Louis Marie Baptiste Atthalin

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Louis Marie Baptiste Atthalin

Louis Marie Baptiste Atthalin, Baron Atthalin (born June 22, 1784 near Colmar , Département Haut-Rhin , † September 3, 1856 ) was a French officer , politician and painter .

Military career

Baron Atthalin became a student at the École polytechnique on November 1, 1802 . On September 23, 1804 he became an officer candidate, on November 17, 1806, Lieutenant and Captain on September 16, 1808.

He served in Napoleon's Grande Armée between 1806 and 1807. Napoleon made him aide de camp on April 14, 1811 . Atthalin was appointed commander of a battalion two years later, on November 18, 1813. On March 15, 1814, he became a colonel. On April 26, 1815, during the rule of the Hundred Days , he was appointed commander of the engineering corps in Landau.

On August 12, 1830, King Louis-Philippe I appointed Atthalin, now a general, Maréchal de camp . Atthalin was sent to Russia by the king to announce his reign. From 1831 to 1836 he was a member of the Chambre des Pairs . Atthalin served the July monarchy faithfully and was promoted to Lieutenant General on November 16, 1840 . In 1840 he took part in the ceremony at which the remains of Napoleon Bonaparte were solemnly buried in Paris . He presented the king with Napoleon's sword, which he had carried in Austerlitz and Marengo . However, the king asked Henri-Gatien Bertrand to put the sword on the coffin. When the Orléans family had to go into exile, he lost his titles. He retired on August 14, 1848.
