Lorna Bracewell

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Lorna Bracewell (* 1984 in Saint Petersburg , Florida ) is an American singer-songwriter and guitarist.


She started as an indie rocker even before high school, sang and took over the drums , and wrote her own material early on. Her debut album Don't Stop Now from 2001 contains 13 recordings from her live band Crosseyed and from the garage studio, which document her willingness to experiment.

She has been making a living as a professional musician since graduating from high school. Usually she is on stage without an accompanying band. She also teaches gender studies , songwriting and stage performance at various colleges . She tours Florida constantly, occasionally through other US states. She has toured Europe several times, in 2003, 2006 and 2007 she completed several weeks of “Acoustic Club” tours through Germany, the Czech Republic and Denmark.

The second album Little Miss Obvious from 2003 contains mostly original pieces, including four tracks produced by Richard Serotta. Her rock arranged cover version of Amazing Grace is popular. The album God Forbid , released two years later, contained three pieces by her that made it onto the shortlist of the International Songwriting Competition .

Her live DVD from 2005 was created in connection with her civic and women's rights engagement at concerts for the organization Community Action Stops Abuse (CASA). She founded On this Earth: Art to Inform, Enlighten and Empower , a concert series against racial and sexual violence and for religious tolerance. In 2006 she was allowed to take over support as a heat-up for The Pretenders . She also toured with the Little River Band in 2004 as an opening act.

The album Flowers on the Chains , released in 2007, alludes to a quote from Karl Marx in the title. It is even more rocking than its predecessor, contains not only original compositions, but also energetic, groovy cover versions by the early Rolling Stones and Bob Dylan .

Lorna Bracewell is not infrequently compared to the singer-songwriter role model Ani DiFranco , an artist who writes with similar self-confidence in her performance and is just as musically versatile. Her deeper, voluminous alto voice, her groove on the Jumbo Taylor guitar and her funny, self-ironic entertainer qualities on stage clearly distinguish her from a copy.


  • Don't Stop Now debut album (2001)
  • Little Miss Obvious Album (2003)
  • God Forbid Album (2005)
  • Live for CASA Live album, CD and DVD (2005)
  • Flowers on the Chains Album (2007)
  • Released Best of Live Album Compilation (2010)

Awards (selection)

  • Winner of the Life Arts Peninsula Foundation Young Florida Writer's Competition (2002)
  • Nomination for Best Solo Artist (2006) by the Florida State Programming Awards
  • Member of the Florida State Touring Program 2006-2008 of the Florida Division of Cultural Affairs (Florida Department of Culture)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. according to their press kit, which contains several references
  2. according to self-assessment, the author does not know more about the competition ( memento of the original from September 29, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.lornabracewell.com
  3. ^ Message from Weinhof-Reinheim
  4. a b Review from June 2007 from Marburg