Louis Hackspill

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Louis Hackspill (born June 29, 1871 in Busendorf , Lorraine district , German Empire , † December 19, 1945 in Maincourt ) was a Franco-German politician and clergyman.

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Hack Spill studied in Metz , Rome and Paris theology . In 1895 he was ordained a priest in Metz and was awarded a doctorate in theology in 1896 . After a position as vicar in Thionville , he taught from 1902 to 1907 at the Institut catholique in Toulouse . In 1907 he became pastor of Saulny .

From 1911 to 1918 he was a member of the Second Chamber of the Landtag of the Reichsland Alsace-Lorraine for the Lorraine Center Party for the constituency of St. Avold . From 1919 to 1924 Hackspill was a member of the French Chamber of Deputies for the Union républicaine lorraine .

In 1918 Hackspill took over the editorship of the Lothringer Volkszeitung (La libre Lorraine) . In 1927 he took over the pastorate in Maincourt . During the Second World War , Hackspill fled to the Ariège department . After the war, shortly after his return to his pastor, he died.


  • Qui êtes-vous? Annuaire des contemporains. 1924.

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