Lonneke Slöetjes

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Lonneke Slöetjes
Lonneke Slöetjes 10 Vakıfbank SK TWVL 20180426 (2) (cropped) .jpg
Date of birth November 15, 1990
place of birth Varsseveld , Netherlands
size 1.91 m
position Diagonal and outside / assumption
since 2015
VCV Varsseveld
Longa 59 Lichtenvoorde
Heutink Pollux
USC Münster
Yamamay Busto Arsizio
Schweriner SC
Vakıfbank Güneş Sigorta İstanbul
National team
since 2008
Youth / junior national team
A national team
Dutch runner-up
Final Four Top Teams Cup
Dutch runner-up
Dutch runner-up
5th place European Youth Championship
6th place Junior World Championship
Vice European Champion

As of October 13, 2015

Lonneke Slöetjes (born November 15, 1990 in Varsseveld , Netherlands ) is a Dutch volleyball player .

Lonneke Slöetjes was active in her youth at the local club VCV Varsseveld . In 2006 she moved to Longa 59 Lichtenvoorde , where she reached the Final Four of the European Top Teams Cup in her first season and became Dutch runner-up. In 2009 she moved to league competitor Heutink Pollux Oldenzaal , with whom she was Dutch runner-up twice in a row. From 2011 to 2013 Lonneke Slöetjes played in the German Bundesliga at USC Münster . Then she moved to the top Italian club Yamamay Busto Arsizio .

After the Italian club Ornavasso Volley, where she was on the team list for the 2014/15 season, did not receive a license, she moved back to Germany for Schweriner SC on the third day of the season . In 2015 Slöetjes moved to Vakıfbank Güneş Sigorta İstanbul in Turkey .

Lonneke Slöetjes has played in the Dutch youth and junior national team since 2006. At the European Youth Championships 2007 she reached fifth place and at the 2009 Junior World Championships she finished sixth. Since 2008 she has also been a fixture in the senior national team , with which she became vice European champion in her own country in 2015 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Strengthened to Hamburg. (No longer available online.) Schweriner SC, November 1, 2014, archived from the original on November 1, 2014 ; accessed on November 1, 2014 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / schweriner-sc.com
  2. Droomtransfer voor Sloetjes en Buijs. Volleyball crane, June 6, 2015, accessed October 12, 2015 .