Lucien Deiss

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Lucien Deiss (born September 2, 1921 in Eschbach (Bas-Rhin) , † October 9, 2007 in Chevilly-Larue ( Val-de-Marne )) was a French priest and theologian as well as composer and poet of hymns.

Deiss joined the Mission Society of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans) in 1942 . He taught at the seminary in Brazzaville , the capital of French Equatorial Africa , until 1948 . After his return to Europe he worked at the Spiritan seminary in Chevilly-Larue. He worked as a liturgical advisor at the Second Vatican Council and campaigned for liturgical reform in the Council for the Implementation of the Constitution of the Sacred Liturgy .

Lucien Deiss created hundreds of liturgical chants and songs, often with biblical texts. Many of his works were distributed in millions of copies. In 1954, for example, he wrote the melody of the song Praise and Praise the Glorious Deeds of the Lord, which is in the Evangelical Hymn book (No. 429) with a German text by Diethard Zils .


Individual evidence

  1. Wolfgang Herbst: News from composers and poets of the Evangelical Hymnbook and comparable hymn books (6), in: Yearbook for Liturgy and Hymnology 49 (2010) , p. 217.