

Web links

Commons : Stolpersteine ​​in Frankfurt am Main-Bockenheim  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files


  1. Unless otherwise stated, the information comes from the website of the City of Frankfurt am Main

Individual evidence

  1. Hans Riebsamen: There are now 1000 stumbling blocks in Frankfurt. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . May 16, 2015, p. 33 , accessed May 18, 2015 .
  2. ^ Adolf Diamant: Deportation book of Jews who were forcibly sent from Frankfurt am Main in the years 1941 to 1945
  3. 70,000. Stumbling stone relocated in Frankfurt . In: . October 23, 2018 ( [accessed November 4, 2018]).
  4. Already laid stones are "revealed" (May 2015)
  5. Frank Berger, Christian Setzepfandt : 101 Unorte. 2011, ISBN 978-3-7973-1248-8 , p. 179.