List of Portuguese Davis Cup players

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The list of Portuguese Davis Cup players includes all tennis players who have played for the Portuguese Davis Cup team since first participating in the Davis Cup in 1925 .

The players are arranged alphabetically by family name. Current status of the list: Davis Cup 2011.

Overall score: 0: 4
Individual balance: 0: 2
Double balance: 0: 2
Overall balance: 1: 8
Individual balance: 1: 5
Double balance: 0: 3
Overall balance: 1: 5
Individual balance: 1: 5
Double balance: 0: 0
Overall score: 0: 7
Individual balance: 0: 4
Double balance: 0: 3
Total balance: 10:15
Individual balance: 5: 8
Double balance: 5: 7
Total balance: 24:15
Individual balance: 11:10
Double balance: 13: 5
Overall balance: 1: 9
Individual balance: 1: 8
Double balance: 0: 1
Overall score: 37:40
Individual balance: 25:28
Double balance: 12:12
Overall score: 0: 3
Individual balance: 0: 0
Double balance: 0: 3
Overall balance: 2: 6
Individual balance: 1: 3
Double balance: 1: 3
Overall balance: 1: 1
Individual balance: 1: 1
Double balance: 0: 0
Overall score: 26:16
Individual balance: 16: 9
Double balance: 10: 7
Overall balance: 0: 1
Individual balance: 0: 1
Double balance: 0: 1
Overall balance: 0: 2
Individual balance: 0: 1
Double balance: 0: 1
Overall score: 1-0
Individual balance: 1: 0
Double balance: 0: 0
Overall score: 3:11
Individual balance: 3: 8
Double balance: 0: 3
Overall balance: 0: 1
Individual balance: 0: 1
Double balance: 0: 0
Overall balance: 2: 4
Individual balance: 2: 3
Double balance: 0: 1
Overall score: 11:14
Individual balance: 11:13
Double balance: 0: 1
Overall score: 0: 3
Individual balance: 0: 2
Double balance: 0: 1
Overall score: 32:26
Individual balance: 21:18
Double balance: 11: 8
Overall balance: 0: 2
Individual balance: 0: 2
Double balance: 0: 0
Overall score: 16:14
Individual balance: 10:11
Double balance: 6: 3
Overall balance: 1: 2
Individual balance: 0: 2
Double balance: 1-0
Overall score: 6:10
Individual balance: 5: 4
Double balance: 1: 6
Overall balance: 0: 2
Individual balance: 0: 2
Double balance: 0: 0
Overall score: 0: 3
Individual balance: 0: 2
Double balance: 0: 1
Overall score: 1-0
Individual balance: 1: 0
Double balance: 0: 0
Overall score: 0: 5
Individual balance: 0: 4
Double balance: 0: 1
Overall score: 0: 8
Individual balance: 0: 2
Double balance: 0: 6
Overall balance: 0: 2
Individual balance: 0: 2
Double balance: 0: 0
Overall score: 0: 7
Individual balance: 0: 4
Double balance: 0: 3
Overall balance: 0: 2
Individual balance: 0: 1
Double balance: 0: 1
Overall balance: 0: 2
Individual balance: 0: 1
Double balance: 0: 1
Overall balance: 2: 6
Individual balance: 1: 4
Double balance: 1: 2
Overall balance: 1: 4
Individual balance: 1: 3
Double balance: 0: 1
Overall balance: 2: 1
Individual balance: 2: 1
Double balance: 0: 0
Overall balance: 5: 3
Individual balance: 5: 3
Double balance: 0: 0
Overall score: 15:16
Individual balance: 5: 9
Double balance: 10: 7
Overall score: 0: 3
Individual balance: 0: 0
Double balance: 0: 3
Overall score: 9:26
Individual balance: 7:18
Double balance: 2: 8
Overall balance: 2: 8
Individual balance: 2: 6
Double balance: 0: 2
Overall score: 9:17
Individual balance: 8:10
Double balance: 1: 7
Overall balance: 0: 2
Individual balance: 0: 2
Double balance: 0: 0