List of stumbling blocks in Frankfurt-Bahnhofsviertel

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Stumbling blocks in Frankfurt am Main

The list of the stumbling blocks in Frankfurt leads the artist Gunter Demnig laid stumbling blocks in Frankfurt on. The Stolpersteine ​​in Frankfurt am Main e. V. has arranged the laying of almost 1,500 stumbling blocks since November 2003. The initiative is supported by the city of Frankfurt as well as numerous institutions, including the Jewish Museum and the Institute for Urban History . There are more stumbling blocks than in Frankfurt only in Berlin, Hamburg and Cologne.

During the National Socialist era , 10,231 Jews from Frankfurt am Main were deported from the Grossmarkthalle as a collection point. Around 9,500 of them were murdered. When it was laid in Frankfurt in October 2018, the seventy thousandth stone was laid.
The districts are laid out according to the list of districts of Frankfurt am Main . The districts without a link have no stumbling blocks.


address Surname Inscription with additions Laying date image annotation

Moselstrasse 5
Erioll world.svg

Erna Poser
Erna Poser
born here lived here . March 9, 1930
1933 Kalmenhof Idstein , February 10, 1941
dead February 10, 1941
June 20, 2020 the stumbling block for Erna Poser On the initiative of the Idstein association "Gedenkort Kalmenhof", this stumbling block was moved to the last freely chosen place of residence.
Elbestr. 15th
Erioll world.svg

Anna Lina Gerlinger Here lived
Annalina Gerlinger, born Clerk
born December 2, 1884
imprisonment 1943 Frankfurt police prison; Rittergut Weißbrot in Kötten
Deported 1943 Auschwitz
December 17, 1943
17th May 2018 Stumbling Stone Anna Lina Gerlinger, 1, Elbestraße 15, Bahnhofsviertel, Frankfurt am Main.jpg
Wilhelm-Leuschner-Straße 83 (formerly Bürgerstraße 87)
Erioll world.svg
Wilhelm Leuschner Strasse 83

Stumbling blocks at Wilhelm Leuschner Strasse 83
Anna Rosa Here lived
Annarosa Castellan, born Schönhof
born 1.6.1892
deported October 19 , 1941
Lodz / Litzmannstadt
Nov 13, 2017 Stumbling stone for Anna Rosa Kastellan (Frankfurt am Main) .jpg
Herbert Kastellan
Herbert Kastellan
nee lived here . 3.5.1885
deported October 19 , 1941
Lodz / Litzmannstadt
Nov 13, 2017 Stolperstein for Herbert Kastellan (Frankfurt am Main) .jpg
Lotte Castellan
Lotte Kastellan
nee lived here . 2.3.1914
escape 1939 England , 1940 USA
Nov 13, 2017 Stolperstein for Lotte Kastellan (Frankfurt am Main) .jpg
Ellen Goldschmidt
Ellen Goldschmidt
nee lived here . August 17, 1922
Escape 1938 England , 1940 USA
Nov 13, 2017 Stumbling block for Ellen Goldschmidt (Frankfurt am Main) .jpg
Moselstrasse 46
Erioll world.svg
Moselstrasse 46
Lina Geiss
Lina Geiss
nee lived here . Heimbächer
born May 7th, 1894
1941 relocated to

murdered March 7, 1941

22nd June 2017 Stumbling block for Lina Geiss (Frankfurt (Main)). Jpg
Windmühlstrasse 5
Erioll world.svg
Windmühlstrasse 5

Stumbling blocks windmuehlstr 5
Käthe Löwensberg
Käthe Löwensberg
nee lived here . 3.1.1853
deported 31.8.1942
murdered 31.08.1942
May 20, 2016 Stumbling stone for Käthe Löwensberg.jpg
Grete Mainzer
Grete Mainzer
nee lived here . July 15, 1873
deported 1942
murdered August 22 , 1942
May 20, 2016 Stumbling block for Grete Mainzer.jpg
Gustav Mainzer
Gustav Mainzer
nee lived here . Deported on June 13th, 1873
murdered on August 4th , 1942
May 20, 2016 Stolperstein for Gustav Mainzer (Frankfurt (Main)). Jpg
Irma Mainzer
Irma Mainzer
born here lived here . November 19, 1919
Escape 1933
May 20, 2016 Stumbling block for Irma Mainzer (Frankfurt (Main)). Jpg
Erich Mainzer
Erich Mainzer
nee lived here . November 19, 1919
Escape to New York in 1938
May 20, 2016 Stumbling block for Erich Mainzer.jpg
Wilh.-Leuschner-Strasse 12
Erioll world.svg
Wilh.-Leuschner-Strasse 12, Frankfurt am Main.jpg
Toni Wolfgang born Feist
Toni Wolfgang nee lived here . Feist
born October 2nd, 1875
deported September 1st , 1942
murdered May 8th, 1943
17th May 2015 Stumbling block for Toni Wolfgang.jpg
Kaiserstrasse 36
Erioll world.svg
Kaiserstr 36
Josef Strauss
Josef Strauss
nee lived here . October 16, 1872
deported August 18 , 1942
murdered November 30, 1942
17th May 2015 Stumbling block for Josef Strauss (Frankfurt (Main)). Jpg
Elbestrasse 29
Erioll world.svg
Elbestrasse 29, Frankfurt am Main.jpg

