Louis de Régemortes

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Louis de Régemortes , also Louis de Règemorte , (* around 1709; † April 18, 1774 in Montargis , Loiret Department ) was a French civil engineer who earned merit in particular as a bridge engineer and dike engineer .

His father was already working under the fortress builder Vauban on the construction of the Neuf-Brisach fortress in Alsace and was responsible for the construction of the canal, later known as Canal Vauban . Later, as a member of the Corps des ingénieurs des ponts et chaussées in Orléans, he was responsible for the dikes on the Loire .

Louis de Régemortes was also Ingénieur des ponts et chaussées. Together with his brother Noël, he was responsible for the dikes of the Loire as well as for the Canal d'Orléans and the Canal du Loing . In this position he had to carry out numerous buildings. He was best known for the bridge from Moulins over the Allier, later called Pont Régemortes . This river, coming from the Massif Central , with its raging floods had repeatedly washed away the bridges of Moulins after a short time, most recently a stone bridge that was about to open. After thorough preliminary studies, Louis de Régemortes had the bridge built between 1753 and 1763 - it has survived all floods to this day and is still the only road bridge between Moulins and the western bank of the river.

Louis de Régemortes described the construction of the bridge and the problems encountered in detail in the work Description du nouveau pont de pierre construit sur la rivière d'Allier à Moulins , published in 1771 .

He died without descendants in Montargis, where he was buried in the church of Sainte-Madeleine .

Individual evidence

  1. These data are taken from the French Wikipedia. However, different dates are mentioned, e.g. B. 1715 - 1776 in the authority file of the Bibliothèque nationale de France , or without a date of birth and with the indication of died around 1775 or 1776 in the biography universelle .
  2. The father was called Jean-Baptiste de Régemorte after the Notices Biographiques , who had the three sons Noël, Antoine and Louis, but according to the biography universelle the father was also called Louis Régemortes and had the two sons Noël and Louis.

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