List of stumbling blocks in Helmstedt

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The list of stumbling blocks in Helmstedt contains all the stumbling blocks that were laid by Gunter Demnig in Helmstedt as part of the art project of the same name . They are intended to commemorate the victims of National Socialism who lived and worked in Helmstedt. In the period from October 7, 2011 until the laying on November 16, 2011, a total of 15 stumbling blocks were laid.

List of stumbling blocks


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image address Laying date Person, inscription annotation
Emmerstedter Landstrasse 6
Erioll world.svg
November 16, 2011 Here lived
Ivan Neuburger
Jg. 1884
Iwan Neuburger was born on March 9, 1884 in Steinheim . On December 15, 1941, he was deported to the Riga ghetto and later pronounced dead.

Iwan and Ida Neuburger moved from Helmstedt to Hanover in 1939 and had to move there in September 1941 to Bergstrasse 8 in a “ Jewish house ”, from which they were deported to Riga in December 1941 .

Ida Neuburger
nee lived here . Rosenbaum
born in 1876
Ida Neuburger was born as Ida Rosenburger on November 23, 1876 in Northeim . On December 15, 1941, she was deported to the Riga ghetto and later pronounced dead.
Stumbling Stone Helmstedt Moritz Klein (derived) Fencing floor 5
Erioll world.svg
0October 7, 2011
Moritz Klein,
born in 1893
, lived here .
special court,
death sentence, August 19, 1942,
executed September 22 , 1942,
Wolfenbüttel prison
Moritz Klein was born on July 14, 1893. He was accused of having sexually touched two children several times in 1942. He was then arrested and sentenced to death by the Braunschweig Special Court on August 18, 1942. The death sentence was carried out on September 22, 1942 in Wolfenbüttel prison .
Hauptstrasse 13
Erioll world.svg
November 16, 2011
Meta Neuburger
nee lived here . Waldbaum
born 1890
Escape 1938

Hugo Neuburger,
born in 1886, lived here .
Escape 1938
Stumbling blocks Kornstrasse 5 Josef Mindus Kornstrasse 4/5
Erioll world.svg
0October 7, 2011
Josef Mindus,
born in 1886, lived here,
1939 Hanover,
deported in 1941,
dead in
Josef Mindus was born on September 9, 1886 in Jemgum . On December 15, 1941, he was deported to the Riga ghetto and later pronounced dead.

The Mindus family moved to Hanover in 1939 and in September 1941 had to move to the "Judenhaus" at Ohestrasse 8/9.

Stolpersteine ​​Kornstrasse 5 Frieda Mindus
Frieda Mindus
nee lived here . Waldbaum
Born 1889,
1939 Hanover,
fate unknown
Frieda Mindus was born on September 6, 1889 in Iserlohn and was married to Josef Mindus, they had a daughter Carla Mindus. After she moved to Hanover with her family, her trail is lost. Her husband and daughter were deported to Riga in 1941.
Stumbling Stones Kornstr 5 Carla Mindus
Carla Mindus,
born in 1926, lived here,
1939 Hanover,
deported in 1941,
dead in
Carla Mindus was born on November 29, 1926 as the daughter of Josef and Frieda Mindus in Helmstedt. On December 15, 1941, she was deported from Hanover to the Riga ghetto and later pronounced dead.
Stumbling Stone Kybitzstrasse 1 Kurt Lilienfeld Kybitzstrasse 1
Erioll world.svg
0October 7, 2011
Kurt Lilienfeld,
born in 1925, lived here .
Escape 1933 Interned in
dead in
the Kovno ghetto in 1944
Kurt Lilienfeld was born on February 7, 1925 in Helmstedt. In 1933 he fled to France and was imprisoned there in Drancy . on May 15, 1944, he was deported from there to the Kovno ghetto and later pronounced dead.
Stolperstein Kybitzstr 6 Martha Lilienfeld Kybitzstrasse 6
Erioll world.svg
0October 7, 2011
Martha Lilienfeld
nee lived here . Mildenberg
Born 1901
Escape 1933
interned Drancy
deported 1944
Murdered in
Martha Lilienfeld was born Martha Mildenberg on September 8, 1901 in Melle . She was married to Julius Lilienfeld and had two children. She and her family fled to France in 1933, where she was imprisoned in Drancy and was deported to the Auschwitz extermination camp on January 20, 1944 .
Stumbling Stone Kybitzstrasse 6 Horst Lilienfeld
Horst Lilienfeld,
born in 1928, lived here .
Escape 1933 Interned in
Murdered in
Auschwitz in 1944
Horst Lilienfeld was born on February 19, 1928 as the son of Martha Lilienfeld in Helmstedt. After fleeing to France with his family, he was imprisoned first in an internment camp near Toulouse and then in the Drancy assembly camp. From there he was deported to the Auschwitz extermination camp on January 20, 1944.
Stumbling Stone Kybitzstrasse 6 Marion Lilienfeld
Marion Lilienfeld,
born in 1929, lived here .
Escape 1933 Interned in
Murdered in
Auschwitz in 1944
Marion Lilienfeld was born on October 2, 1929 as the daughter of Martha Lilienfeld in Helmstedt. After fleeing to France with her family, she was first imprisoned in an internment camp near Toulouse and then in the Drancy assembly camp. From there she was deported to the Auschwitz extermination camp on January 20, 1944.
Stumbling Stone Leuckartstr 12 Albert Fischbach Leuckartstrasse 12
Erioll world.svg
0October 7, 2011 Here lived
Albert Fischbach
Jg. 1891
arrested in 1944
of 20 July 1944
dead 12.17.1944
Schwesing / Husum
Albert Fischbach was born on October 9, 1891 in Schwiebus . In 1931 he was elected city councilor in Helmstedt. In 1933 he fled the city for fear of the SA and SS and was briefly arrested after his return. After the Hitler attack on July 20, 1944 , he was arrested again and was sent to several camps, such as the Hallendorf labor education camp , then Sachsenhausen concentration camp and the Neuengamme concentration camp . He died in the Husum-Schwesing satellite camp on December 17, 1944 as a result of his imprisonment.
Rosenwinkel 7
Erioll world.svg
November 16, 2011 Here lived
Hugo snow milk
Jg. 1887
Hugo Schneemilch was born on July 16, 1887 in Helmstedt. He was deported to the Buchenwald concentration camp and murdered there on September 14, 1939.
Schuhstrasse 8
Erioll world.svg
November 16, 2011 Here lived
David Wegmann
Jg. 1887
Dawid Wegmann was born on May 26, 1887 in Koprzywnica . He was a paper dealer in Helmstedt and was deported to Bentschen on October 28, 1938 , where he was imprisoned until the summer of 1939. His non-Jewish wife also had Polish citizenship and had to accompany him. She was allowed to return to Helmstedt, but David Wegmann was deported to Warsaw. From the ghetto established in November 1940 , he was presumably transported to the Treblinka extermination camp on June 16, 1942 and later pronounced dead. In February 1943, Agnes Wegmann divorced her husband in order not to be arrested again.