Stumbling blocks for the Luwisch family.jpg
Arthur Luwisch
Arthur Luwisch
nee lived here . August 3, 1919
deported November 8 , 1938
17th May 2015 Stumbling block for Arthur Luwisch.jpg
Etli Luwisch born Weasel
Etli Luwisch nee lived here . Wiesel
born 17.3.1882
deported 8.11.1938
17th May 2015 Stumbling stone for Etli Luwisch.jpg
Hermann Luwisch
Hermann Luwisch
nee lived here . September 10, 1913
Escape to Palestine in 1936
17th May 2015 Stumbling block for Hermann Luwisch.jpg
Lilly Luwisch
Lilly Luwisch
nee lived here . 10/17/1920
deported 11/8/1938
17th May 2015 Stumbling block for Lilly Luwisch.jpg
Weserstrasse 46
Erioll world.svg
Weserstr 46
Paula Pauli
Paula Pauli
nee lived here . 9/12/1874
Suicide 9/30/1944
May 16, 2015 Stumbling block for Paula Pauli.jpg
Mainzer Landstrasse 33
Erioll world.svg
Stolpersteinlage Mainzer Landstrasse 33

Stumbling blocks Francois Mainzer Landstrasse 33

Alexander Loeb
Alexander Loeb
nee lived here . March 4th, 1884
deported October 19 , 1941
dead March 28, 1942
February 17, 2009 Stumbling Stone Francois Mainzer Landstrasse 33 Alexander Loeb Co-owner of the Bing company for porcelain, glass, crystal and ceramics
Margarete Loeb
Margarete Loeb nee lived here . Buseck
born July 20, 1894
deported October 19 , 1941
February 17, 2009 Stumbling Stone Francois Mainzer Landstrasse 33 Magarete Loeb
Ottilie Loeb
Ottilie Loeb
nee lived here . 11/26/1925
deported 10/19/1941
February 17, 2009 Stumbling Stone Francois Mainzer Landstrasse 33 Ottilie Loeb
Karoline Buseck
Karoline Buseck nee lived here . Hess
born July 28, 1870
deported October 19 , 1941
February 17, 2009 Stumbling Stone Francois Mainzer Landstrasse 33 Karoline Buseck
Marienstrasse 9
Erioll world.svg
Marienstrasse 9

Stumbling blocks Marienstrasse 9
Carola Schmidt-Fellner
b. Liebmann

Carola Schmidt-Fellner
nee lived here . Liebmann
born August 14, 1902
deported January 6 , 1944
June 4, 2011 Stumbling block marienstrasse 9 schmidt-fellner carola
Hermann Schmidt-Fellner
Hermann Schmidt-Fellner
nee lived here . 20.10.1892
deported 3.6.1939
Dachau and

September 27, 1939 Mauthausen
death January 22, 1940

June 4, 2011 Stumbling block marienstrasse 9 schmidt-fellner hermann
Munchener Strasse 20
Erioll world.svg
Muenchnerstrasse 20
Rudolf Mahler
Rudolf Mahler
nee lived here . 6/11/1889
deported 9/20/1939
Buchenwald and

July 15, 1941 Pirna
death July 15, 1941

June 4, 2011 Stumbling blocks Münchnerstr 20 T4 action
Taunusstrasse 40
Erioll world.svg
Taunusstrasse 40

Stumbling blocks taunusstrasse 40
Ernst summer
Ernst Sommer
nee lived here . March 6, 1885
deported September 15 , 1942
Theresienstadt ,

January 23, 1943 Auschwitz
death unknown

June 20, 2013 Stumbling taunusstr 40 summer seriously
Margot summer
Margot Sommer
nee lived here . May 23, 1924
deportation unknown
death unknown
June 20, 2013 Stumbling taunusstr 40 summer margot.jpg.2344513
Niddastrasse 63
Erioll world.svg
House Niddastr 63
Heinrich Ochs
Heinrich Ochs
nee lived here . 17.3.1903,
?.?. 1942
June 22, 2014 Stolperstein Niddastr 63 Ochs Heinrich Resistance / KPD
Niddastrasse 64
Erioll world.svg
House Niddastr 64
Edmund Germann
Edmund Germann
nee lived here . 19.9.1901
deportation unknown
death 24.6.1942
June 22, 2014 Stumbling blocks Niddastr 64 Resistance / KPD
Untermainkai 20
Erioll world.svg
Stolpersteinlage Untermainkai 20
Adolf Moritz Steinschneider
Adolf Moritz Steinschneider
nee lived here . June 20, 1894
1933 exile Switzerland
murdered June 11, 1944
in Vichy, France
October 15, 2004 Stolperstein Untermainkai 20 Adolf Steinschneider studied law and economics in Berlin and Munich. In 1918 he was sentenced to one year imprisonment for his involvement in the Spartacus uprising. From 1926 he was a lawyer in Frankfurt am Main and defended numerous leftists in political trials. He was a co-founder of the Red Aid and the German League for Human Rights

Individual evidence

  1. Hans Riebsamen: There are now 1000 stumbling blocks in Frankfurt. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . May 16, 2015, p. 33 , accessed May 18, 2015 .
  2. ^ Adolf Diamant: Deportation book of Jews who were forcibly sent from Frankfurt am Main in the years 1941 to 1945
  3. 70,000. Stumbling stone relocated in Frankfurt . In: . October 23, 2018 ( [accessed November 4, 2018]).
  4. Volker Stavenow: Erna's life ended at the age of ten. Wiesbadener Kurier (Region), June 25, 2020 ( WK plus )


  1. Unless otherwise stated, the information comes from the website of the City of Frankfurt am Main.
Commons : Stolpersteine ​​in Frankfurt am Main-Bahnhofsviertel  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files