Lucio Bukowski

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Lucio Bukowski (2014)

Lucio Bukowski , bourgeois Ludovic Villard (* 1983 in Lyon ) is a French author, rapper, beat musician, composer and poet. His stage name refers to the writer Charles Bukowski . He is also a member of the L'Animalerie group.


Bukowski grew up in Saint-Priest . He sees himself as an underground artist. He is a poet with a poetic as well as anarchist style. His rap has slowly matured through many literary influences such as Dylan Thomas , Charles Bukowski, Dostojewski and Louis Calaferte . One can observe an omnipresent feeling of sadness in his texts.

Bukowski shows through many texts his ideological affiliation with anarchism . He mentions the Russian anarchist Bakunin , the English writer Orwell and the Russian anarchist Kropotkin several times .


Studio albums

  • 2012  : Sans signature
  • 2014  : L'art raffiné de l'ecchymose - with Nestor Kéa
  • 2015  : La Plume et le Brise-Glace - with Anton Serra and Oster Lapwass
  • 2015  : Kiai Sous La Pluie Noire - with Kyo Itachi
  • 2016  : Atman - instrumental album under the name Louise Kabuki
  • 2016  : ORUNT POETAS - with Oster Lapwass
  • 2016  : HOURVARI - with Milka


  • 2010  : Ebauche d'un autoportrait raté - with Oster Lapwass
  • 2011  : Lucio Milkowski - with Milka
  • 2011  : Lucio Milkowski Deux - with Milka
  • 2012  : Le chant du pendu - with Tcheep
  • 2012  : Le feu sacré des grands brûlés - with Oster Lapwass
  • 2013  : La noblesse de l'échec - with Mani Deïz
  • 2013  : Lucio Milkowski Trois - with Milka
  • 2013  : De la survie des fauves en terre modern - with Tcheep
  • 2013  : Opium Hill (under the name Haymaker)
  • 2013  : L'Homme Vivant - with Haymaker
  • 2014  : Golgotha - with Haymaker and Louise Kabuki
  • 2014  : Rhum vieux, amour & Nautilus (under the name Haymaker)
  • 2014  : ... - with Mani Deïz
  • 2014  : Études & collages instrumentaux (under the name Louise Kabuki)
  • 2014  : Tchouen (La difficulté initiale) - with Ludo
  • 2015  : Jours sans Horloges (instrumental music under the name Ludo)
  • 2015  : L'Homme alité
  • 2015  : Jours sans Horloges (vol. 2) (instrumental music under the name Ludo)


  • 2011  : Chansons posthumes et autres titres égarés (2005–2010)
  • 2012  : Saletés poétiques (2007–2012) - with Nestor Kéa


  • 2015  : Ô - with Haymaker, Nestor Kéa and Louise Kabuki under the name Entartete Quartet
  • 2016: LE MONT ANALOGUE - with Giallo & Ignatius Po