Lucio Russo

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Lucio Russo

Lucio Russo (born November 22, 1944 in Venice ) is an Italian physicist , mathematician and historian of science . He teaches at the Tor Vergata University in Rome.

In the history of science, he reconstructed contributions by the Greek astronomer Hipparchus by analyzing his traditional works. He also reconstructed the heliocentrism of Aristarchus of Samos, defended according to Plutarch by Seleukos of Seleukia , and dealt with the history of the tidal theories from Hellenism to the present.

Lucio Russo is the author of The Forgotten Revolution (Italian original title: La rivoluzione dimenticata ), in which he tries to prove that the Greek-speaking countries experienced an explosion of objective knowledge during the period of Hellenism (4th century BC to 2nd century BC) experienced about the outer world. The science of that time was at least as developed as at the beginning of the so-called scientific revolution of the 16th century. Back then there were highly developed technologies that should not be considered again until the 18th century.

In his book L 'America dimenticata , published in 2013, Russo postulates that the American double continent was already known to some ancient civilizations. It is believed to have been discovered by the Phoenicians or the Carthaginians , but this knowledge was lost again during the expansion of Rome during the second century BC.

Individual evidence

  1. Lucio Russo: The forgotten revolution or the rebirth of ancient knowledge. Springer, Berlin 2005, ISBN 3-540-20938-7 , doi : 10.1007 / 3-540-27707-2 , p. 1 (introduction).
  2. Lucio Russo, America dimenticata. I rapporti tra le civiltà e un errore di Tolomeo , Milan (Mondadori Università), 2013