Little Moltke Harbor

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Little Moltke Harbor
Waters Royal Bay
Land mass South Georgia
Geographical location 54 ° 32 '30 "  S , 36 ° 5' 39"  W Coordinates: 54 ° 32 '30 "  S , 36 ° 5' 39"  W
Little Moltke Harbor (South Georgia)
Little Moltke Harbor
Tributaries Ross glacier

The Little Moltke Harbor ( English for Kleiner Moltke-Hafen ) is a small side bay of the Royal Bay on the north coast of South Georgia . It is located between Cape Pirner and the ice cliffs of the Ross glacier and 1.5 km south of the Moltke harbor .

The name, which has now become established, goes back to seal hunters and is derived from the nearby Moltke harbor, which is named after the research ship SMS Moltke . This served a German research group who mapped the bay during the First International Polar Year (1882-1883).

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