List of evacuated monuments in Hungary

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State memorial in Budaörs

This list of displaced monuments in Hungary records the displaced monuments in Hungary .


  • Alsónána (Naane). Memorial stone on the cemetery (1996): "Memorial site of the former German population of Alsonana, from 1750 to 1946. We have no permanent city here (Hebr. 13:14)."
  • Budaörs (Wudersch)
  1. Memorial plaque on the former town hall on Erzherzog-Josef-Strasse
  2. Old cemetery of the Hungarian-German community, state memorial for the expulsion of the Hungarian-Germans (2006).
  • Csátalja (Tschatali), memorial plaque at the parish hall in Csatalja (1996): "In memory of the expelled and evacuated German families 1946–1996 Csatalja / Tschatali."
  • Elek , memorial opposite the cath. Church (2001)
  • Mány (Maan), memorial stone in the cemetery (1996)
  • Mosonszolnok (Zanegg), memorial plaque at the city church (1996): “This is where the expulsion of the Germans from what is now Raab-Wieselburg-Ödenburg County began in 1946. To commemorate the 50th anniversary of this tragic epoch in history, the Association of German Self-Governments in the Raab-Wieselburg-Ödenburg county herewith a memorial to everyone, so that people will never again be expelled because of their ethnic group! On June 6, 1996. "
  • Murakeresztúr , Zala county , plaque (1979): “In memory of 77 women, men and children. Died in the transport train in Murakeresztúr and the innumerable people who died on the way, after being forced to leave their homeland in Lower Styria, the Abstaller basin, in January a. February 1946. Erected in 1979 by the relatives. ” Lower Styria , Apače
  • Sopron (Ödenburg), Displacement Monument in front of the Protestant Church (2010): “Dives under, but does not sink.” - “We remember those Ödenburg citizens who were expelled from their homeland because they confessed to their German mother tongue or German nationality had."
  • Üröm (Irm). Memorial plaque on the war memorial in front of the Catholic. Church (1996): “Pro memoria. The Swabians of Üröm were expelled from their homeland on April 25, 1946. This memorial plaque was erected by the Üröm administration on the fiftieth anniversary of the expulsion. "
  • Zsámbék (Schambek), old town hall, memorial plaque (1996): "Remembrance of the expulsion of the Schambek Germans in April 1946."

See also

Web links


  1. At the inauguration, Hungarian President László Sólyom apologized for the expulsion of the Hungarian Germans after 1945.