List of German prefixes

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In German grammar , prefixes appear as preceding word parts of verbs , adjectives and nouns . The most common is the use of prefixes with verbs. The resulting new words can belong to completely different semantic fields than the root words.

Prefixes with verbs

With relatively few stem verbs, new verbs can be created using prefixes. The German language allows separation of some prefixes. In this case one speaks of a particle , usually a preposition, and the emphasis is on this part of the word. Some prefixes can form both forms. z. B. has bypassed depending on the emphasis on two meanings: The car drives around the obstacle or the car drives the person to .

The form of the matrix is ​​intended to illustrate the frequency distribution of prefixes and the ability of verbs to prefix .

The most common prefixes of the most common German verbs
Prefixes Verbs
from on on out be at represent on by a ent he away free ge here down Behind high With to deep over around under ver in front path zer to verb
+ + + + - + + + ± + - - + + - + + - + + + + ± ± ± - + + - + (detachable)
from on out be by a he away free here down high With to over around ver in front path to work
from on on out be by a he away down Behind high to deep over around under ver in front to to build
from on by a down high around ver path to to bend
from on on out at by a ent high over around under ver in front to tie
on on out represent ent ge With over under ver Offer
from on on out on by away free Behind high With to deep over under ver in front path stay
on on out by a he away here down high to deep over around in front path to look
from on out by a ent to over ver in front path burn
from on on out at represent by a he away free here down Behind high With to over around under ver in front path to bring
on out be by away down to over last
on out be away here down high to around path interpret
from on on out at by a down over around ver path to rotate
from on on out be by a he away free here down high to over around under ver in front path zer to to press
from on out With over in front path eat
from on on out be at by a ent he away free here down high With to over around under ver in front path zer to drive
from on on out be by a ent away free ge here down high to deep over around ver in front path zer to fall
from on on out be by a ent he away free here down high With to deep over around under ver in front path to to fly
from on on at a around under ver path to catch
from on on be by a he down to around under ver to grasp
from on out be by a he away here down high in front Find
from on on a he to over under demand
from on out be by he away down Behind to over around in front ask
from on on out by a over path zer eat
from on on out by a ent away free here down high With to over around under ver in front path to to lead
from on on out be at on by a he away free here down With to over around under ver in front path to give
from on on out be at on by a ent he away free here down Behind high With to deep over around under ver in front path zer to go
from on ent away around ver be valid
from on on out be by a he high to deep over around under ver in front to to grab
from on on out be on by a ent he free here down high With to deep around under ver in front path to hold
from on on out be at on by a he away free down high With to deep over around under ver in front path to hang
from on on out be ent he high over under ver to lift
from on out at a he here down high to over in front path to fetch
from on on by a he ge here down With to over around ver path to Listen
from on he ver in front clarify
from on out be at by a away high to over around ver in front zer Cook
from on on out be at on by a ent away free here down high With to over around under ver in front path to come
on be by he ge here down high to ver long
from on on out by a ent he away free here down Behind high With to over around under ver in front path zer to to run
from on on out be by a ent he away free here down Behind high to deep over around under ver in front path zer to to let
from on on out be at represent by a he away free here down Behind high to deep over around under ver in front path zer to lay
on out be represent ent he away here down to over around ver in front path lend
from on out by a away ge here down high to over around ver path to conduct
from on on out by a he away here With to over around ver in front zer read
on on out be by he Behind to to shine
be ent away ge here down high to over ver path praise
from on on out on by a away free here down With to ver in front path to do
on on be ver in front notice
from on on out be on by a ent away free here down high With to over under ver in front path to to take
from on on out be at a ent away down high to deep around ver in front path to pack
on out represent by a he away ge here down high to over in front path to pass
from on on out by a ent away here down high With around ver path zer tear
from on be by a away here down With to over around ver in front path run
on on be at represent by a here around under ver to stir
from on on out by ent here down With to under ver in front to say
from on on out be by he With ver path drink
from on be at by he away free here down high With to around ver in front path create
out be at by a ent away high deep over ver in front sleep
from on on out be by a he away down to over around under ver in front to write
from on on out be by a he away here down high to over around ver in front path to see
from out a ent away free here down high to over around ver in front path send
from on by a deep under ver reduce
from on on out be at on by a ent he away free down high to deep over around under ver in front path zer to put
from by a down deep under ver path sink
from on on out be at by a to in front sit
out be by ent to over around under ver in front to to care
from on on out be by ent free here down With to over ver in front to speak
from on on be at by a ent he free ge high to deep over around ver in front to stand
from on on out be by a ent he high to over around ver in front path to climb
from on on out be at represent by a ent he free here down high to deep over around under ver in front path to put
from on on out by a away free here down high to deep over around under ver in front path zer to bump
from on on out be by he to under ver search
from on on out be at a he away free here down high to over around ver in front path to wear
on on be a over to to meet
from on on out be at by a away here down Behind high to over around under ver in front path to float
from on on out be at by a he away here down to over ver in front path zer to to step
from on on out be a he away With to over around ver in front path to drink
from on on out be represent a away here down high With to over around ver in front path to to do
on on out be by a ent he away high With to over around ver in front to to grow
from out be by a he away here down With under path to hike
from on he waiting
from on on out be by a ent away here down high to over around under ver in front path to throw
on on away here down high in front path to demonstrate
from on on out be at by a ent he away here down Behind high With to deep over around under ver in front path to pull

Less common verbal prefixes

Separable prefixes:
apart, up, against, along, in two, far, firm, for, against, opposite, home, after, go, next, down, further, right, back, together

Inseparable prefixes:
a, de (s), dis, miss, ge, im, in, non, re, un

Prefixes that are both separable and inseparable:
against, again, failed

Prefixes with adjectives and nouns

The parts of speech verb, adjective and noun can be derived from each other. Often adjectives and nouns are derived from verbs. From deal can immediately and bypass are formed. Adjectives and nouns that are not derived from verbs usually have their own prefixes that do not appear in verbs. It happens that new words are spontaneously formed that are not yet lexically recorded. Multiple prefixings are also possible. Prefixes that can be used as stand-alone words are called semi-prefixes .

