List of organizations in exile directed against socialist Yugoslavia

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This is a list of the organizations of emigrants who acted against the socialist state of Yugoslavia (1945–1991) from exile and / or were assigned by the state organs to the hostile “Yugoslav political emigration” ( jugoslovenska politička emigracija ).

The majority of the emigre organizations existed until the breakup of Yugoslavia at the latest ; some of them persist to this day.

Serbian exile organizations

Croatian exile organizations

Slovenian exile organizations

At least four organizations (named by Đorđević, see literature).

Albanian exile organizations

Macedonian exile organizations

At least two organizations (named by Đorđević, see literature).

Pro-Soviet and Yugoslav exile organizations

At least two organizations (named by Đorđević, see literature).

See also


  • Obren Ž. Đorđević: Osnovi državne bezbednosti [Basics of State Security] . 3. Edition. Viša škola unutrašnjih poslova, Beograd 1987. Quoted from Marko Lopušina: Ubij bližnjeg svog [Kill your neighbor] . Agencija TEA Books, 2014, ISBN 978-86-6329-139-3 .
  • Milenko Doder: Jugoslavenska neprijateljska emigracija [The Yugoslav enemy emigration] (=  Anatomija zavjere . Volume 6 ). Centar za informacije i publicitet, Zagreb 1989, ISBN 978-86-7125-050-4 .
  • Mate Nikola Tokić: Diaspora Politics and Transnational Terrorism: An Historical Case Study . Ed .: European University Institute - Robert Schuman Center for Advanced Studies. August 2009, ISSN  1028-3625 ( [PDF]).