  • October 7, 2011: nine stumbling blocks at five addresses
  • November 16, 2011: six stumbling blocks at four addresses


  • Susanne Weihmann: Helmstedt. In: Historical manual of the Jewish communities in Lower Saxony and Bremen , Wallstein 2005, pp. 38–44 ( digitized version )
  • Susanne Weihmann: They're all gone: Jews in Helmstedt 1933–1945 . S. Weihmann, 1996, p. 80 ( limited preview in Google Book search).

Web links

Commons : Stolpersteine ​​in Helmstedt  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Stumbling blocks in memory of Nazi victims fall again In: , accessed on May 29, 2019.
  2. ^ Neuburger, Iwan. In: Memorial Book - Victims of Persecution of the Jews under the National Socialist Tyranny in Germany 1933–1945. Retrieved May 29, 2019 .
  3. a b c Susanne Weihmann: Helmstedt. In: Historical manual of the Jewish communities in Lower Saxony and Bremen , Wallstein 2005, pp. 38–44 ( digitized version )
  4. Deportation List Hanover to Riga, No. 674-676 In: , accessed on May 31, 2019.
  5. ^ Neuburger, Ida. In: Memorial Book - Victims of Persecution of the Jews under the National Socialist Tyranny in Germany 1933–1945. Accessed May 31, 2019 .
  6. ^ Leaflet Stolperstein Moritz Klein In: , accessed on May 29, 2019 (PDF)
  7. Helmut Kramer : Moritz Klein In: , accessed on May 31, 2019.
  8. Mindus, Joseph Josef. In: Memorial Book - Victims of Persecution of the Jews under the National Socialist Tyranny in Germany 1933–1945. Accessed May 31, 2019 .
  9. Josef Mindus In: , accessed on May 29, 2019.
  10. Mindus, Carla. In: Memorial Book - Victims of Persecution of the Jews under the National Socialist Tyranny in Germany 1933–1945. Accessed May 31, 2019 .
  11. Carla Mindus In: , accessed on May 29, 2019.
  12. ^ Lilienfeld, Kurt. In: Memorial Book - Victims of Persecution of the Jews under the National Socialist Tyranny in Germany 1933–1945. Retrieved May 29, 2019 .
  13. ^ Lilienfeld, Martha. In: Memorial Book - Victims of Persecution of the Jews under the National Socialist Tyranny in Germany 1933–1945. Accessed May 31, 2019 .
  14. Lilienfeld, Horst. In: Memorial Book - Victims of Persecution of the Jews under the National Socialist Tyranny in Germany 1933–1945. Accessed May 31, 2019 .
  15. ^ Lilienfeld, Marion. In: Memorial Book - Victims of Persecution of the Jews under the National Socialist Tyranny in Germany 1933–1945. Accessed May 31, 2019 .
  16. Jürgen Paxmann: Small monuments on sidewalks. In: Braunschweiger Zeitung / Helmstedter Nachrichten, Helmstedt Lokales, page 2, September 27, 2011.
  17. Snow Milk, Hugo. In: Memorial Book - Victims of Persecution of the Jews under the National Socialist Tyranny in Germany 1933–1945. Retrieved May 29, 2019 .
  18. ^ Wegmann, Dawid David. In: Memorial Book - Victims of Persecution of the Jews under the National Socialist Tyranny in Germany 1933–1945. Retrieved May 29, 2019 .
  19. ^ City of Helmstedt: Stolpersteine ​​in Helmstedt In: , accessed on May 29, 2019.
  20. ^ City of Helmstedt: More stumbling blocks laid In: , accessed on May 29, 2019.