Prefixes with adjectives

German prefixes to selected German adjectives
Prefixes Adjectives
except within bitter blood fire ore reason high cross to seem floor deep death over U.N under ur full in front adjective
ur old
reason high deep over U.N decent
bitter seem poor
high seem over full automatically
except U.N full in front professional
except over U.N full in front operational
bitter ore reason angry
ore reason cross seem U.N ur well-behaved
except within ore reason high seem U.N ur full German
blood fire reason high U.N full tight
ore reason cross seem floor U.N stupid
over under average
high seem U.N noble
reason high seem deep U.N honest
fire high seem over in front hurried
reason high death over U.N full elegant
bitter blood reason high seem deep death over U.N ur full serious
cross fidel
floor dark
reason high seem over U.N exactly
to U.N straight
high over U.N happy
reason over U.N Well
blood young
bitter cold
high U.N ur funny
ore reason high floor U.N ur conservative
death over tired
over national
over U.N Naturally
fire New
except reason U.N in front legally
over regional
seem over U.N full ripe
ore reason high seem floor deep U.N religious
reason high seem death over U.N for sure
over under full constantly
floor U.N stiff
floor U.N deaf
seem U.N dead

Latin and Greek prefixes to German adjectives:
a, anti, bi, des, dis, endo, epi, extra, hetero, homo, homöo, hyper, hypo, in, inter, intra, iso, mono, multi, non, pan, para, peri, poly, post, pre, pro, pseudo, quasi, semi, sub, super, supra, trans, ultra

Prefixes with nouns

German prefixes to selected German nouns
Prefixes Nouns
From On Be Miss Ge Miss Upper over Around U.N Under To noun
From On Be over U.N To case
Around field
On Be Miss Miss over To Handle
Upper Under House
On Around circle
From On Miss Upper over Around To management
over U.N Under human
Ge Noise
From On Be Around Under To sentence
U.N total
From On Be Miss Miss Upper over Around Under To was standing
From Under To Hike
From over Around To path
Upper Around Under world
Ge Whither
Ge Fidget

Latin prefixes to German nouns:
Ex, Vize

See also


Web links

Wiktionary: Particle verb  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations
Wiktionary: preposition  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations
Wiktionary: Prefix  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations
Wiktionary: half prefix  - explanations of meanings, word origins , synonyms, translations
Wiktionary: Prefixoid  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations
Wiktionary: Particles  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. We encounter spontaneous word creations through prefixes and half prefixes every day in the media. It remains to be seen whether these neologisms will establish themselves permanently. The German vocabulary is therefore affected by constant immigration and emigration.
  2. For examples of the semantic fields, see Kaválková: Semantic performance of the prefixes in German verbs .
  3. Joachim Ringelnatz forms a satirical sentence in his Turner March : “ Unfold the flags! “By making the non-separable prefix ent a preposition.
  4. Mark Twain in the appendix has his book A Tramp Abroad ( " A Tramp Abroad ", 1880) the famous essay The Awful German Language ( " The Awful German Language published"). It humorously quotes typical German formulations that cause particular difficulties for foreigners. In particular, the tendency to put the verb at the end of a long box sentence, and even worse, to place the prefix of a separable verb far away from the root verb, is an obstacle to reading from his Anglo-Saxon point of view.
  5. The grammar-Duden called the frequency distribution of verbal prefixes as follows:
    45% comparable
    25% loading
    15% corresponds
    10% ER
    5% all other
  6. The diploma thesis by Kaválková shows a good representation of the ability to prefix German verbs.
  7. The most common verbs of the German language can from the vocabulary project of the University of Leipzig ( Memento of the original August 11, 2015 Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link is automatically inserted and not yet tested. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. be determined. Some of these verbs have already emerged through prefixing. With words like "begin, lose, win" the associated root words have already disappeared from the vocabulary. Some verbs are obviously not suitable for prefixing, especially the modal verbs may, can, like, must, should and want . Verbs with multiple prefixes were therefore preferred in this list. Verbs that are derived from adjectives or nouns and verbs that are already prefixed have been neglected. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  8. The prefix ge is not to be confused with the syllable ge involved in the conjugation of a verb for generating the perfect tense , the Plusquamperfekts and Futur II together with his or have used. The verbs of the sentences He has fallen and He has fallen therefore have completely different meanings.
  9. Separable prefixes are marked with " + ", non-separable prefixes with " - " and, if both apply, with " ± ".
  10. a b c By clicking this column can be sorted in ascending or descending order. In the case of prefixes, this sorting is equivalent to a grouping, since there are only two instances in a prefix column. To get the original sorting according to root words, just click on the head of the right column.
  11. The spelling sec shows only a single adjective with the prefix after that is not derived from a verb or a noun. The obsolete nachgerade is only used as an adverb.
  12. George Orwell invented a radically simplified language "for his book" 1984 " newspeak " (Newspeak) that no antonyms allowed because this by the prefix un are formed. In German, the form “ungut” is also common, but not its increments “plusunut” and “doppelplusunut”.
  13. a b c The prefix Ge causes a modification of the root word in the form of umlaut formation , omission or suffix .