Lucien Magne

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Lucien Magne (born December 27, 1849 in Paris , † July 25, 1916 in Eaubonne ) was a French architect, art and architecture historian and university professor. His focus was on French architecture from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance , 19th century architecture, applied arts and glass painting .

Magne was the son of the Parisian architect Auguste-Joseph Magne (1816–1885) and a grandson of the architect Pierre Magne (1790–1871). His son was the artist Henri-Marcel Magne . He studied at the École des beaux-arts in Paris, where he graduated in 1868. In 1877 he was appointed diocesan architect of the Autun diocese . From 1888 he performed this function in Poitiers and from 1900 he was the deputy general inspector of the diocesan buildings. From 1891 he taught as a professor of architectural history at the École des beaux-arts in Paris. From 1899 until his death he also held a professorship at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers . In 1896 he became a member of the Commission des monumentes historiques , from 1901 he acted as its general inspector ( inspecteur général ). In 1885 he was made a knight and in 1900 an officer of the Legion of Honor .

Publications (selection)

  • L'Art dans l'habitation moderne . Firmin-Didot, Paris 1887.
  • Le Palais de Justice de Poitiers, étude sur l'art français au XIVe et au XVe siècles . Librairie centrale des beaux-arts, Paris 1904.
  • L'Esthétique des Villes . Mercure de France, Paris 1908.

Web links

  • Magne, Lucien on the website of the Institut National de l'Histoire de l'Art
  • Magne Lucien Magne in the repertoire des architectes diocésains du XIXe siècle