Literature database Lower Saxony

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The Lower Saxony literature database is a database that can be searched via the Internet and aims to show the diversity of literature and its communication in Lower Saxony. The project started in 2008 was redesigned in 2013 and supplemented with contributions. The concept was developed by the non-profit association Literaturhaus Hannover , which maintains the database with funding from the Lower Saxony Ministry for Science and Culture and continuously supplements it with new media contributions.

The database can be searched with various queries:

  1. By the end of 2019, more than 500 authors from the Middle Ages to contemporary authors were recorded in Epochem using the “Author Search”.
  2. Using the database query under the keyword “Landgang”, you can find comments and texts on landscapes in Lower Saxony, for example by Goethe , Heinrich Heine or Georg Christoph Lichtenberg , but also by people who are lesser known today. The fonts selected and researched by Heiko Postma in particular also capture supposedly exotic texts such as those by Mark Twain , Jerome K. Jerome or Samuel Beckett .
  3. Via the “Institutions” input field, the database also shows the locations and addresses of archives, libraries, literary houses, publishers, foundations, associations, literary societies, literary museums and memorials as well as magazines and media published in Lower Saxony that provide literature. These include universities such as the Herzog August Library in Wolfenbüttel.
  4. A search function in the Lower Saxony literature database provides works in the Low German language .
  5. "Prizes and Scholarships" show awards and funding opportunities, advanced training opportunities and specializations, especially for the next generation. The initiatives and institutions of cultural education shown, such as the Friedrich-Bödecker-Kreis, are networked across national borders.
  6. The query on "Events" shows programs and projects related to the literary scene with its current authors, publishers, bookshops and organizers that shape the present. In addition to the institutions of cultural education, initiatives to promote reading are shown as well as the local libraries. The literary houses in Braunschweig, Göttingen, Hanover, Lüneburg, Oldenburg and Osnabrück, conceived in particular as centers for advice on authors and multipliers and as contact persons for those interested in literature, are highlighted.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g o. V .: About this database / Literature in Lower Saxony / About the project on the page [undated], last accessed on November 14, 2019