Balli Kombëtar

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Balli Kombëtar units marching into Prizren (1944)

The Balli Kombëtar ( German : National Front ) was an Albanian - nationalist and anti-communist organization, which was founded in November 1942 by Ali Këlcyra and Midhat Frashëri , among others . During the Second World War she fought first against the Italian and later against the German occupiers in Albania. However, parts of the Balli Kombëtar also worked with the Axis powers . When they occupied Greece and Yugoslavia , they helped the Wehrmacht to fight against the communists in the interior of the country and against the Yugoslavs.

Balli Kombëtar aimed for the unity of the ethnic Albanians in a single independent state, Greater Albania , which, in addition to Albania , was to include southern Montenegro , Kosovo , western Macedonia and Epirus . In 1943, the Albanian Communist Party declared war on the Balli Kombëtar for leadership in the resistance against the occupiers and ultimately prevailed until autumn 1944. The Balli Kombëtar members were either jailed, killed or fled into exile , mainly to Western Europe or the United States .

After the end of the communist regime, a right-wing splinter party was founded in Albania , which referred to the traditions of Balli Kombëtar and took the name of this movement ( Partia Balli Kombëtar ).
