Lorenz Rollhäuser

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Lorenz Rollhäuser (* 1953 in Marburg ) is a German radio author.


Rollhäuser studied education at the University of Münster . He has been working for ARD since 1990 , where he mainly works as a feature and radio play author. Lorenz Rollhäuser lives in Berlin . He is spokesman for the Park Council of Görlitzer Park in Berlin-Kreuzberg .


  • 2006: Kongo Gold - Out and about with the miners in the province of Ituri (also director) ( Feature - DeutschlandRadio Kultur )
  • 2006: Khat - A drug in times of globalization (also director) ( Feature - WDR )
  • 2007: Perfect Body Tuning - Doping as a System (also direction) ( Feature - WDR )
  • 2008: Mutters Schatten - Kehraus im parental home (also director) ( Feature - NDR )
  • 2009: He who lives, disturbs - Private climate strategies (also direction) ( Feature - SWR )
  • 2009: When Neighbors Become Enemies - The Politics of Violence in Kenya (also director) ( Feature - WDR )
  • 2010: Out of Control - Doping in Football (also directed) ( Feature - ARD Radio Feature )
  • 2010: The Kakao Studios - the theater maker and dancer Faustin Linyekula from Kisangani (also director) ( Feature - Deutschlandfunk )
  • 2010: Through the Night - A Journey to the Congo (also director) ( Feature - SWR )
  • 2011: Oil for ten days - The Yasuní initiative of Ecuador (also director) ( Feature - NDR )
  • 2012: Tante Friedel - A Visit to Northern Germany (also director) ( Feature - NDR )
  • 2013: Shopping in China - African dealers in Guangzhou (also director) ( Feature - NDR )
  • 2014: Kreuzberg from above - An attempt on money and morality (also direction) ( Feature - DeutschlandRadio Kultur )
  • 2017: A Love for Black - My Colonial Inner Life, revisited (also directed) ( Feature - NDR )
  • 2017: House of White Men - Humboldt Forum, Shared Heritage and Dealing with the "Other" (also director) ( Feature - DeutschlandRadio Kultur )
  • 2018: Painkillers - The Opiate Crisis in the USA (also director) ( Feature - NDR )
  • 2019: Reset in the rainforest - The hype about Ayahuasca (also director) ( Feature - Deutschlandfunk Kultur )
  • 2020: Frontera - People and Walls on the Mexico - USA Border (also director) ( Feature - NDR )


  • Prix ​​Europa 2008 ("best European radio feature") for Mutters Schatten - Kehraus im Elternhaus (NDR)
  • Ernst Schneider Prize 2014 for shopping in China - African traders in Guangzhou , (editor Ulrike Toma), NDR / SWR
  • Dokka Prize 2014 ("excellent audio documentation") for Kreuzberg from above - an experiment on money and morals (DeutschlandRadio Kultur)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. https://www.rbb-online.de/kontraste/archiv/kontraste-vom-25-07-2019/Wie-Rot-Rot-Gruen-in-Berlin-Drogendealer-schont.html
  2. ^ Ernst Schneider Prize for NDR / SWR radio feature