Looking for Rohmer

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Original title Looking for Rohmer
Country of production France ,
original language French ,
Mandarin ,
Publishing year 2015
length 83 minutes
Director Chao Wang
script Chao Wang
production Olivier Aknin ,
Jianmin Lv
camera Caroline Champetier ,
Jingsong Dong

Looking for Rohmer (also known as Seek McCartney ) is a love drama from the Chinese director Chao Wang . The Franco-Chinese co-production is the first commercial film to break censorship in China despite a gay plot.


Zhao Jie, who comes from China, and the Frenchman Rohmer have a secret relationship. You decide to travel to Tibet . During their trip, they are involved in an accident in which a child loses his life. Even if they weren't responsible for the accident, they both feel guilty. They go their separate ways after an argument.

Zhao Jie later learns that Rohmer had an accident on a glacier, and when he looks for him there, he learns that Rohmer is dead. Zhao Jie travels to France with a feeling of remorse , his friend's ashes with him. There he wants to take care of the ex-girlfriend of his former partner, with whom he had a secret relationship for six years, and visit his mother to give her Rohmer's ashes.


Jérémie Elkaïm , here at the Festival du Film de Cabourg 2015, already played a gay in Presque Rien

The film was produced by Olivier Aknin and Jianmin Lv . Directed by Chao Wang , who also wrote the screenplay for the film.

The Chinese pop singer and actor Han Geng / Geng Han took on the role of Zhao Jie, Jérémie Elkaïm plays his French friend Rohmer, who has already appeared in a gay-themed film in Presque Rien . The French actors Renaud Cohen , Alice de Lencquesaing and Hélène Vincent can also be seen in other roles .

The film was shot in Tibet and France. The cost of production was around $ 8 million.

The film celebrated its world premiere in October 2015 as part of the Busan International Film Festival . Looking for Rohmer is the first fictional film with gay content that is allowed to be shown in China, after films like Brokeback Mountain or Internet films with a gay plot were repeatedly banned by state censors in the past . The Chinese authorities had given their approval twelve months.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2015/sep/03/china-censor-approves-seek-mccartney-film-cinema-gay-relationship
  2. http://chinafilminsider.com/chinas-first-big-gay-movie-passes-censors/
  3. http://german.cri.cn/3105/2015/09/16/1s240396.htm