List of Andorran Ambassadors to the United States

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The Andorran ambassador to the UN headquarters in New York City is also regularly accredited to the governments in Washington, DC , Quebec and Mexico City .

Its address is 2 United Nations Plaza , XXVII New York City.

Appointed Accredited Surname Remarks appointed while he was in government accredited at Leave post
Dec 5, 1995 Feb 6, 1996 July Minoves Triquell Òscar Ribas Reig Bill Clinton
May 16, 2001 Sep 1 2007 Jelena Pià Comella Chargé d'affaires Marc Forné Molné George W. Bush
March 14, 2008 Apr 9, 2008 Carles Font-Rossell Albert Pintat Santolària
Nov 2, 2009 Nov 4, 2009 Narcis Casal de Fondeviela Jaume Bartumeu Cassany Barack Obama

Individual evidence

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