Lorenzo Maitani

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Orvieto Cathedral

Lorenzo Maitani (* around 1275 in Siena , † 1330 in Orvieto ) was an architect and sculptor of the Italian Gothic .

Live and act

Maitani was the son of the sculptor Vitale di Lorenzo (called Matano). From 1310 until his death he worked as a builder on the cathedral of Orvieto , which Arnolfo di Cambio had started. The design and the west facade begun in 1310 are attributed to him. This work, made of white marble, is considered "one of the most magnificent works of Gothic architecture". He was probably one of the highest paid masters of his time. In the years 1317 and 1319-1321 he was commissioned as an expert to repair the aqueducts of Perugia and did not stay in Orvieto. Further works were the design for the construction of the castle of Montefalco and the restoration of the castle of Castiglione del Lago , both in Perugia.


Individual evidence

  1. CR Nyblom: Mäitäni, Lorenzo . In: Theodor Westrin (Ed.): Nordisk familjebok konversationslexikon och realencyklopedi . 2nd Edition. tape 17 : Lux-Mekanik . Nordisk familjeboks förlag, Stockholm 1912, Sp. 554 (Swedish, runeberg.org ).
  2. Orvieto . In: Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon . 6th edition. Volume 15, Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig / Vienna 1908, p.  155 .
  3. ^ J. Wiener: Lorenzo Maitani and the Orvieto Cathedral - a description. Petersberg 2009.
  4. Lorenzo Maitani. itinerarintoscana.it, accessed September 27, 2019 .