Lolog barberry

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Lolog barberry
Class : Bedecktsamer (Magnoliopsida)
Order : Buttercups (Ranunculales)
Family : Barberry family (Berberidaceae)
Genre : Barberries ( Berberis )
Type : Lolog barberry
Scientific name
Berberis × lologensis

The Lolog barberry ( Berberis × lologensis ) is a nature hybrid of the linear-leaved barberry ( Berberis longifolia ) and Berberis darwinii . It was found by Harold Comber in 1927 near Lake Lolog in Argentina .


The medium-sized, evergreen shrub has differently shaped leaves. Both whole-edged and prickly leaves can be found on this plant . The upper side of the leaf is glossy dark green, the underside blue-green. The three-part leaf spines are at most 5 mm long.

Orange-yellow flowers hang in clusters of three to nine in corymbs .


Like many other barberries, this plant species and its varieties are used as an ornamental shrub.

Cultivated forms

Different forms are known:

  • 'Apricot Queen' is a shrub with pale orange flowers.
  • 'Highdown' is short and stocky; the leaf spines are curved like claws.
  • The 'Mystery Fire' and 'Stapehill' varieties have intense orange flowers.


  • Jost Fitschen: Woody flora . Edited by Franz H. Meyer, 11. Erw. and corrected edition, Wiebelsheim, Quelle and Meyer, 2002, ISBN 3-494-01268-7
  • The Hillier Trees & Shrubs . Edited by John Kelly and John Hillier, 1st ed., Braunschweig, Thalacker-Medien, 1997, ISBN 3-87815-086-5