Louis Stuijt

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Louis Stuijt (1973)

Lodewijk "Louis" Benedictus Johannes Stuijt (different spelling of the name: Stuyt ; * June 16, 1914 in Amsterdam ; † October 30, 2000 in The Hague ) was a Dutch doctor and politician of the Katholieke Volkspartij (KVP), who was Minister for health and environment in the cabinet of Prime Minister Barend Biesheuvel was. The internist was the first doctor to take on a ministerial office in the Netherlands and at the same time the first minister in the country who specifically forEnvironmental protection was responsible. As such, he brought out an urgent notice on environmental protection in 1972, in which a first list of environmental problems was presented. Furthermore, as Minister of Health, together with Minister of Justice Dries van Agt, he presented a broad-based draft law on abortion . Later he was a member of the Council of State in extraordinary service between 1980 and 1984 ( Staatsraad in buitengewone Dienst ) .


Study and doctor

After attending school, Stuijt, the son of an architect , began studying medicine at the University of Amsterdam , which he completed on July 1, 1942, with a medical exam. He then began his professional career on September 15, 1945 as an assistant physician for pathological anatomy at the Roman Catholic H. Johannes de Deo hospital in The Hague , before moving to the Binnengasthuis hospital as an assistant physician for internal medicine on September 1, 1945 Amsterdam moved and worked there until November 1, 1947. During this time he completed his doctorate in medicine on June 1, 1947 at the University of Amsterdam with a dissertation on the subject of Betekenis van de lymphklierfunctie voor de diagnostiek van perifere lymphklierzwellingen .

Thereafter, on June 1, 1947, Stuijt became first lieutenant in the medical service of the Royal Navy ( Koninklijke Marine ) in the Dutch East Indies and worked there until June 1, 1950 as head of the department for internal medicine at the marine hospital in Surabaya and internist in the field hospital of Marines Brigade in Djatiroto .

After his return, he worked again as an internist at the Binnengasthuis Hospital in Amsterdam between June 1 and October 1, 1950 , before becoming head of the department for internal medicine at H. Johannes de Deo from January 1, 1951 to July 1971 . Hospital in The Hague.

Minister and Council of State

Louis Stuijt (back row, 1st from right) with the Biesheuvel cabinet when Queen Juliana took office on July 6, 1971

On July 6, 1971, Stuijt, who had only recently become a member of the Katholieke Volkspartij (KVP), was appointed by Prime Minister Barend Biesheuvel as Minister for Public Health and Environmental Protection (Minister van Volksgezondheid en Milieuhygiëne) in his cabinet. May 1973 belonged.

The internist was the first doctor to take over a ministerial office in the Netherlands and at the same time the first minister in the country to be specifically responsible for environmental protection. As such, he brought out an urgent notice on environmental protection in 1972, in which a first list of environmental problems was presented. Furthermore, as Minister of Health, together with Minister of Justice Dries van Agt, he presented a broad-based draft law on abortion.

For his services as a doctor and minister, he was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Order of the Dutch Lion on June 8, 1973 .

After leaving the government, Stuijt first became chairman of the board of the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research TNO (Nederlandse Organizatie voor toegepast-natuurwetenschappelijk onderzoek) on June 1, 1974 and held this position until June 1, 1980.

He was then appointed on June 2, 1980 as a member of the Council of State, a constitutional body advising the government based in The Hague. There he worked until July 1, 1984 as a State Councilor in extraordinary service (Staatsraad in buitengewone Dienst) .

After leaving the State Council, he was appointed Commander of the Order of Orange-Nassau in 1984.


  • Betekenis van de lymphklierfunctie voor de diagnostiek van perifere lymphklierzwellingen , dissertation, 1947

Web links

  • CV in Parlement & Politiek